属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本的巨额养老金 追逐风险
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国的数字化未来 谷歌恐惧症
1 | 这个自取灭亡的制度把无限的权力给了极端利己主义者。 | The self-defeating system gives limitless power to egomaniacs | |
2 | 这家公司击败了主要的竞争对手而垄断了整个小麦市场。 | By defeating their main competitor this firm has cornered the wheat market. | |
3 | 这家公司击败他们的主要对手,垄断了小麦市场。 | By defeating their main competition this firm has cornered the wheat market. | |
4 | 这种热情的主要后果恰如作茧自缚。尽管这一情况当时始终未意识到。 | This enthusiasm has one major effect that although not seen at the time, was self-defeating | |
5 | 支持给予中国永久贸易地位的美国参议员周二火力持续增强,再度否决多项他们声称可能严重威胁将于今年立法通过此贸易关系的修正案。 | Senate supporters of putting trade with China on a permanent status kept their momentum going Tuesday,defeating more amendments they said could seriously jeopardize passage of the legislation this year. | |
6 | ||1:白宫开始进行反击。在对被指控参与谋划9/11恐怖袭击的恐怖分子是否应该在联邦法庭上就审这个问题上,一举击败企图阻挠的势力。||2:紧接着的举动震惊了所有人。||3:在2009年9月,总检察官埃里克.赫德宣布哈立德?谢赫?穆罕默德和他的四名同谋者将在麦哈顿接受正义的审批。||4:它将向世人表明,即使是关塔那摩战俘营中最棘手的案件,美国民政法庭也有能力处理。||5:但仅仅两个月后,出于安全考虑的巨大忧虑以及不断增长政治压力,这一设想不得不草草收场,不了了之。||6:又一次,政府当局对自己制定的政策没有充分考量,低估了在政治上的挑战和移交转移的难度。 | ||1:The White House fought back, defeating an effort aimed at stopping the government from putting the alleged architects of 9/11 on trial in federal court.||2:Then came its boldest move.||3:In November 2009 Eric Holder, the attorney general, announced that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his four co-conspirators would face justice in Manhattan.||4:The trial would show that America’s civilian courts could handle even Guantánamo’s worst.||5:But just two months later, amid mounting security concerns and rising political pressure, the effort fell apart.||6:Once again, the administration had underestimated the political and logistical challenges posed by its policies. | |
7 | ||1:本书由2片论文及一篇很长的合序构成。||2:Stewart描绘了他在阿富汗时多姿多彩的生活,也写了他对阿富汗一系列的雄心壮志,军队的建立以及计划的制定的看法,认为这都是自拆台脚,他想要阻止却未能成功。||3:他竭力讥讽那些官腔,说什么建立一个可信赖的阿富汗政府,引进西方式法治。||4:他并不是反对这些做法,而是质疑外国人的执行力。||5:他在此引用了英国高山救援队的一条朴实的警告;“如情况不利,请准备回程。” | ||1: The book is structured as two essays with a lengthy joint introduction. ||2: Mr Stewart has written a colourful account of his time in Afghanistan and his failed attempts to stop what he sees as a self- defeating build-up of ambitions, troops and plans. ||3: He skewers gobbledygook notions of bringing Afghans accountable governance and Western-style rule of law. ||4: It is not that he is against such things, but that he doubts the ability of foreigners to impose it all. ||5: He cites a pragmatic admonition from English Mountain Rescue: “Be prepared to turn back if conditions turn against you.” | |
8 | ||1:与马克斯·哈斯丁相比,安东尼·比弗对大型陆地战如何展开的描述更能令人信服。||2:尽管他的观点没他对手的那么尖刻,但却也更有分寸。||3:尤其是谈及英国在打败希特勒方面所作的贡献时,他更加宽容;而马克斯·哈斯丁却似乎一再认为英国的功劳不过是建立了布莱切利园的密码破译中心,以及在1940年打败纳粹空军后为美军发展空军力量提供了一艘“不会沉没的航空母舰”。 | ||1:Mr Beevor also has a surer hand than Mr Hastings in describing how the great land battles of the war unfolded.||2:Although his judgments are less waspishly entertaining than his rival’s, they are also more measured.||3:He is notably more generous about Britain’s contribution to defeating Hitler, which Mr Hastings at times appears to think was mainly confined to the code-breaking centre at Bletchley Park and, after defeating the Luftwaffe in 1940, providing an “unsinkable aircraft-carrier” for the build-up of American military power. | |
