属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-行为经济学 时间与处罚
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 特朗普给字节跳动设最后期限 特朗普封禁微信
1 | 我听从父母,因为他们年长见多识广。 | I defer to my parents because they are older and wiser. | |
2 | 希望青年人顺从他们长辈的意愿。 | Young people are expected to defer to the wishes of their elders | |
3 | 延迟期权在企业并购投资决策中的应用研究 | Research on the Application of Option to Defer in Corporation Mergers & Acquisitions Investment Decision | |
4 | 因此,自由党再次向政府提出,要求押后恢复草案的二读。 | The Liberal Party therefore appeals to the government once more to defer the second reading of the bill. | |
5 | 由于共和党在90年代之前在国会是少数党,也就不得不顺从民主党在公共事业上大笔花钱。 | But the Republicans were the minority party in Congress until the 1990s, forced to defer to democratic big spenders | |
6 | 在技术问题上,我遵从专家的意见. | On technical matters,I defer to the experts. | |
7 | 在这些问题上,我尊重你丰富的经验. | I defer to your greater experience in such things. | |
8 | 这位年轻的农庄主人,脾气急躁,生性固执,动不动喜欢吵架,竟然会始终对这诗人唯命是听,真是一个无从解释的矛盾。 | Why the young rancher, irascible, obstinate, belligerent, should invariably defer to the poet, was an inconsistency never to be explained | |
9 | 证券交易监督委员会是在上个月,批准联和机构延长其债券届满期限至2000年8月17日,同时该集团也是国内首家获准延长债券届满期限的公司。 | The Securities Exchange Regulatory Commission granted its approval last month that Lien Hoe could defer its bonds till August 17, 2000, which made the Group the first company in the country to be approved for the deferral of bonds | |
10 | ||1:荷马笔下的《奥德赛》里,那抵制诱惑的故事经久不衰。主角将自己绑在船的桅杆上,听得到塞壬美妙却又危险的歌声,但不屈从于诱惑。||2:长期以来,研究人员一直好奇人们是否有能力抵制或推迟与生活相关的满足感。||3:在最知名的“棉花糖”实验里,15分钟内能忍住不吃糖的孩子就可以吃到两块棉花糖。||4:无法等待的孩子成年后往往收入较低,健康状况较差。||5:新的研究表明,不能耽搁而必须立即享受奖赏的孩子们之后也更可能成为罪犯。 | ||1:IN HIS “Odyssey”, Homer immortalized the idea of resisting temptation by having the protagonist tied to the mast of his ship, to hear yet not succumb to the beautiful, dangerous songs of the Sirens.||2:Researchers have long been intrigued as to whether this ability to avoid, or defer , gratification is related to outcomes in life.||3:The best-known test is the “marshmallow” experiment, in which children who could refrain from eating the confection for 15 minutes were given a second one.||4:Children who could not wait tended to have lower incomes and poorer health as adults.||5:New research suggests that kids who are unable to delay rewards are also more likely to become criminals later. | |
11 | ||1:相反,允许美元浮动。||2:对他来说,浮动汇率制非常危险,这就是公开邀请其他国家操纵它们的货币,其内在的不稳定性也会破坏政府的稳定。||3:保罗·沃尔克青春期时发生了战争,这可能是他渴望一个以规则为基础的世界的原因。||4:但是就他自己强加的规则而言,它们是成功的。||5:1983年后,经济大多数时候在没有通货膨胀的情况下取得增长,而且,总的来说, 政治领袖都学着在货币政策上听从中央银行的意见。 | ||1:Instead, the dollar was allowed to float.||2:To him floating exchange rates were fundamentally dangerous, an open invitation to countries to manipulate their currencies— and so inherently unstable that they undermined the stability of governments, too.||3:It was probably his wartime adolescence that made him yearn for such a rules-based world.||4:But in so far as he managed to impose rules himself, they were a success.||5:After 1983 the economy mostly grew without inflation and political leaders, by and large, learned to defer to the central bank on monetary policy. | |
