属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-有翅膀的恶魔 沿海居民的梦魇
1 | 在链子的一端悬吊着的一串钥匙. | a bunch of keys dangling at the end of a chain | |
2 | 在链子一端悬吊着的一串钥匙. | A bunch of keys dangling at the end of a chain | |
3 | 曾有好几个年轻男士追求她。 | She had several young men dangling round her. | |
4 | 这就像一幅画:驴子在拼命拉车,因为车夫在它鼻子前面放了个胡萝卜。 | It’s just like the picture of a donkey, dragging a cart, with its owner dangling a carrot just in front of the donkey’s nose. | |
5 | 这里既有一身红军装的士兵,又有戴着飘带帽子和旧棉手套的送丧吹鼓手;这里既有动作笨拙的学者,翻阅着他那发黄的书页,又有香气袭人的演员,炫耀着华丽的豹皮大衣 | Here the soldier in his scarlet, and here the undertaker’ s mute in streaming hat-band and worn cotton gloves; here the scholar, fumbling his faded leaves, and here the scented actor, dangling his showy seals. | |
6 | 棕色长统靴,饰带晃来晃去。 | High brown boots with laces dangling | |
7 | ||1:“贿赂”似乎是更好的选择。宪法特别提到它是可弹劾的罪行。||2:在联邦法律中,任何要求或寻求“任何有价值的东西”以换取“在任何官方行为中受到影响”的官员都是在行贿。||3:特朗普的批评者坚称,在乌克兰总统之前安排白宫访问,并暂停军事援助,都是官方行为,而他希望得到的调查是“有价值的”。 | ||1: “Bribery” looked the better bet. The constitution specifically mentions it as an impeachable offence. ||2: In federal law, any official who demands or seeks “anything of value” in return for “being influenced in the performance of any official act” takes part in bribery. ||3: Mr Trump’s critics maintained that dangling a White House visit before Ukraine’s president, and suspending military aid, were official acts, and that the investigations he wanted in return were “of value”. | |
8 | ||1:这部电影叫《王子家族》(英文名《无人及你》),此类风格的影片从未在印度屏幕上出现过,一经演出,循规蹈矩、常规守旧的电影圈就炸开了锅,再全国大街小巷中那些潮湿的电影院里,一切都被变了样。||2:在银幕上,山米从不会在肢体上过分与女主角亲近,但是他却用西方式的性感吸引对方,让对方着迷。||3:他扮演花花公子,也演小丑,对喜欢的姑娘会死缠烂打;在行驶的列车上位姑娘弹奏小夜曲;穿着睡衣在飞机上晃来晃去。||4:1961年拍摄的《野性》红极一时,影片中,他从雪山坡上滑下来,一跃而起,性感地敞开皮夹克,向女主角献唱,这够野性了吧?可他还不干休,沉醉于爱情甜蜜,禁不住朝着冰天雪地的原野上放声大喊:“呀…唬!”||5:看到这个场景的年轻人也都竞相模仿,纷纷感受到一种解脱。||6:他用痴狂赢得了姑娘的芳心,当然,这一切并没有征得双方父母的同意。 | ||1: The film was “Tumsa Nahin Dekha” (“Never Seen Anyone Like You”). And India never had. Suddenly, stasis and convention were thrown out of the window. On screen at least, in packed and humid cinemas across the country, everything changed. ||2: Shammiji never came that much closer to his heroines, but he seethed with Westernised sex appeal. ||3: He was a playboy and a clown, a ceaseless ragger of the girls he loved, who would serenade them on moving trains and dangling in bathrobes from helicopters. ||4: And who in his most monstrous hit, “Junglee” (“Wild”), in 1961 slid on his front down a mountainside of snow, leapt up (leather jacket sexily torn open), sang to his heroine that people could call him wild, what could he do, swept up in love, and then roared out over the ice-bound forest, “YAHOO!” ||5: His teenage audiences yelled out with him, suddenly liberated. ||6: He had won the girl just by being his mad self, and had apparently not asked his family or hers. | |
9 | 但与弹性物质不同的是,它们在被松开时不会释放能量。这样将会让蹦极者在底部晃荡。 | but, unlike an elastic, they do not then give it back when released. That would leave a jumper dangling at the bottom. | |
10 | 海鸥喜欢从人身后靠近,这就意味着坐在港口双脚闲晃时再不能吃炸鱼和薯条了,但是这样至少能避免引来令人讨厌的“惊喜“。 | Seagulls like to approach from behind, which means no more fish and chips with your feet dangling over the harbourside—but at least no nasty surprises. | |
