属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴勒斯坦和西方外援 这援助会取消不?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-高管薪资 死后算账
1 | 我认为召他回来是明智的。 | I deem it wise to call him back. | |
2 | 我以能参加此盛会,深感荣幸。 | I deem it a very great honor to be present at this splendid entertainment. | |
3 | 要我向诸位讲几句话,我觉得非常荣幸. | I deem it a great honour to be invited to address you. | |
4 | 已经取得计量认证合格证书的产品质量检验机构,需新增检验项目时,应按照本细则有关规定,申请单项计量认证。 | Agencies for examination of product quality which have obtained a certificate for measurement attestation should apply for separate confirmation of measurement attestation for new items, if they deem these additional examinations necessary, according to the relevant provisions of these Rules. | |
5 | 以热爱祖国、贡献全部力量建设社会主义祖国为最大光荣 | We deem it the highest honour to love our socialist motherland and contribute our all to her socialist construction. | |
6 | 以损害社会主义祖国利益、尊严和荣誉为最大耻辱。 | We deem it the deepest disgrace to impair her interests, dignity or honour. | |
7 | 因为管理层把农民归于低等社会阶层,所以他们没有把农民的需求当回事儿。 | Because the managers deem farmers to be an inferior social class, they do not take the farmers’ demands seriously. | |
8 | 尤其是,如果我们换一个角度来看待这件事,我们岂不是说,那创造了一切肉体的天父,只是随便地承认了一次罪行,而对亵渎的淫秽和神圣的爱情之间毫不加以区别吗? | It must be even so, for, if we deem it otherwise, do we not thereby say that the Heavenly Father, the Creator of all flesh, hath lightly recognised a deed of sin, and made of no account the distinction between unhallowed lust and holy love? | |
9 | 有权代表我提起任何诉讼及其他合法或公正的程序,以取得我的任何土地或任何货物、动产、负债、税收,以及查询诉讼事由及我应履行的或与我有关的任何事情;只要他/她认为适当,有权就上述事项提起、主张和放弃诉讼请求。 | To commence, and prosecute on my behalf, any suits or actions or other legal or equitable proceedings for the recovery of any of my lands or for any goods, chattels, debts, duties, and to demand cause or thing whatsoever, due or to become due or belonging to me, and to prosecute, maintain and discontinue the same, if he or she shall deem proper | |
10 | ||1:很少有阿拉伯城镇会像伯利恒(耶稣降生地)那样平净地回收垃圾。||2:繁忙的一天快结束了,商人们刚想拉下百叶窗打烊,受命于Iyad abu Rudeineh的清洁工人们就会涌进一条条充满活力却混乱的小巷。||3:他认为这种成功归功于美国的道路修建计划,这计划大大消除了道路压力。||4:然而随着近日巴勒斯坦的两个最大竞争党世俗主义的法塔赫与伊斯兰教的哈马斯和解声明公布,他担忧美国将会停止对以支援。||5:究其原因则是美国和许多阿拉伯、欧洲国家将哈马斯视为恐怖组织。||6:他们做好了支持由Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah所领导的巴勒斯坦民族权力机构(又称巴勒斯坦自治政府)的准备,但前提是哈马斯没有牵扯其中。||7:在教皇于五月二十五日访问伯利恒之时,可能他会发现那里遍地垃圾。 | ||1:FEW Arab towns collect rubbish as smoothly as Bethlehem.||2:No sooner have the merchants lowered their shutters at the end of the day than the dustmen under the command of Iyad abu Rudeineh are primed to enter its tangle of restored old alleys.||3:Much of this success, he admits, is due to an American road-building project that has eased access.||4:Yet in the wake of a recent reconciliation agreement between Palestine’s two main rival parties, the secular Fatah and the Islamist Hamas, he fears that American support may cease.||5:For the United States and many Arab and European countries deem Hamas a terror group.||6:They are prepared to support the Palestinian Authority (PA) run by Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah (pictured), but not if Hamas is involved.||7:By the time the pope visits Bethlehem on May 25th, he may find the streets strewn with rubbish. | |
