1 | 谷物产量不足 | A deficit in grain production. | |
2 | 股市危机打击了美国经济的薄弱环节(如贸易逆差). | The stock-market crisis struck at the soft underbelly of the US economy,eg its trade deficit . | |
3 | 关于赤字开支效应的新经济学理论. | New economic theories regarding the effects of deficit spending. | |
4 | 国际收支中的借方和贷方是很少平衡的。其结果是国际收支不是顺差就逆差。为了分析,国际收支各项目分类如下 | The debit and credit items in a balance of payments seldom balance. as a result, the balance of payments is either in surplus or in deficit . For the purpose of analysis, the items of the balance of payments are classified into: | |
5 | 国家税务总局关于外商投资企业和外国企业虚报亏损企业所得税处理问题的批复 | Official Reply of the State Administration of Taxation of the People’s Republic of China, on Treatment of False Deficit Report Made by Foreign-Funded Enterprises and Foreign Enterprises | |
6 | 国有企业改革进一步深化,扭亏解困初见成效 | the torsion of deficit to profit had taken a beginning effect by the Reformation in state enterprises furthered | |
7 | 号召罢工…是为了抗议…政府解散受赤字苦的国家铁路系统而将其私有化的计划(基督教科学箴言报)参见 | The strike.was called to protest the.government’s plans to break up and privatize the deficit -ridden national railway system(Christian Science Monitor)See Usage Note at-ize | |
8 | 黄金外流可以暂时填补国际收支的逆差。 | The outflow of gold can temporarily finance the balance of payments deficit | |
9 | 加州人之所以迁怒于州长戴维斯,是因为不满他对该州的巨额预算和赤字的处理办法。 | Californians are angry with Gov. Davis because of his handling of the state’s huge budget deficit | |
10 | 她不得不支取储金以弥补亏空。 | She has to indent on reserves to cover the deficit | |
11 | 她不能依赖长期或短期的国际信贷来为进口差额或货物与劳务的逆差融资,也不可能指望保持出口顺差或货物和劳务的净盈余。 | It cannot depend on international credit, whether short-term or long-term, to finance a net import balance or a net goods and services deficit ; nor can it hope to sustain a net export balance or a net goods and services surplus. | |
12 | 今天的财政赤字总共为100亿美元。 | The financial deficit of this year amounted to ten billion dollars | |
13 | 近来,人们大肆渲染阿耳茨海默氏病和其他痴呆病,以致于病人有时甚至他们的医生都忽略了某种记忆力轻度缺陷可能是良性的这个事实。 | Recently there has been so much publicity about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias that patients, and sometimes even their doctors, overlook the fact that a mild memory deficit may be benign | |
14 | 经常项目的逆差意味着国家是国际借款者,而顺差,则是贷款者。 | deficit on current account would mean that the country was a net international borrower, while a surplus would mean a net international lender. | |
15 | 经费余绌;经费余绌 | surplus or deficit of appropriation | |
16 | 据宣布总赤字为1亿美元。 | The total deficit was announced at 100 million dollars | |
17 | 看来[纽约]市勉强过得去,可以避免[由州政府]监管。可是这是一项错误,因为[监管]局可以协助应付更严重,且随时可能发生的危机--据估计1992会计年度将有35亿元的赤字。 | It seems the city can scrape by and avoid having such an overseer.But that would be a mistake,because the board could help deal with the even deeper crisis just around the corner-the$3.5billion deficit projected for the1992fiscal year. | |
18 | 柯蒂斯指出,在一九九0年代,美国的经济模式依赖削减预算赤字和公共债务,全球对美国公司的信心,地缘政治稳定,透明化,以及自由贸易衍生的生产力增加。 | Courtis pointed out that the US economic model during the 1990s depended upon reduction of budget deficit and public debt, the worldwide confidence in US firms, geopolitical stability, transparency and the productivity gains derived from free trade | |
19 | 可是在负债方面,阁下离任时,国家负担了二兆六千亿的债务。这是一笔可观的赤字,可能系由军费增加三倍和减税所致。这如何能与阁下八年以前所订的目标相吻合?本人愿闻其详。 | But on the debit side,as you leave office,the nation is saddled with a$2.6trillion debt,an enormous deficit ,caused perhaps by the tripling of military spending and tax cut.How does this jibe with the goals that you set eight years ago and I’d like to follow up. | |
20 | 累积亏绌,累计亏空,累积亏损 | accumulated deficit ;cumulative deficit | |
21 | 历时10天半的大会昨天也以80.5%的赞成票通过赤字多达3098亿元人民币(约688亿新元)的2002年财政预算。 | The meeting has lasted for 10-1/2 days and the 2002 fiscal budget with a deficit of Renminbi 309.8 billions (about 68.8 billion Singapore Dollars)was passed yesterday with 80.5% of yes votes | |
22 | 联邦政府取消了对赤字开支的全部限制 | The federal government pulled the plug on deficit spending | |
23 | 迈凯伦F1车队领队朗恩?丹尼斯:“可惜在两次重新开赛时,雷克南和蒙托亚都受到了前方慢车的阻挡。不过,最终我们也能赢得赛事,去年的这个时候,我们的积分比现在少很多。” | Ron Dennis, Team Principal: ″ It was also disappointing that both Kimi and Juan Pablo were trapped behind slower cars in two of the re-starts but at the end of the day we have the pace to win and this time last year our points deficit was significantly gr | |
24 | 贸易赤字(进口多于出口). | A balance-of-trade deficit ,ie when a country’s exports are worth less than its imports | |
25 | 弥补赤字,弥补亏损,弥补欠款 | cover the deficit ;make up a deficit;meet a deficit | |
26 | 那家公司的今年年度预算出现亏损。因为公司时常出现赤字,不久将会关闭。 | The annual budget of that company continues to show a deficit this year. It will go out of business because it is always in the red. | |
27 | 难以控制的交通堵塞;失控的联邦赤字 | unmanageable traffic congestion;an unmanageable federal deficit . | |
28 | 其逆差表示一国支付寸头长期恶化而顺差则指一个国家收支平衡长期的良好趋势。 | Its deficit would indicate that long-term trends were worsening a country’s payment position, while its surplus would indicate that long-term trends were strengthening the country’s balance of payments. | |
29 | 其提神的作用往往使某些兴奋剂(如苯异丙胺、咖啡因以及与之相近的古柯碱和尼古丁)被滥用。用于儿童注意力障碍(及过动)异常的利他林,是一种软性的兴奋剂。 | Their mood-elevating effects make some stimulants (e.g., amphetamines, caffeine and its relatives, cocaine, nicotine)potent drugs of abuse. Ritalin, prescribed for attention deficit disorder in children, is a mild stimulant. | |
30 | 人力不足,人力短缺,人力缺乏 | manpower deficit ;shortage of manpower |