1 | 法律、法规和规章授权的组织作出具体行政行为的,该组织是被申请人。 | Where a specific administrative act is undertaken by an organization authorized by the laws, regulations and rules, the said organization is the defending party of an application. | |
2 | 防卫城堡的军队击退了进攻的敌人。 | The troops defending the fort defeated the attacking enemy. | |
3 | 复议机关应当在受理之日起七日内将复议申请书副本发送被申请人。 | The administrative body for reconsideration shall, within 7 days from the day of filing the case, deliver a copy of the written application for reconsideration to the defending party of the said application. | |
4 | 鸿渐忍不住回护遯翁道:“他也没有叫你当老妈子,他不过劝你不必出去做事。” | Hung-chien could not help defending his father, "He wasn’t asking you to be a maidservant, merely urging you not to go out and work." | |
5 | 基于移动代理的分布式拒绝服务攻击防御模型 | A Model for Defending against DDoS Attacks Based on mobile-agent | |
6 | 计算机网络防雷技术研究 | Research of Thunder Defending of Computer Network | |
7 | 加强综合预控措施来提高建筑物的抗震减灾能力 | Synthetical Defending and Controlling Measures for Improving Earthquake Resistance and Disaster Mitigation of Buildings | |
8 | 军队、武警和民兵在保卫和建设祖国中发挥了重要作用。 | Our national defense capabilities and the army′s defense and combat effectiveness have further improved. The army, the armed police and the militia have played an important role in defending and building up our motherland. | |
9 | 军队、武警和民兵在保卫和建设祖国中发挥了重要作用。 | The army, the armed police and the militia have played an important role in defending and building up our motherland. | |
10 | 抗阻塞干扰的低速率语音编码传输算法 | Low-bit-rate Speech Coding and Transmission Algorithm for Defending the Wideband Rejective Interference | |
11 | 莱斯特队球员帕克已被裁判史蒂夫。兰德尔2次警告防守犯规,他在边线前被戏剧性地判罚。 | Leicester’s Pack,already twice warned by referee Steve Lander for unlawful defending ,W8s dramatically penalised in front 0f their own line. | |
12 | 篮球从防守外线过渡到防守内线的技术及方法 | Basketball Techniques and Methods of Transition from outside-line Defending to Inside Line Defending | |
13 | 两个或者两个以上行政机关以共同名义作出具体行政行为的,共同作出具体行政行为的行政机关是共同被申请人。 | Where two or more administrative bodies have undertaken a specific administrative act in their combined name, the administrative bodies which have jointly undertaken the specific administrative act are the joint defending parties of an application. | |
14 | 论篮球的个人防守意识 | On the Individual Defending Awareness in Basketball Playing | |
15 | 论贫困大学生心理健康危机及预防干预机制的构建 | Analysis on the Psychological Crisis of Poor Students and the Construction of the Crisis Interference-Defending System | |
16 | 论英国卢德运动的维权特性 | On the Characteristics of Defending Rights of Luddism in Britain | |
17 | 没有取得律师执业证书,为牟取经济利益从事诉讼代理或者辩护业务的,由所在地的县级以上地方人民政府司法行政部门责令停止非法执业,没收违法所得,可以并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下罚款。 | A person who has not obtained a lawyer’s practice certificate but engages in the business of acting as agent ad litem or defending clients for the purpose of seeking economic benefit shall be ordered to cease the illegal practice of law by the judicial administration department of the local people’s government at or above the county level, which shall confiscate any illegal income and may also impose a fine of no less than one and no more than five times the amount of the illegal income. | |
18 | 明显的矛盾是由于有些母猪仍霸占着饲料漏斗。 | This apparent contradiction is due to the dominance of some sows in defending the feed hopper | |
19 | 那些丈夫和情人们,看到苔丝让人这样威慑势凌,有欠公道,就想帮助苔丝一下,好使争端平息。 | Thereupon, finding Tess unfairly browbeaten, the husbands and lovers tried to make peace by defending her | |
20 | 你在为自己辩护。 | You are defending yourself. | |
21 | 女职工维权渠道透视-基于对福建制鞋业的调查 | Inspection on Female Employees’ Right-defending Channels: Based on an Investigation of Shoe-making Industry in Fujian Province | |
22 | 破破烂烂的褐色无袖工作服,保护着她的一前一后。 | Brown scapulars in tatters, defending her both ways | |
23 | 情境教育的德育意义及其实践-以《定海保卫战影集》为例 | On the Significance of Situational Teaching in Moral Education-Taking the Album of Defending Dinghai for Example | |
24 | 人民币升值及其对我国外贸行业的影响 | The Influence of the Renminbi Appreciation on International Trade and Defending Countermeasures | |
25 | 人民解放军驻藏部队、武警西藏部队和政法队伍是保卫祖国边疆、维护西藏稳定的坚强柱石和忠诚卫士。 | The PLA Garrison, PAPF units and the law enforcement departments in Tibet are the strong pillars and loyal guards in defending the frontier of the motherland and maintaining stability in Tibet. | |
26 | 深切怀念为创立、捍卫和建设新中国而英勇牺牲的革命先烈, | We cherish dearly the memory of the revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives heroically for the sake of founding, defending and building New China. | |
27 | 石墨炸弹破坏机理及相关防护对策 | Destructive Mechanism of Blackout Bomb and Its Defending Measures | |
28 | 守军;两军争夺每一寸土地。 | The defending army/The two armies disputed every inch of ground. | |
29 | 他承担了为之辩护的苦差事,因为似乎无人有此思想准备。 | He has taken on the task of defending it because nobody else seems prepared to. | |
30 | 他的防守优于进攻。 | He’ s better at defending than attacking |