9 | 除了对付通货紧缩,安倍还在寻求方法来鼓励日本经济承担更多风险。 | As well as defeating deflation, Mr Abe seeks to boost risk-taking in the economy. | |
10 | 德国对美国技术公司的排斥,显得它目光短线,最后弄巧成拙。 | Germany’s opposition to American technology firms is short-sighted and self-defeating | |
11 | 18日晚,中国乒乓球男队以3-0战胜德国男队,赢得男团冠军。 | China clinched the gold medal in the men’s Olympic team table tennis Monday after defeating European powerhouse Germany 3-0. | |
12 | 奥斯本反对财政刺激的主要理由是,它会推高利率,因此会起到反效果。 | The chancellor’s main argument against fiscal stimulus was that it would raise interest rates and thus be self defeating . | |
13 | 本想获得更多,或许结果反而会弄巧成拙。 | The drive to achieve more may prove self-defeating . | |
14 | 比利亚雷亚尔本周三在2比0击败桑坦德竞技后光荣地升到排行榜第一。 | Villarreal sit proudly at the top of the standings after defeating Racing Santander 2-0 on Wednesday. | |
15 | 不管怎样,到目前为止,中国发出的大多数恫吓结果都是固地自封、弄巧成拙。 | For now, however, much of China’s recent bluster turned out to be self-defeating . | |
16 | 不管怎样,这都会完全适得其反。 | It is in any case totally self-defeating . | |
17 | 不幸的是,这有点儿弄巧成拙。 | This is unfortunately rather self-defeating . | |
18 | 部落,政府官员和塔利班都有参与,而对鸦片征税占了他们收入的三分之一。罂粟是南部普什图区的主要财源。 | An American-funded effort to plough up opium poppies, the main cash crop in much of the Pushtun south, has been wasteful and self-defeating . | |
19 | 参考此书以获得关于怎样战胜抑制创造力的思想障碍的更多帮助。 | Check it out for more help on defeating these common mental blocks to creativity. | |
20 | 此外,事实终将证明,出口限制只会搬起石头砸自己的脚。 | Moreover, its export restrictions will ultimately prove self-defeating . | |
21 | 打败敌人首先要了解其身份,以及其运作方式。 | The first step to defeating an enemy is to pin down his exact identity and how he operates. | |
22 | 打败激进的伊斯兰教徒仍是美国政治上的一个重头戏。 | Defeating radical Islam will remain a mainspring of American policy. | |
23 | 但加息将会吸引更多热钱,这在一定程度上会弄巧成拙。 | But higher rates could attract more hot money, which would be partly self-defeating . | |
24 | 但如果为了保护这些资产的价值而进行多元化,可能事与愿违。 | Diversification to protect that asset’ s value, however, may be self- defeating . | |
25 | 但是,尽管管理汇率是赋予本国出口商某种优势的捷径,但从全球视野看,这是自我挫败之举。 | But although managing exchange rates is an easy way of giving domestic exporters an edge, it is self-defeating from a global perspective. | |
26 | 但是这种集体性地大幅削减财政是会弄巧成拙的。 | But this collectively huge fiscal contraction is self-defeating . | |
27 | 当然,也有可能出现一些事和谐的现象,但这只会事与愿违。 | Of course, it is possible to misbehave on Facebook--it’s just self-defeating . | |
28 | 当时国家队晋级四分之一决赛中被当时最厉害的对手意大利击败,但也5比3失利于葡萄牙。 | That team advanced to the quarterfinals by defeating Italy, then the strongest contender, but lost to Portugal 5-3. | |
29 | 堆溢出的防范策略 | The Strategies of Heap Overflow Defeating | |
30 | 对于全球经济而言,这些措施将会带来适得其反的后果。 | Such moves would be self-defeating for the global economy. |