1 | 可以肯定的是,弗吉尼亚理工大学枪击案是最为黑暗的一个时刻。 | And, surely, the Virginia Tech massacre is one of the darkest moments of all. | |
2 | 可以说,我对欧洲项目所有最阴暗的猜测都将成为现实。 | Arguably, all my darkest suspicions about the European project are about to be vindicated. | |
3 | 肯尼亚最大的报纸《每日国家报》主张,这段时期是自1963年独立以来最黑暗的时期。 | The Daily Nation, Kenya’s biggest newspaper, reckons that it has been the country’s darkest period since independence in 1963. | |
4 | 黎明前的夜色格外黑,最奇怪、最疯狂的传言也得往可靠消息上靠。 | But just as surely as dawn follows the darkest hour of night, the wackiest and craziest rumors must follow the most believable. | |
5 | 两极的极寒之地和最黑暗的海洋深处居住的一些有机体喜欢来点像模像样的冰爽。 | The most frigid polar regions and the darkest depths of the ocean are home for a few organisms that like a good chill. | |
6 | 没错,我不是交际花,但我也不会在聚会中独坐在黑暗的一角。 | Yes, I am not a social butterfly but I am also not the one who will sit in the darkest corner of the room during a party. | |
7 | 你的黑夜,我就是那个让你全部的人 | Your darkest nights, And I’m the one that’s loved you all your life, | |
8 | 企业在金融危机时期可能已经过量削减支出以保持更多现金。 | Firms may well have cut their spending too much in the rush to conserve cash during the darkest period of the crisis. | |
9 | 恰恰相反,人类历史上最黑暗的时刻伴随着社会主义政权的登堂入室而来。 | On the contrary, the spread of officially socialist governments went hand in hand with some of the darkest episodes in human history. | |
10 | 然而,即使在最黑暗的时代,纽伦港仍有某种能将自己救赎的隐藏实力。 | Yet even in the darkest times, the Nylonkong cities had the sort of hidden strengths that would be their salvation. | |
11 | 然而,双重占领的事实或许会让战时的道德观念显得更为沉重,或者说,更为黑暗。 | Yet the double occupation permits the deepest, or perhaps rather the darkest , view into moral life during the war. Mr. | |
12 | 然而《肠子》绝不是《恶搞研习营》中最黑暗最有趣最令你不舒服的故事,有些我还不敢当众朗读。 | And ’Guts’ is by no means the darkest or funniest or most upsetting story from the novel Haunted. Some, I didn’t dare read in public. | |
13 | 人们还发现了另一个令人惊愕的事实:蟹壳的颜色变得最深的时间每天推迟50分钟。 | Yet another startling fact was revealed: the crab’s shell reached the darkest color about 50 minutes later each day. | |
14 | 任杰承认,在生活最黑暗的那段日子,他也想过自杀。 | The darkest days once drove him to the brink of suicide, Ren admitted. | |
15 | 如果能让我的思念穿透漫长的黑夜,我们将会有最光明的日子。 | If we could make it through the darkest night we’d have a brither day. | |
16 | 如今既然欧洲面临“自二战以来最艰难的时刻”,因此是时候不遗余力推行一体化拯救欧元了。 | Now that Europe faced its "darkest hour since the second world war" , it was time to push for more integration to save the euro. | |
17 | 设想你的发色浮动范围从1到12,带有最深的黑色水平值1到最亮的金色12。 | Imagine hair color range to be from 1 to 12, with 1 being the darkest level of black and 12 the lightest blonde. | |
18 | 他看到猫在他脑袋边的枕头上,看到他明亮的金黄色的眼睛还有鼻子和耳朵上深褐色的毛发。 | He saw him on the pillow next to his head, saw his bright gold eyes and darkest brown on his nose and ears. | |
19 | 他们直视人类创造的最黑暗的事物——战争,帮助伊拉克人民寻找和平之光。 | They stared into the darkest of human creations -war -and helped the Iraqi people seek the light of peace. | |
20 | 他最黑暗的时刻是在20世纪30年代末,他承认当时因处于青春期而同情纳粹党,对此他深感遗憾。 | His darkest hour was in the late 1990s when he confessed to being a Nazi sympathizer in his adolescence, something he deeply regrets. | |
21 | 太阳照耀最明亮的地方,也是影子最明显的地方。 | And yet the shadows are always darkest where the sun shines brightest. | |
22 | 我感到我们正在无可避免地见证着新西兰最黑暗的一天。 | I don’t think we can now go pass the fact that we may well be witnessing New Zealand’s darkest day. | |
23 | 我们要把中间图层里的天空蒙住,使得最暗层的漂亮的层次丰富的天空显现出来。 | We want to mask out the sky on this middle layer to reveal the nice rich sky on the darkest layer below. | |
24 | 我时常利用一种简单的祷告来度过偶尔发作的大脑自动窒息:你不必相信你脑子里想的事情。 | A simple mantra has guided me through the darkest bouts of autocerebral asphyxiation: You don’t have to believe everything you think. | |
25 | 颜色的深浅表示不同的等级:最深的红色表示最低水平,最深的蓝色标示最高水平。 | The darkness of the color indicates the ranking: the darkest red marks the lowest value, the darkest blue the highest. | |
26 | 阳光洒在玻璃窗上,毛茸茸的,即便在房间的最暗处,也感到温暖; | For them, the seemingly fluffy sunlight has warmed up the body even in the darkest room. | |
27 | 也没有任何一个活着的犯罪小说作家如此不妥协的记录美国历史的最阴暗面。 | Nor does any living crime writer so unflinchingly chronicle the darkest aspects of American history. | |
28 | 也许,我们这个时代最黑暗的一页出现在政治领域。 | Perhaps the darkest pages in the history of our era will be in politics. | |
29 | 也许她们去了黑暗的南美洲或者别的什么地方去转化那里的基督徒了,但是克鲁利还是继续读了下去。 | Probably they’d gone to darkest America or somewhere, to convert the Christians, but he read on anyway. | |
30 | 叶色最深的要属”落日“,它的叶子颜色深深成了紫色,开的是大红花。 | For the darkest leaves try Canna ’Sunset’ which has dark, dark purple leaves and big red flowers. |