属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国的消费大军 依旧活跃(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-房车走俏 中国市场成主要推动力(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国汽车生产商 稳居第三
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-机器人尚不足以接替人类
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国汽车贸易 汽车经销商如履薄冰
1 | 卡车经销商给了太阳风公司3美元的旧车置换让价,太阳风公司以现金支付了新车价值剩余的10美元。 | The truck dealership grants Solarwind Company a "trade-in allowance" of $3 for the old truck, and Solarwind Company pays the remaining $10 cost of the new truck in cash. | |
2 | 通过提供高质量的服务和专业的客户管理确立对BMW品牌及其经销商的忠诚客户机前在客户。 | He or she should provide high-quality service and professional customer care to create customer loyalty and potential customers to BMW Group, to the dealership . | |
3 | 通过有效的领导和管理,使经销商的客户群获得持续稳固的发展。 | Through effective leadership and management, they must secure and expand the customer base of the dealership continuously. | |
4 | 我们确保遵循严格的政策--不向任何LEXUS雷克萨斯机构和LEXUS雷克萨斯指定经销商以外的公司或个人出售或交易我们的客户及受保护客户的个人信息 | Please be assured that we follow a strict policy of not selling or trading personal information about our clients or prospective clients to any company or person outside the Lexus Group and our Lexus Dealership . | |
5 | 应充分开发销售潜能以保证经销商的收益 | He or she must exploit potential to the full and secure the revenues of the dealership . | |
6 | 在市区,您可以要求将故障车辆拖至您选择的BMW授权经销商处,但是,故障地点距该经销商的距离不得比最近的经销商远超过30公里。 | In metropolitan areas you can also request to be towed to the authorised BMW dealer of your choice, if this dealership is located no more than 30 km further than the located nearest dealer. | |
7 | 在市区,您可以要求将故障车辆拖至您选择的MINI授权经销商处,但是,故障地点距该经销商的距离不得比最近的经销商远超过30公里。 | In metropolitan areas you can also request to be towed to the authorised MINI dealer of your choice if this dealership is located no more than 30 km further than the located nearest dealer. | |
8 | 注意太阳风公司把卡车经销商给予的3美元的置换让价视作旧卡车的售价。 | Notice that Solarwind Company views the $3 trade-in allowance granted by the truck dealership as the sales price of the old truck. | |
9 | ||1:如果你认为中国经济正身处困境,中国的消费者也正紧握手中的人民币不放,那么拜访一家当地的汽车销售商,有可能使你再作思考。||2:中国早已超越美国,成为全球最大的汽车市场。||3:在3月,小轿车的销量再次急速上升,年同比销售增长将近10%。||4:在本周举行的两年一度的北京车展中,多功能车(SUV)是最热门、最闪耀的产品,它的表现更佳:与去年3月相比,销售量同比增长46%。||5:据预测,汽车市场将在未来4年继续保持增长。 | ||1:IF YOU believe that China’s economy is in trouble and that Chinese consumers are clinging tightly to their yuan, a visit to a local car dealership may make you think again.||2:China has roared past America already to become the world’s biggest car market.||3:In March sales of passenger cars zoomed again, by nearly 10% year on year.||4:Shiny sport-utility vehicles (SUVs), the hottest, shiniest items at this week’s biennial Beijing Auto Show (pictured), did even better: sales jumped by 46% in March from a year earlier.||5:The car market is forecast to keep growing briskly for the rest of this decade (see chart). | |
10 | Tom Troiano是在美国长岛一个村庄——法明代尔(Farmingdale)的大陆房车(Continental RV)的经销商,Troiano先生预计今年出售的房车可能会比从21世纪以来任何一年卖得都要多。 | The owner of Continental RV, a dealership in Farmingdale, a village on Long Island, Mr Troiano is on track to sell more RVs this year than in any othersince the early 2000s. | |
