属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-卡西尼航天器冲入土星烧毁结束其使命
属类:时事政治-Agriculture Report 农业报道-推动农业成为气候变化谈判核心
1 | “莫莉”镌刻在约翰尼戒指的里侧和他的表壳上--毫无疑问也镌刻在他的心上。 | molly was engraved inside Johnnie’s ring and on his watch-case-doubtless on his heart, too. | |
2 | 车祸使这孩子终身残疾,这条小狗是用来帮助治疗她感情上的创伤的。 | Molly (Lucy)was given to the child to promote emotional healing after a car accident had left her crippled for life | |
3 | 沉默了一会儿,莫莉的怒气便迸发了出来。 | After a silence, Molly let her anger spurt out. | |
4 | 当摩莉从舞台上退场时,他总是照老规矩向她鞠个躬。 | Oldfashioned way he used to bow molly off the platform | |
5 | 好主意,莫莉。你觉得第二部分怎么样? | Good idea, Molly . What do you think about the second part? | |
6 | 就跟同摩莉吵架的时候那么麻烦。 | Bad as a row with molly | |
7 | 看了莫利一眼,那女士的脸就像圣诞树一样灿然光亮。 | One look at molly and the woman’s face lit up like a Christmas tree | |
8 | 可怜的琼斯就这样百感交集,辗转不眠,度过了漫长的一夜,第二天早晨,考虑的结果是,他决定仍旧守着毛丽,不再去想苏菲亚。 | Amidst these thoughts, poor Jones passed a long sleepless night, and in the morning the result of the whole was to abide by Molly , and to think no more of Sophia | |
9 | 可惜我不曾在他身上下过功夫,没托他让摩莉参加唱诗班,我却托了法利神父。那位神父看上去像个傻瓜,其实不然。 | Sorry I didn’t work him about getting Molly into the choir instead of that Father Farley who looked a fool but wasn’t | |
10 | 摩莉坐在西特伦那把藤椅上。 | Molly in citron’s basketchair | |
11 | 莫莉,你可以读一下我刚刚写好的求职信吗?我想知道你的意见。 | Molly , would you please read this letter of application I’ve just written? I’d like to have your opinion. | |
12 | 莫莉的喉头像被恐惧钳住了。 | Molly ’s throat closed with terror | |
13 | 莫莉的声音变得茫然、空虚、甚至有点谴责的味道。 | Molly ’s voice had gone bland, empty even of condemnation | |
14 | 莫莉等了相当长时间 | Molly waited for quite a while. | |
15 | 莫莉为挣食宿费做工。 | Molly worked for her board and room | |
16 | 莫莉现在的行为很古怪。 | Molly is behaving rather peculiarly. | |
17 | 莫莉在逗猫玩。 | Molly is teasing the cat. | |
18 | 莫利舔着她的脸,欣喜得扭动身子。 | Molly licked her face and squirmed with delight | |
19 | 你帮了我很大忙,莫莉。真谢谢你。 | I appreciate your helping me, Molly . Thank you very much. | |
20 | 他反对左翼政治的突变,同他断定莫莉是不道德、邋遢、生活放荡的看法是相一致的。 | His revulsion against left-wing politics, which was sudden, coincided with his decision that Molly was immoral, sloppy and bohemian | |
21 | 它长得像一个叫莫利的人,于是我们就管它叫莫利。 | She looked like a molly , so, that was what we called her | |
22 | 我告诉丽贝卡说我是负责护理她的护士。她向我介绍了她的丈夫沃伦、6岁的鲁丝、4岁的汉娜和2岁的莫莉。 | I told Rebekah I would be her nurse and she introduced her husband, warren; six-year-old Ruthie; four-year-old Hannah; and two-year-old Molly | |
23 | 我们前边已经说过,大家都认为毛丽长得很漂亮,事实也确是这样,然而她的美并不是那种柔媚的美。 | Now though Molly was, as we have said, generally thought a very fine girl, and in reality she was so, yet her beauty was not of the amiable kind | |
24 | 我明明知道我应该拨打那个电话,查明我们的莫利是不是他们拼命在找寻的小狗。 | I knew in my heart I had to call that number and see if our Molly was the Puppy they were desperately seeking | |
25 | 我想一把抓住莫利就跑掉。 | I wanted to grab Molly and run | |
26 | 夜空,月亮,紫罗兰色,像摩莉的新袜带的颜色 | Night sky moon, violet, colour of Molly ’s new garters | |
27 | ||1:而为另一份提案拉票的活动则更像是一个女人在唱独角戏。||2:莫莉?曼格,一位富有的民权律师,孩提时代选择离开私立学校去上州立学校。如今她视拯救公立教育为己任。||3:恰好她也是查尔斯?曼格之女(查尔斯?曼格是沃伦?巴菲特在伯克希尔?克撒韦公司的搭档)。||4:而且为了获胜,她似乎愿意不惜一切代价。 | ||1: The other campaign is more of a one-woman quest. ||2: Molly Munger is a rich civil-rights lawyer who, as a child, chose to leave her private school for a state one and now considers it her mission to save public education. ||3: She also happens to be the daughter of Warren Buffett’s partner at Berkshire Hathaway, Charles Munger. ||4: And she seems willing to spend however much it takes to win. | |
28 | ||1:很难让一本正经的家长相信不实用玩偶的创意价值,而成年的中国收藏者更喜欢矮胖的莫莉,这是一个受欢迎的本地宠物。||2:中国建筑玩具市场的规模是玩偶市场的六倍。||3:用朱先生的话来说,“芭比没有艺术可言”。||4:数据提供商欧睿信息咨询的数据显示,美泰在中国最成功的品牌是教育类婴儿玩具制造商Fisher-Price,市场份额为1.1%。||5:芭比娃娃只有0.3%,排在第31位。||6:相比之下,乐高4.5%的市场份额使其稳居首位:这一防御措施将很好地服务于乐高,因为未来几年,中国价值450亿美元的玩具和视频游戏市场将超过美国。 | ||1:It is hard to convince prudish parents of the creative merits of frivolous dolls, and grown-up Chinese collectors prefer short and chubby Molly , a popular local poppet.||2:The Chinese market for construction toys is six times bigger than for dolls.||3:In Mr Zhu’s words, “there is no art to a Barbie”.||4:Tellingly, Mattel’s most successful brand in China is a maker of educational baby toys, Fisher-Price, with a market share of 1.1%, according to Euromonitor, a data provider.||5:Barbie, with 0.3%, comes a lowly 31st.||6:By contrast, Lego’s 4.5% share puts it firmly in first place: a fortification that will serve it well, as China’s market for toys and video games, worth $45bn, overtakes America’s in the next few years. | |
29 | 另一项意外发现来自土卫二的南极,这是土星光环带上的一颗卫星。莫莉·比特纳(比特纳)是一名航天器操作系统工程师。她解释了他们对土卫二的一些发现。 | Another unexpected discovery came from the south pole of Enceladus, a moon that sits in one of Saturn’s rings. Molly Bittner is a spacecraft operations systems engineer. She explains what they found out about Enceladus. | |
30 | 雅恩:“因此它既象征了对我们生存至关重要的,受气候变化威胁的活动,特别是全球脆弱地区。也象征了当我们减少在大气中累计的温室气体的排放,通过改善管理来满足我们需求的机遇。” | ||MOLLY JAHN: "So it represents both an activity that’s essential for our survival -- an activity that is threatened by climate change, especially in vulnerable parts of the world -- and an opportunity to better manage meeting our needs, while we reduce the emissions of various greenhouse gases that are accumulating in the atmosphere.||" |