属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-南海 非一般钻井
1 | 吴荪甫咆哮着。屠维岳脸上的肉轻轻一跳,他的眼光异样地冷峻了。 | Tu Wei-yueh’s face twitched and his eyes glinted dangerously | |
2 | 严重犯规包括手触球,抱推,攻击对方球员;向对方球员作出危险动作,或背后攻击;以及绊对方和踢对方。 | The major fouls are: handling the ball; holding, pushing, or striking a opponent; charging an opponent violently or dangerously , or from behind; and tripping or kicking an opponent. | |
3 | 要不然在这些闲暇时间里,他们还可能作出对社会或对自己有危险的过激行动,如吸毒成瘾或酗酒闹事。 | Or it can be dangerously aggressive against society, or against self, as in dope addiction or alcoholism | |
4 | 一个有诱引力和阴谋的被认为危险的女人 | A woman considered dangerously seductive and scheming. | |
5 | 一氧化碳(co)是一种由汽车发动机以相对大的量排放到空气中的危险污染气体。 | co is a dangerously poisonous gas that is emitted into the air in relatively large quantities by the automobile engine | |
6 | 因姐姐昨晚电话告知父亲病危,我打算回家探望,要求请假一周,从本月15日起到21日止。 | My sister called me last night, saying that my father is dangerously ill. I beg to apply for one week’s leave of absence from 15th to 21st instant, in order to see my father. | |
7 | 在公路上横冲直撞的德士司机和重型车辆驾驶者也不乏其人,却偏偏有一些电单车和脚踏车骑士,似乎不在乎他们比其他驾车者更容易受伤,习惯性地在繁忙的交通里危险地穿梭。 | Our taxi and heavy vehicle drivers also drive like maniacs on the roads, while our motorcyclists and cyclists, seemingly unaware of their particular vulnerability, habitually weave in and out of traffic dangerously , whenever it suits them | |
8 | 在冠冕堂皇的言辞背后,他和军队的关系岌岌可危。 | Behind all the rhetoric,his relations with the army are dangerously poised. | |
9 | 这个国家根深蒂固的温和派立场、那种反对剧烈政治动荡的根本保障现在正危险地发生动摇(纽约时报) | The deep pool of centrist opinion in the country,that essential guarantee against violent political upheavals,is being dangerously shaken(New York Times) | |
10 | 这使电厂处于危险的无防卫的境地,这是一次有意的冒险。 | That left the plant in a dangerously unprotected condition, a calculated risk | |
11 | 坐在狭窄的边缘上,十分危险 | Perch dangerously on a narrow ledge | |
12 | ||1:奥巴马上月末访问亚洲四国,本应令盟友对其“重返亚洲”的承诺安心,并阻止中国挑起其诸多领土争端。||2:但至少在南海,这个战略不起作用。||3:中国与越南的纠纷缓和数月后,本周再度剑拔弩张。||4:此外,中国与菲律宾又因持续不断的主权争议另一海域发生新冲突。 | ||1:BARACK OBAMA’S tour of four countries in Asia late last month was supposed to reassure America’s friends of its commitment to the region, and to deter China from provocations in its many territorial disputes.||2:In the South China Sea, at least, the tactic has not worked.||3:China’s quarrel with Vietnam, which had been dormant in recent months, flared up dangerously this week.||4:And a new front opened in China’s continuing tussle with the Philippines over different parts of the sea. | |
13 | ||1:但是这就够了么?即使当下分崩离析的危险暂时解除了,欧元这一单一货币的长期危险反而增加了。||2:欧元区似乎被困在缓慢增长、高失业率和极其危险的低通胀怪圈里。||3:Draghi希望能通过全面的量化宽松对这一困境做出反应。||4:但他的主张遭到了德国和其他持有相似观点的欧洲央行成员的激烈反对。||5:同样,德国坚持严格的预算控制不仅毫无成效也阻碍了财政扩张。||6:另外,强迫两个欧洲最疲弱的核心国家——意大利和法国进行结构改革,同样也进展缓慢。 | ||1:But is that good enough.||2:Even if the immediate threat of break-up has receded, the longer-term threat to the single currency has, if anything, increased.||3:The euro zone seems to be trapped in a cycle of slow growth, high unemployment and dangerously low inflation.