1 | [美] 密西西比皇后城(圣路易斯市 St.Louis别名) | Queen City of the Mississippi | |
2 | 1763年在法国印第安人战争中取得胜利,获得加拿大和密西西比河河谷以东的领土,也取得印度的宗主权。 | With its victory in the French and Indian War (1763), it secured Canada and the eastern Mississippi Valley and gained supremacy in India. | |
3 | A Smith生前住在密西西比州森弗劳尔县,死于约1971年6月l0日。 | That A Smith, late of the County of Sunflower, State of Mississippi , departed this life on or about June 10th, 1971 | |
4 | 埃瓦茨,梅德迦·韦雷1925-1963美国密西西比州的民权活动家,他在约翰·F·肯尼迪总统的支持民权的广播讲话之后不久被狙击手杀害。他未完的工作由他的兄弟查尔斯继续 | American civil rights worker in Mississippi who was killed by a sniper soon after the broadcast of a pro-civil rights speech by President John F.Kennedy.His work was continued by his brother Charles(born1923. | |
5 | 本件于1992年8月4日在密西西比州印第安诺拉市签字。 | GIVEN under my hand at Indianola, Mississippi , this 4th day of AUGUST, 1992. | |
6 | 并聘用了密西西比州印第安诺拉的Clark,Davis&Belk,P.A.律师事务所代理该遗产,该事务所的律师有权因其服务收取合理费用,因而本遗产案应审结。 | and said Executors have employed the law firm of Clark, Davis & Belk, P. A., Indianola, Mississippi to represent said estate, and said attorneys are entitled to a reasonable fee for their services, and this estate should be finally closed; | |
7 | 长篇小说《押沙龙!押沙龙!》中的人物托马斯·塞德潘有着一段与此相似的生活经历,小说中此人试图在19世纪的密西西比州建立一个家族王朝。 | The character Thomas Sutpen in absalom! absalom! has a similar life story, a story in which he attempts to found a family dynasty in Mississippi in the 19th century | |
8 | 除动产外,死者在密西西比州森弗劳尔县还拥有以下土地: | That in addition to personality, decedent departed this life owning lands in Sunflower County, Mississippi , including without limitation, the following: | |
9 | 川滇黔地区MVT铅锌矿床分布、特征及成因 | Distribution, Characteristics and Genesis of Mississippi Valley-Type lead-zinc Deposits in Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou Area | |
10 | 从古地貌观点来看,在密西西比河三角洲复合体内,树枝状和网状的分流模式是三度空间的。 | From a paleogeomorphic point of view, the dentric and anastomosing pattern of distributaries in the Mississippi River delta complex is three dimensional | |
11 | 俄亥俄河流入密西西比河。 | The Ohio empties into the Mississippi . | |
12 | 法国印第安人战争(1754~1763)的结果是把加拿大和密西西比河以东地区割让给英国,密西西比河以西地区给西班牙,法国只保留圣皮埃尔和密克隆两岛。 | The French and Indian War (1754-63)resulted in the cession of Canada and the territory east of the Mississippi River to England and the territory west of the Mississippi to Spain, with France keeping only the islands of St.-Pierre and Miquelon off the coast of Newfoundland. | |
13 | 福克纳记述了密西西比州的生活史。 | Faulkner chronicled the life of Mississippi | |
14 | 该船经过莫农加希拉,然后沿着俄亥俄河行驶到伊利诺伊州的凯罗,在这里它进入密西西比河。 | The boat navigated the Monongahela, then followed the ohio to Cairo, Illinois, where it joins the Mississippi | |
15 | 该通知已刊登在密西西比州森弗劳尔县印第安诺拉出版的Enterprise-Tocsin报纸上,该报纸在该县流通很广, | Said notice having been published in the Enterprise-Tocsin, a newspaper published in Indianola, Sunflower County, Mississippi , having a general circulation in said county, | |
16 | 关于A Smith遗产终局裁决的经证明的副本,其案号为15,135,登录在密西西比州森弗劳尔县的会议记录簿第74号第647页, | and CERTIFIED COPY OF FINAL DECREE IN ESTATE OF A Smith CAUSE NO.J5,135 and RECORDED IN MINUTE BOOK 74 AT PAGE 647.- SUNFLOWER COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI | |
17 | 哈蒂斯堡城密西西比东南一城市,位于杰克逊东南。曾是一个伐木业中心,如今具有各种各样的工业。人口41, | A city of southeast Mississippi southeast of Jackson.Once a lumbering center,it now has varied industries.Population,41,882. | |
18 | 孩子们都爱拼写mississippi。 | Children love to spell mississippi | |
19 | 回到密西西比,回到亚拉巴马,回到南卡罗来纳,回到佐治亚,回到路易斯安那,回到北部城市的贫民窟、贫民区吧!我们知道,这种情况是能够而且迟早总会改变的。 | Go back to Mississippi , go back to alabama, go back to South Carolina, go back to Georgia, go back to Louisiana, go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities, knowing that somehow this situation can and will be changed | |
20 | 加上山普伦、马凯特、拉萨尔、若利埃和其它人的拓展考察,新法兰西的边界扩展到了圣罗伦斯河的下游,包括五大湖和密西西比流域。 | With the explorations by Samuel de Champlain, Jacques Marquette, La Salle, Louis Jolliet, and others, the boundaries of New France expanded beyond the lower St. Lawrence River to include the Great Lakes and the Mississippi Valley. | |
21 | 杰斐逊美国路易斯安那州东南部的一个非自治社区,位于密西西比河河畔,新奥尔良以西。人口15, | An unincorporated community of southeastern Louisiana on the Mississippi River west of New Orleans.Population,15,550. | |
22 | 就这样,汽船来到了密西西比河。 | So steamboating came to the mississippi | |
23 | 哭泣之路-1835年佐治亚州的切罗基人领地发现金矿,一小群切罗基少数民族被迫以五百万美元的补偿放弃密西西比河东部的部落领地。 | Trail of Tears-In 1835, when gold was discovered on Cherokee land in Georgia, a small minority of Cherokee ceded all tribal land east of the Mississippi for $5 million. | |
24 | 马克。吐温曾当过密西西比河上的领航员。 | Mark twain was once a river pilot on the Mississippi . | |
25 | 梅里第安美国密西西比州东部一城市,位于阿拉巴马州边界附近,杰克逊东部。在1864年2月被威廉·T·谢尔曼将军的军队踏平。人口46, | A city of eastern Mississippi near the Alabama border east of Jackson.It was razed by Gen.William T.Sherman’s troops in February1864.Population,46,577. | |
26 | 美国密西西比河泛滥成巨灾。 | The Mississippi River debacle caused great suffering. | |
27 | 密苏里河是密西西比河的主要支流。 | The Missouri River is the chief tributary of the Mississippi . | |
28 | 密西西比、俄亥俄、哈得逊和科罗拉多等几条大河灌溉着肥沃的谷地里的上百英里的农田。 | Such mighty rivers as the Mississippi , the Ohio, the Hudson and the Colorado irrigate the croplands of hundreds of miles of fertile valleys | |
29 | 密西西比河防洪堤 | The levees along the Mississippi | |
30 | 密西西比河流入墨西哥湾。 | The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico |