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    Article 2 The State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the local administrations that are empowered by the former to directly check and approve the registration of foreign investment enterprises (hereinafter referred to as empowered local administrations)all have the right, in accordance with relevant regulations and limits of authority, to deal out punishment for violations of registration administrative decrees by the foreign investment enterprises.

    第二条  国家工商行政管理局和国家工商行政管理局授权直接核准登记外商投资企业的地方工商行政管理局(以下简称受权的工商行政管理局),均有权依照有关规定和处罚权限对违反登记管理法规的外商投资企业进行处罚。


    Article 92 In respect of the local decrees , autonomous decrees or special decrees, and administrative or local rules which are submitted to other bodies for filing, the body receiving them shall formulate the relevant review procedures consistent with the principle of safeguarding uniformity of law.



    Article 93 The Central Military Commission shall enact military decrees in accordance with the Constitution and national laws.



    Article 66 Land administrative departments of the people’s governments at and above the county level shall exercise supervision and examination on violations to the land administrative law and administrative decrees .

    第六十六条 县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门对违反土地管理法律、法规的行为进行监督检查。


    Article 63 In light of the specific situations and actual needs of the jurisdiction, the People’s Congress of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government and the Standing Committee thereof may enact local decrees provided that they shall not contravene any provision of the Constitution, national law and administrative regulations.



    Article 65 The People’s Congress of a province or city where a special economic zone is located and the its Standing Committee shall, pursuant to an enabling decision issued by the National People’s Congress, enact decrees for implementation within the special economic zone.



    Article 79 National law has higher legal authority than administrative regulations, local decrees and administrative or local rules.

    第七十九条 法律的效力高于行政法规、地方性法规、规章。


    Article 73 The People’s Government of a province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the central government or a major city may enact local rules in accordance with national law, administrative regulations and local decrees of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the central government.



    Article 7 If county (district)administrations or above that are not empowered with the authority over such punishment detect violations of registration administrative decrees by foreign investment enterprises, they should carry out conscientious investigation, propose a decision of prosecution and defer to administrations at higher level empowered with such authority.

    第七条  没有处罚权的县(区)及县(区)以上的工商行政管理局在本管辖区域内发现外商投资企业违反登记管理法规的行为时,应当认真进行调查,提出处理建议,请示有处罚权的上级工商行政管理局。


    Article 35 Advertisers shall submit related documents of certification according to law and administrative decrees in applying for examination of their advertisements with the advertisement examination organizations. Advertisement examination organizations shall examine the advertisements and take proper decisions according to law and administrative decrees.

    第三十五条 广告主申请广告审查,应当依照法律、行政法规向广告审查机关提交有关证明文件。广告审查机关应当依照法律、行政法规作出审查决定。


    Article 31 It is prohibited to design, produce and published advertisements for commodities or services prohibited by the laws or administrative decrees and for commodities or services whose advertising is prohibited.

    第三十一条 法律、行政法规规定禁止生产、销售的商品或者提供的服务,以及禁止发布广告的商品或者服务,不得设计、制作、发布广告。


    Article 31. Planting opium poppy and other raw narcotics in violation of government decrees is strictly forbidden. Whoever violates the above decree shall be detained for a maximum of fifteen days and may be fined simply or concurrently a maximum of three thousand yuan, in addition to having his opium poppy and other narcotic plants rooted out; criminal responsibility shall be investigated if the actions constitute a crime.

    第三十一条 严厉禁止违反政府规定种植罂粟等毒品原植物,违者除铲除其所种罂粟等毒品原植物以外,处十五日以下拘留,可以单处或者并处三千元以下罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。非法运输、买卖、存放、使用罂粟壳的,收缴其非法运输、买卖、存放、使用的罂粟壳,处十五日以下拘留,可以单处或者并处三千元以下罚款;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。


    Article 3. The accountancy body and personnel must observe the laws and decrees set down in this Law and abide by them when carrying on the business of accounting and performing accountancy supervision.

    第三条 会计机构、会计人员必须遵守法律、法规,按照本法规定办理会计事务,进行会计核算,实行会计监督。


    Article 3 The State Administration for Industry and Commerce examines and deals accordingly with the following foreign investment enterprises that violate the registration administrative decrees :

    第三条  国家工商行政管理局对下列违反登记管理法规的外商投资企业进行查处:


    Article 16 With respect to the operational activities such as laying, maintenance, alteration, dismantling and abandonment of submarine cables and pipelines, as well as the investigations and surveying activities conducted for identifying the routes for laying the submarine cables and pipelines, in case there are any aspects which are not covered in these Provisions, the Provisions in other relevant State laws, decrees and regulations shall apply.

    第十六条 铺设、维修、改造、拆除、废弃海底电缆、管道以及为铺设所进行的路由调查、勘测活动,本规定未作规定的,适用国家其他有关法律、法规的规定。


    Article 17 Each party shall contribute its investment or cooperation input to the contractual JV according to laws, decrees and contractual JV contract.

    第十七条 合作各方应当依照有关法律、行政法规的规定和合作企业合同的约定,向合作企业投资或者提供合作条件。


    Article 10 When the administrations for industry and commerce are examining and dealing with the foreign investment enterprises that violate the registration administrative decrees they should appoint special persons to be in charge and establish relevant records. The evidence provided by the litigants should be signed and sealed by the litigants.

    第十条  工商行政管理局依法对外商投资企业违反登记管理法规的行为进行查处时,应当指定专人负责并建立档案,当事人提供的证据材料应由当事人签字或盖章。


    Article 4 The empowered local administrations examine and deal accordingly with the foreign investment enterprises that violate the registration administrative decrees in the areas under their jurisdiction.

    第四条  受权的工商行政管理局对违反登记管理法规的行为发生在本管辖区域内的外商投资企业进行查处。


    Chapter Four: Local Decrees , Autonomous Decrees and Special Decrees, and Rules

    第四章 地方性法规、自治条例和 单行条例、规章


    Article 53 Whereas a construction project approved needs land owned by the State for construction purposes, the construction unit should file an application with land administrative department of the people’s government at and above the county level with the power of approval on the strength of related documents required by law and administrative decrees . The land administrative department shall examine the application and submit it to the people’s government at the same level for approval.

    第五十三条 经批准的建设项目需要使用国有建设用地的,建设单位应当持法律、行政法规规定的有关文件,向有批准权的县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门提出建设用地申请,经土地行政主管部门审查,报本级人民政府批准。


    Article 5 Advertisers, advertising agents and advertisement publishers shall abide by the laws, administrative decrees and regulations and the principles of fairness, honesty and credit worthiness in carrying out advertising activities.

    第五条 广告主、广告经营者、广告发布者从事广告活动,应当遵守法律、行政法规,遵循公平、诚实信用的原则。


    Article 5 The joint venture company has the status of a legal person and is subject to the jurisdiction and protection of Chinese laws concerned. All activities of the joint venture company shall be governed by the laws, decrees and pertinent rules and regulations of the PRC .

    第五条 合营公司为中国法人,受中国法律管辖和保护,其一切活动必遵守中国的法律、法令和有关条例规定。


    Article 5 Unless otherwise regulated by laws and decrees , the administrative authority of a contractual JV is the administrative department of the Chinese party.

    第五条 合作企业的主管部门为中国合作者的主管部门。


    The joint venture company has the status of a legal person and is subject to the jurisdiction and protection of China’s laws concerned. All its activities shall be governed by Chinese laws, decrees and other pertinent rules and regulations.



    Section One Local Decrees , Autonomous Decrees and Special Decrees



    Article 1. This law is formulated in line with the constitution to enhance supervisory work, ensure the smooth implementation of government decrees , maintain administrative discipline, promote clean and honest administration building, improve administrative management, and raise administrative efficiency.

    第一条 为了加强监察工作,保证政令畅通,维护行政纪律,促进廉政建设,改善行政管理,提高行政效能,根据宪法,制定本法。


    Article 1. The present set of regulations is drawn up in accordance with relevant laws and decrees of the PRC .



    In response, the representative of China confirmed that China would fully comply with the SPS Agreement and would ensure the conformity with the SPS Agreement of all of its laws, regulations, decrees , requirements and procedures relating to SPS measures from the date of accession. The Working Party took note of these commitments. "

    对比,中国代表确认,中国将自加入之日起完全遵守《 SPS 协定》,并保证其所有与 SPS 措施有关的法律、法规、法令、要求和程序符合《 SPS 协定》。工作组注意到这些承诺。


    An import or export commodity included in the List of Import &Export Goods Subject to the Control of Commodity Inspection Agencies or required by other laws or administrative decrees to be inspected by these agencies



    The persons from the administrations for industry and commerce who are in charge should strictly observe relevant decrees and the disciplines guiding the handling of foreign affairs.


