1 | 他敢预言未来将发生什么事。 | He dares to prophesy what will happen in the future. | |
2 | 他平时不爱说话,但关键时刻他敢于发表自己的看法。 | He does not speak much, but at crucial moments he dares to come out with his views | |
3 | 为有牺牲多壮志,敢教日月换新天 | Bitter sacrifice strengthens bold resolve, which dares to make sun and moon shine in new skies. | |
4 | 我不知道她怎么敢穿那件连衣裙. | I don’t know how she dares wear that dress. | |
5 | 我们解放区有一万万人民、一百万军队、两百万民兵,这个力量,任何人也不敢小视。 | In our Liberated Areas there are 100 million people, one million troops and two million people’s militia, a force no one dares to belittle | |
6 | 我们决心将胆敢入侵之敌消灭掉。 | We are determined to wipe out any enemy who dares invasion. | |
7 | 我纳闷他怎么竟敢说出这样的话。 | I wonder how he dares (to)say such things. | |
8 | 我向他们挑战,有胆量就来吧。 | I cast them my gauntlet;take it up who dares . | |
9 | 阎王叫你三更死,谁敢留人到五更. | If the King of Hell summons you at the third watch, who dares keep you till the fifth? | |
10 | 因此,除依情况应当集中经营者外,必须反对不顾情况,一切集中,不敢放手分散经营的错误观点。 | Therefore, except where conditions call for centralized management, we must oppose the wrong view which favours centralizing everything, regardless of circumstances, and which dares not give full rein to decentralized management | |
11 | 因此谁也不敢先动手。 | So neither one dares be the first to launch a war. | |
12 | 这个小女孩因为斜视不敢在公共场合露面。 | The little girl dares not to appear in public because she is cross-eyed. | |
13 | 只要是男子汉敢做的事,我都敢做;没有人比我胆量更大。 | I dare do all that may become a man; Who dares do more is none | |
14 | ||1:记者们每天都在跨越地区界限报道。||2:陈永洲的文章或许是惹恼了湖南省的官员,所以他们决定亲自动手。||3:头版的请愿与其说是推动新闻自由的先驱,不如说是地方争斗的一部分。||4:不过自由派(包括被刑拘的记者)将会尽全力斗争。||5:这标志着没人敢畅所欲言的中国媒体大环境正在改变。 | ||1:Reporters are pushing the boundaries every day.||2:Mr Chen’s articles probably annoyed Hunan officials who took matters into their own hands.||3:The call for his release is more likely to be part of a local spat than a harbinger of broader press freedom.||4:But liberals (and detained journalists) will take what they can get.||5:It is a sign of the changing world of China’s media that anyone dares to speak out at all. | |
15 | 书中讲述了三个人的故事:若伊、凯特和杰克——三个狂热的自行车车手,年轻有为,志同道合。||故事里有高水准的自行车“极客”。正如题目所暗示的,克里夫甚至刻意让故事游离在奥运会——那终极的竞技场的边缘。但是,此书也绝对不是为了在炎夏给体育迷们提供一份短暂的消遣。|| | This is the story of Zoe, Kate and Jack, three obsessive race cyclists who meet as young hopefuls. There is bike geekery and Lycra aplenty.|| As the title suggests, Mr Cleave even dares to set his story around the Olympics, the ultimate sporting circus. Yet this is no niche book for aficionados looking for a brief summer distraction.|| | |
16 | “没有人敢站出来说话”除了在网络上,张律师说到。 | "Nobody dares speak out" except on the Internet, the lawyer said. | |
17 | 不敢飞离地面的想象力--对中学语文教育的一点感想 | The Imagination that Dares Not to Fly off the Earth--My Impression about the Teaching of Chinese in Middle Schools | |
18 | 不过,配偶们所能起到的重大作用,是告诉领导者们一些其他任何人都不敢说的事情。 | However, the signal service spouses can render is to tell leaders what no one else dares to. | |
19 | 曹参:敢于向微软叫板的人 | Cao Shen: The one dares to challenge Microsoft | |
20 | 除了一条漫长而艰难的道路摆在前方外,没有人敢于预言任何事情。 | No one dares predict anything but a long, hard road ahead. | |
21 | 但是方法并不是像创造公平竞争环境,成立监管媒介,或者成立法律机构去和他们算账。 | But the fix is not the fresh air of fair competition or a watchdog media or a legal system that dares to hold the party to account. | |
22 | 佛教徒跪下来,心里暗自希望小狗不要在这个神圣的时刻撒尿。 | The Buddhist kneels and hopes that the dog will not urinate at this hallowed moment. He dares not lift his head. | |
23 | 敢于冒险的人 | who dares to take risks | |
24 | 告诉你吧,这些声音直插云霄,飞得比任何一个人敢想的梦还要遥远。 | I tell you, those voices soared higher and farther than anybody in a great place dares to dream. | |
25 | 更确切地说,他将影片视为“一部敢于让观众发问的人性电影”。 | Rather, he sees it as "a human drama that dares to ask the viewers to question" . | |
26 | 公共安全部副部长刘金国宣称:“让酒后驾驶成为一条无人敢触碰的高压线。” | "Let drink driving be a high-tension line that no one dares to touch, " declared Liu Jinguo, a deputy minister of public security. | |
27 | 共和党对此干预岂敢忽视,却非总是乐见其成。 | The party establishment dares not ignore this interference, but is not always glad of it. | |
28 | 她有炽烈的感情,敢于追求真正意义上的爱情。 | She has the blazing sentiment, dares to pursue love in the true sense. | |
29 | 今天,已没有人敢于否认,丰富的资本供给是改善人类物质福利水平最迫切急需的要素。 | Today nobody dares to deny that what is most badly needed for any improvement of people’s material well-being is a richer supply of capital. | |
30 | 看比赛不是犯罪,但谁胆敢把这些说给颁布禁令的人听? | Watching a game is not a crime, but who dares to say this to these people banning it? |