||4:Mr Draghi would like to respond to this with full-blown quantitative easing, but he is running into fierce opposition from German and other like-minded ECB council members (see article).||5:Fiscal expansion is similarly blocked by Germany’s unyielding insistence on strict budgetary discipline.||6:And forcing structural reforms through the two sickliest core euro countries, Italy and France, remains an agonisingly slow business. | |
14 | 埃及发生军事政变,民选伊斯兰总统遭罢黜。一周之后,国家仍处于十分危急的分裂状态 | A week after the military coup that overthrew Egypt’s elected Islamist president, the country remains dangerously divided | |
15 | 该政权也截然不同。 | The regime is dangerously different, too. | |
16 | 争议水域局势紧张 | Tensions mount dangerously in contested waters | |
17 | 《经济学人》:全球经济——又一年的危机四伏 | Another year of living dangerously The global economy | |
18 | 1982年出品的《危险的生活》是我最喜爱的几部电影之一,它由彼得.威尔执导,当时尚显稚嫩的梅尔.吉布森和西格尼.韦弗主演。 | One of my favorite films is Peter Weir’s The Year Of Living Dangerously , made in 1982, and starring a young Mel Gibson and Sigourney Weaver. | |
19 | 2005年,该国释放了5.9亿吨温室气体,对全球变暖造成危险影响,因此受到指责。 | In 2005, the country released 590 million tons of the greenhouse gases blamed for dangerously warming the globe. | |
20 | 2008年二月,一条长约1000英尺的裂痕在湖的北面国有防洪闸的一处腐蚀点被发现。 | In February 2008, a 1000-ft. -long stretch of dangerously eroded land was found near state-owned floodgates north of the lake. | |
21 | 本机内装有危险的高电压,使用时勿打开机箱,以防触电。 | Don’t open the cabinet, inside which are present dangerously high voltages. I. Review and Homework Checking | |
22 | 冰冷血液的突然流动会造成严重后果---休克,也会引起危险的异常心跳。 | The sudden flow of cold blood can createshock--shocks serious condition. It can also cause a dangerously abnormalheartbeatheartbeat. | |
23 | 伯格曼先生说很多人在极度吵闹的环境下,听便携式音乐播放器。 | Many people listen to portable audio players at dangerously loud volumes, Mr. Bergman said. | |
24 | 不好玩:一个蹒跚学步的小男孩危险地爬在架子的高处,洗劫着冰箱 | Not cool: A toddler is seen perched dangerously on a shelf as he raids the fridge | |
25 | 不幸的是,再多转移视线的伎俩也掩藏不了最新数字带来的信息:美国财政预算已在不可持续的危险境地。 | Unfortunately, no amount of diversion can hide the message from the new numbers: America’s budget is on a dangerously unsustainable course. | |
26 | 布雷顿森林体系的创造者认为浮动汇率会极不稳定。 | The Bretton Woods founders had believed that floating rates would be dangerously unstable. | |
27 | 潮水退得很低的时候,他们就危险地四周攀爬那暴露、锈蚀斑斑的骨架。 | At very low tides they scramble dangerously round the exposed, rusting bones. | |
28 | 慈善官员乔治·威尔莱特说,一名婴儿脱水,情况危险,其他的孩子状况都不错。 | Charity official Georg Willeit says one infant was dangerously dehydrated, but all of the children are well now. | |
29 | 此举是欧洲领导人为控制18个月的债务危机而采取的大胆举措。这场危机正面临失控的危险。 | The move is a bold bid by Europe’s leaders to corral an 18-month-old debt crisis that is veering dangerously out of control. | |
30 | 从传统上说,联邦政府认为这与之无关,而是把它当作一个地方的问题,一个危险的有争议的问题。 | Traditionally, the federal government has nothing to do with that; it treats it as a local matter, and a dangerously controversial one. |