11 | 2002年,成群的摄影师胆战心惊地目睹了他在酒店房间的阳台上把自己的孩子摇来晃去。 | In 2002 he was seen dangling his infant from the balcony of a hotel room, as legions of photographers watched in horror below. | |
12 | 2002年时,在一家旅馆的阳台上,他将迈克尔二王子悬举在阳台外。楼下的摄影记者无不心惊胆颤。 | In 2002 he was seen dangling Prince Michael II from the balcony of a hotel room while legions of photographers watched in horror below. | |
13 | fork的悬空输出不会造成执行问题,但是它们会使流程模型无法使用某些输出。 | The dangling outputs of the fork are not causing an execution problem, but they lead to a process model where certain outputs are not used. | |
14 | join中的悬空输入,会使join无法执行,并因此阻塞后面的所有活动。 | The dangling inputs in the join prevent it from executing and thus block all activities succeeding it. | |
15 | 巴拉克显然希望通过在同事面前摆弄这些充满诱惑的职位,他能够逐渐软化部下们的顽抗。 | Mr Barak apparently hopes that by dangling these plums before their eyes he will, with time, soften his colleagues’ recalcitrance. | |
16 | 标识上是牛顿坐在树下,头上一个苹果摇摇欲坠。 | It shows Isaac Newton sitting beneath a tree with an apple dangling precariously above his head. | |
17 | 不过,在结束某个建模会话之前,您应当切换到高级编辑模式,以查找和清除悬空输入和输出。 | However, before ending a modeling session you should switch to the advanced editing mode to find and clean up dangling inputs and outputs. | |
18 | 不久她慢慢地从小路上走上来,条纹的提包来回摆动着,那红红的裸露的胳膊垂在身后。 | Soon she walked slowly up the path, swinging her striped bag, the flushed, naked arm dangling beside her. | |
19 | 不幸的是,消息传递事件实现和调用者实现的交互合起来创建了一个悬空别名。 | Unfortunately, the interaction of the messaging event implementation and the caller implementation conspire to create a dangling alias. | |
20 | 布朗含糊其辞,摆弄着同事,不再重视却又不抛弃他们,包括达林。 | Mr Brown has equivocated, dangling colleagues, including Mr Darling, out of the window without actually dropping them. | |
21 | 部分悬挂问题数据区数据流分析数据结构数据类型声明数据类型 | D No. English Dangling else problem Data area Data flow analysis Data structure Data type declaration Data type Chinese Else | |
22 | 传统的“调试”难以隔离悬空指针。 | Traditional "debugging" has difficulty isolating dangling pointers. They’re poorly reproducible for a couple of distinct reasons | |
23 | 当两个类都(错误地)认为自己保存有对给定对象的惟一可写的引用时,就会出现悬空指针。 | A dangling alias occurs when two classes each think (mistakenly) that they hold the only writeable reference to a given object. | |
24 | 电影开始时是一个登山者悬在峭壁上的镜头。 | The film opens with a shot of a climber dangling from a precipice. | |
25 | 而且就算用万能胶粘牢了,还是会有一点点布料悬在那儿,就像小指套长度太长不合手的手套。 | Even then, with the Velcro firmly fastened, there’s still a little vestigial dangling fabric like the long pinky on an ill-fitting glove. | |
26 | 攻击者留下了她赤裸裸的上身,她的脚和手在边境城市新拉雷多(NuevoLaredo)的桥梁上摇晃着。 | Attackers left her topless, dangling by her feet and hands from a bridge in the border city of Nuevo Laredo. | |
27 | 后来可怕的一天到来了,当他在暴怒的狮子头顶上倒挂时一不下心掉了下去。 | Then one terrible day when he is dangling over the furious lion, he s and falls. | |
28 | 将未释放到流程输出接口的的活动数据输出连接到某个结束或停止节点,以避免出现悬空输出。 | Connect data output of activities that are not released to the process output interface to an end or stop node to avoid dangling outputs. | |
29 | 结果,窗体及其所有关联的类都闲置在内存中。 | Consequently, the form and all of its associated classes were left dangling in memory. | |
30 | 禁止穿着宽松休闲服装(如长袖的、宽大的、带有领带的上衣等等),禁止留长发、戴夸张摇摆的首饰 | Restrain loose clothing (e. g. sleeves, full cut blouses, neckties, etc. ), long hair and dangling jewelry |