1 | 增值税的采用,商业银行从国家银行的活动中分出来,起码目前终止了中央银行为国家财政赤字融资的做法,也为工商企业提供了更为稳定的背景。” | The introduction of value added tax, the separation of commercial from national banking activities and an end, at least for now, to central bank monetary financing of the state deficit , also contribute to a more stable background for business." | |
2 | 这个系统非常精确,运转也非常迅速,因此我很难相信进化将我们处于慢性缺水的状态中。 | That system is so precise and so fast that I find it impossible to believe that evolution left us with a chronic water deficit "Valtin said | |
3 | 这些现象无疑给希腊不断膨胀的财政赤字雪上加霜。目前,(希腊的)财政赤字已经占到了国内生产总值的4%,远高于欧盟规定的上限。 | Such signs do not bode well for Greece’s ballooning budget deficit -already at about 4% of GDP, far higher than rules laid down by the EU. | |
4 | 政府消息来源指出,由于地铁私有化收益少于预期,本年度的财政赤字可能由六亿元增加到十一亿元。 | A government source said the estimated $6 billion deficit for the financial year might rise to $11 billion because of the lower-than-expected revenue from privatisation of the Mass Transit Railway Corporation. | |
5 | 支援低收入缺粮国家粮食安全的粮食生产特别方 | Special Programme on Food Production in Support of Food Security in Low-income Food-deficit countries | |
6 | 指出目前绝大部分甲醇装置没有利润、亏损、停产和减产的原因在于产品成本制约、国内外竞争压力,经济环境与市场变化。 | It is pointed out that the causes of no profit, deficit , outage and reduction in output occurring in most methanol facilities include cost constraint, competition pressure at home and abroad, economic environment and market changes. | |
7 | 制作合成地震记录主要的不足之处是输入资料不全。 | The principal deficit in making synthetic seismograms is that the input data commonly are incomplete | |
8 | 逐年减少外贸逆差是个战略性问题。 | It is of strategic importance to reduce the deficit in foreign trade year by year. | |
9 | 资本亏空,资本亏损,资本亏绌 | capital deficit ; capital deficiency | |
10 | 最后,里根总统对一项指控提出异议。指控说他削减税收7500亿--后来缩减为5000亿--造成联邦岁入短缺因而发生赤字。 | Finally,President Reagan took issue with the allegation that his$750billion in tax reductions-later shrunken to around$500billion-contributed to a shortfall in Federal revenues and therefore to the deficit . |