12 | ||1:由于民主党人和共和党人就一项新的刺激方案上争执不下,特朗普发布了一项行政命令,其中包括恢复7月份停止的额外失业福利(每周400美元,而不是600美元),并推迟征收工资税。||2:该命令的目的可能是集中思路;额外失业福利取决于资金短缺的州的贡献程度。 | ||1:With Democrats and Republicans at loggerheads over a new stimulus package, Donald Trump issued an executive order that, among other things, would reinstate the additional unemployment benefits that ceased in July (though at $400 a week rather than $600) and defer the collection of payroll taxes.||2:The order’s intent may be to concentrate minds; the extra benefits depend on contributions from cash-strapped states. | |
13 | 他们不可能有大量现金缓冲;随着收入枯竭,他们可能没有什么追索权,只能延期支付贷款。 | These are unlikely to have huge cash buffers; as revenues dried up they may have had little recourse but to defer loan payments. | |
14 | 这多亏了刺激计划支票和大量的失业救济,以及银行推迟抵押贷款和信用卡支付的意愿。 | thanks to stimulus cheques and meaty unemployment benefits, and banks’ willingness to defer mortgage and credit-card payments. | |
15 | bottomhalf方法可以将设备驱动程序中的工作延迟到中断处理后执行。 | A bottom half is a way to defer work from interrupt handling to be done later in a device driver. | |
16 | CAI允许您将消耗时间的删除部分延迟到系统负载不是很高的时候。 | CAI enables you to defer the time consuming parts of the deletion to a date when the system load is not on a high level. | |
17 | CREATEINDEX语句使用户可以立即建立索引,或者将索引的建立推迟到方便的时候。 | The CREATE INDEX statement gives the user the ability to build the index immediately, or to defer it until a more convenient time. | |
18 | 本机映像服务允许将本机映像的安装和更新推迟到计算机空闲时进行。 | The native image service allows you to defer the installation and update of native images to periods when the computer is idle. | |
19 | 本身现在投进去,本来就是三年几年的退出,但现在可能受拖累,可能延迟了时间。 | Itself is cast now, it is originally exit, but suffer be a burden on possibly now, likelihood defer time. | |
20 | 别像那种坐在圆桌旁说话发出哒哒哒声播报新闻的明星,尊重和聆听你的客人。 | Unlike the star of a rowdy cable news roundtable, defer and listen to your guest. | |
21 | 布兰托弗表示,摩根士丹利计划延迟支付60%这个比例“看似很高,但可能成为业界标准。我们将拭目以待”。 | Morgan Stanley’s plan to defer 60 per cent, "seems high, but it could be the norm, " Ms Branthover said. "We’ll see. " | |
22 | 布什常说,他会听从军事指挥官,但是这次不接受他们的建议。 | Mr Bush has always said he would defer to his military commanders, but this time he did not take their advice. | |
23 | 测试驱动开发允许你推迟决定,直到你更好地理解了问题之所在。 | Test-driven development allows you to defer decisions until you understand the problem better. | |
24 | 此服务暴露可推迟名称解析的API。 | This service exposes an API that can defer name resolution. | |
25 | 此外,他们会发现推迟享乐很困难,就像经济学家用双曲线贴现假设的那样。 | Moreover, they may find it difficult to defer gratification or, as economists like to put it, they use hyperbolic discounting. | |
26 | 从理论上说,您可以延迟设计决策到最后责任时刻。 | Ideally, you want to defer design decisions to the last responsible moment. | |
27 | 但是,她始终清楚何时该顺从奥巴马先生,何时该与其他内阁大员妥协,如蒂姆•盖特纳。 | But she has always known when to defer to Mr Obama or other cabinet secretaries, such as Tim Geithner. | |
28 | 但是他小心翼翼地跟随着他父亲,只有在金正日开始挥手后才才以同样的方式向底下军队的致敬。 | But he was careful to defer to his father, saluting the troops below only after Kim Jong Il began to raise his hand to do so. | |
29 | 当我听到这个问题时,我理解为“我能否在出现实质影响时才做出决策?” | When I hear the question, it translates in my mind to "Can I defer this change until there is guaranteed impact? " | |
30 | 第二,如果应用服务器特别繁忙,那么它可能会推迟这项工作的启动。 | Second, if the application server is particularly busy, it might defer the start of this piece of work. |