11 | 但是,现在戴勒姆正逐步理顺同当地经销商的关系,中国部分经销商销售国外进口奔驰车,部分经销商则销售中国国内制造的奔驰车,这也就导致了二者之间相互竞争。 | But Daimler has now tidied up a messy dealership network in which outlets selling imports and ones selling locally made cars had competed with each other. | |
12 | 但是Cayu汽车经销店负责人Andreas Barchetti表示,卖车还得靠人。 | But, Andreas Barchetti, head of the Cayu dealership , said to sell the cars, you still need human beings. | |
13 | 中国最大的100家经销公司只占据了汽车销路的五分之一,接近五分之三的销量都被独立业务网点瓜分,而这些网点往往由当地企业家经营——他们资金有限,对汽车营销也知之甚少。 | The 100 biggest dealership firms have just a fifth of total outlets; almost three-fifths are single-site operations, often run by a local entrepreneur with limited capital and even less idea how to flog motors. | |
14 | 1985年,他在邦德街附近开了慕尼黑公司的代理行,距科尔纳吉画廊几步之遥; | In 1985, he opened a branch of his Munich dealership near Bond Street, a short walk from the illustrious Colnaghi gallery; | |
15 | MaxCheng是兰博基尼香港品牌经理,负责香港地区销售。 | Max Cheng is a brand manager at Lamborghini Hong Kong who runs the dealership . | |
16 | Royce指出对每款车每个汽车经销商会有一个愿意接受的明确最小利润。 | Each car dealership has a specific minimum profit that they are willing to accept on each car, Royce points out. | |
17 | 奥迪2009年在榆林已经开设经销店,宝马一年不到接踵而至。 | Audi opened a dealership in Yulin at the end of 2009, BMW followed suit less than a year later. | |
18 | 比方说,汽车零售商的零件目录响应中包含一个Time-To-Live(TTL)元素。 | For instance, the inventory response for the parts from an automotive dealership includes a Time-To-Live (TTL) element. | |
19 | 代理商通常主要以底特律方式的折价销售,他现在看到大部分是日本品牌。 | And while his New Port Ritchie, Fla. , dealership used to get mostly Detroit model trade-ins, he’s now seeing mostly Japanese nameplates. | |
20 | 但在乌鲁木齐东南城郊的这家经销店,这些繁荣的象征只剩下发黑的躯壳。 | But at the dealership on the southeastern outskirts of Urumqi, only blackened shells are left of these symbols of prosperity. | |
21 | 当车子出了机械上的故障时也是一样,要去汽车经销店处理。 | Same is true for the mechanical problems of our car, we ran at our dealership . | |
22 | 当务之急是第一次拜访卖主之后,回到家里先要浏览一下设备清单,然后再决定需要什么。 | Instead, go through the equipment list at home after your first visit to the dealership and then decide exactly what you need. | |
23 | 等待,直到经销商需要你考虑融资。 | Waiting until you’re in the dealership to think about financing. | |
24 | 多年前该公司就认为开辟新的品牌经销商成本太高,至少现在仍是如此。 | The company years ago decided that building a separate dealership was too expensive, at least for now. | |
25 | 该示例关于的是一个虚构的BMW经销店及其向老客户销售两年延保的促销活动。 | It’s about our fictional BMW dealership and the promotional campaign to sell a two-year extended warranty to past customers. | |
26 | 隔壁是另一家豪车销售处,专卖各式各样的高档欧式轿车。 | Right next door is another luxury car dealership selling a variety of other high-end European rides. | |
27 | 工作人员向您说明经销店的地址;如果您需要帮助,工作人员给与详细解释 | Staff explain dealership ’s location; staff offer detailed direction guidance if you need help | |
28 | 供选择的每项配件和产品都应附有特许经销商的建议零售价;尽可以讨价还价。 | Each equipment and product choice should be accompanied by the dealership ’s suggested retail price; feel free to negotiate those prices. | |
29 | 广东华维科技有限公司获得多家著名消耗材料生产企业的代理权 | HWT got the dealership from several well-known enterprises, which produce the consumable materials | |
30 | 好的…嗯,我也到过梅赛德斯汽车的经销商,看到了最新款–你知道,我真的喜欢的那个。 | Okay. . . um, I also stopped by the Mercedes dealership and saw the new model - you know, the one I really like. |