11 | ||1:这两位研究者认为,判断一名总经理薪资过高的标准是:如果一名总经理的薪水高于与他所在公司同类型、同等大小公司的总经理的薪资水平,但他给公司市值带来的提升却低于其薪资的溢价。||2:他们继续假设,若一名薪资虚高的经理去世,股东们会预计他的继任者薪资将回归正常水平,于是就可以收回原先由死者多占有的那部分财富,进而抬高了股价。 | ||1:They deem a boss to be overpaid if he gets more than his peers at firms of a similar type and size, but fails to boost his company’s stockmarket value by at least the amount of his pay premium.||2:They then assume that when an overpaid boss dies, investors will expect his successor’s pay to revert to the average, and will mark up its shares in anticipation of getting back the excess amount they had been handing to the deceased. | |
12 | 如果医生认为治疗不符合病人的利益,他们可能会拒绝给予治疗,但法院不能阻止成年人在别处寻求(以及支付)那样的治疗。 | If doctors do not deem a treatment to be in a patient’s interests they may refuse to give it, but a court cannot prevent an adult from seeking (and paying for) such care elsewhere. | |
13 | “病毒会被永远清除,不会再引发任何问题,”蒂姆确定地说。 | "It’s not going to come back and cause problems, " Deem assures. | |
14 | 73%的受访者认为春节假期只有7天,实在是太短了。 | Seventy-three percent of respondents deem the seven-day-long holiday to be too short. | |
15 | Meme一个供人们发布消息,转发消息,分享自己感兴趣内容的网站。 | Meme is a site where people may post, repost and share the content they deem interesting. | |
16 | 比如家里的炖菜或者西班牙肉菜饭都含有多种配料然而这正是Pollan和其他人认为那是“真正的”食物的原因所在。 | A home-cooked stew or a Spanish paella, for example, has dozens of ingredients but is what Pollan and others deem "real" food. | |
17 | 不要以别人的观点来设定自己的目标,只有你知道什么最合适自己。 | Don’t set your goals by what other people deem important. Only u know what is best for u. | |
18 | 但因为钴氧化物是如此的昂贵且易起反应,大多数专家认定它是不适于在混合动力或者全电动汽车中大规模使用的。 | But since cobalt oxide is so reactive and costly, most experts deem it unsuitable for widespread use in hybrid or electric vehicles. | |
19 | 当米歇尔·凯尼第一次想到借鉴ShrinkyDink开发微流体时,她担心别人会认为这种思路太荒谬。 | When Michelle Khine first shared her idea for Shrinky Dink microfluidics, she worried some would deem it half-baked. | |
20 | 多德-弗兰克(Dodd-Frank)法案赋予了美国监管部门权力,可以将任何机构视为“具有系统重要性”。 | The Dodd-Frank bill gave US regulators the power to deem any institution "systemically important" . | |
21 | 归根结底要看他们可以说服法官将哪些财产“附加上去”或者将其没收。 | It comes down to what assets they can persuade a judge to "attach" , or deem subject to seizure. | |
22 | 还可以配置和重新配置消息处理策略,以适应您认为必需的任何数量和顺序的操作。 | You can also configure and reconfigure your message processing policy to accommodate any number and order of actions you deem necessary. | |
23 | 解释;说明;认为;视为 | v. to consider as being ; deem | |
24 | 今年以色列加沙战争期间,半岛台播出了其他台认为太过惊悚、不宜播出的未剪辑镜头。 | During Israel’s Gaza war this year al-Jazeera broadcast the sort of unedited footage that most stations deem too gruesome to air. | |
25 | 警察说她正处于昏迷状态,并且一旦医生确定她醒来后,他们将会对她进行仔细的查问。 | Police say she’s under sedation, and they will question her at length when doctors deem that she’s up to it. | |
26 | 考虑到购买此商品对你方有利 | deem it to your advantage to buy something | |
27 | 没有哪个文明国家会认为使用它们是合法的。 | No civilised country should deem their use lawful. | |
28 | 难民营非常拥挤,因此很多家庭分不到救援人员认为必须的12平方空间。 | The camps are crowded, so many families cannot claim the 12 square metres that aid workers deem necessary. | |
29 | 其他自己认为值得补充的重要的品质 | those valuable qualities you deem important for reviewers to know | |
30 | 让教会去决定什么样的婚姻可被视为“合法”。 | Let churches decide which marriages they deem "licit. " |