1 | 如果一个国家的收支差额呈现持久逆差,必须采取措施纠正 | If a country has had a persistent deficit in its balance of payments, it has to adopt measures to correct the position. | |
2 | 如果一国货币对另一国货币定值过高,它的出口减少进口增加,其结果是收支差额持续出现逆差。 | If the currency of a country is overvalued in terms of other currencies, its exports decline and imports increase, resulting in a persistent deficit in its balance of payments. | |
3 | 如有未弥补亏损,应作为所有者权益的减项反映。 | Deficit not yet made up, if any, shall be shown as a deduction item of owners’ equity. | |
4 | 三扬比赛失利后重振旗鼓,赢得加场赛的胜利 | Rallied from a three-game deficit to win the playoffs. | |
5 | 是否用增加税收的方法来减少预算赤字的问题对于许多政客来说是一个棘手的问题。 | The question of whether to raise taxes to cut the budget deficit is a real hot potato for a lot of politicians. | |
6 | 数据表明,美国吸引的资金足以填补经常项目逆差的亏空,而经常项目逆差则是导致美元下跌的主要原因之一。 | The numbers indicate that the US attracted more than enough funds to balance the current account deficit -one of the big fears that prompted the dollar’s fall. | |
7 | 双边协议,主要是为了避免两国间收支平衡逆差的协议。 | And bilateral agreements between two countries contracted principally for the purpose of avoiding the balance of payments deficit . | |
8 | 税率低而政府支出大,结果出现预算赤字. | Tax was low and state spending was high,resulting in a budget deficit . | |
9 | 随着国家宏观调控政策措施逐步到位,进口额连续两个月小于出口额,扭转了前4个月连续逆差的局面。 | As the phase-in of China′s macro-control measures, import value has been less than the export, and the situation of the first 4-month-long consecutive deficit has been changed. | |
10 | 随着经济复苏,股市楼市造好,二零零三至零四年的财政赤字应为大约五百亿元,远低于官方估计的七百八十亿元。 | Thanks to the economic recovery and improving stock and property markets, the 2003-04 deficit should be about $50 billion, well below official estimates of $78 billion. | |
11 | 岁入盈亏,岁入余缺,岁入余绌 | surplus or deficit of annual receipts | |
12 | 所以眼前益中虽然只差得十万,他却沉吟又沉吟,摆布不下。 | Consequently, the company’s present deficit , though it amounted to no more than a hundred thousand, was proving an insurmountable difficulty however hard he racked his brains | |
13 | 所有这一切,再加上每年多达1200万美元的市政开支赤字,致使布里奇波特成为美国自大萧条以来宣布破产的最大城市 | All this, together with an annual operating deficit of $12 million, led Bridgeport to become the largest city since the Great Depression to declare itself Bankrupt | |
14 | 他们尽力设法弥补赤字。 | They tried hard to make up the deficit . | |
15 | 他无法交待清楚公司的银行账目怎么会出现赤字。 | He was unable to account for the deficit in the firm’s bank balance | |
16 | 外汇短缺,外贸发生逆差,会不会拖我们的后腿 | Will the growth of the economy be impeded by a shortage of foreign exchange and a deficit in foreign trade? | |
17 | 为了解决财政赤字问题,基建规模特别是非生产性建设规模不能过大,有些开支不能完全由中央承担。 | To reduce the deficit , the scale of capital construction, especially of non-productive projects, has to be kept under control. | |
18 | 未分配盈余(或累积亏损) | Retained earnings-unappropriated (or accumulated deficit ) | |
19 | 我们筹措了 | We raised 100,and we need 250that’s a deficit of 150. | |
20 | 我们今年有很大亏损。 | We have a great deficit this year | |
21 | 我们钜额的贸易逆差,使得我们必须面临许多不同形式的支票帐单,这包含外国人持有的美国政府与企业公债、银行存款等,以惊人的速度累积成长 | Our enormous trade deficit is causing various forms of "claim checks"-U.S. government and corporate bonds, bank deposits, etc.-to pile up in the hands of foreigners at a distressing rate. | |
22 | 我与一大伙人在竞选台上,一致声言反对[政府]习以为常的赤字开支。 | And I was among a great chorus out on the hustings speaking out against this consistent and constant deficit spending. | |
23 | 现在最主要的困难就是资金的筹集。伯尔尼当局仍需为拨款举行投票,而为了应对巨大的财政预算赤字,伯尔尼州正处于节省开支时期。 | Now the main obstacle is funding. Local authorities have yet to vote on the appropriation, which comes after a period of belt-tightening in the canton of Bern to deal with a huge budget deficit . | |
24 | 学校领导创新:调整学校实践,与“类多动症行为”作斗争 | Leadership Initiatives For School Reform: Modifications To School Practice To Combat “Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Like” Behavior | |
25 | 意大利维罗纳队在半决赛第一回合比赛中以96:62轻松击败萨洛尼卡队,希腊人要想在下个星期的回访赛中将比分拉平真是不容易。 | Verona of Italy comfortably beat Salonica 96-62 in their semifinal,first leg encounter…surely too great a deficit for the Greeks to make up in the return match next week. | |
26 | 由于经济萧条与9-11带来的影响,纽约市市长布隆伯格必须全力对付60亿美元的巨额预算赤字,这意味着即便令人痛苦地缩减公众服务设施也无济于事。 | And thanks to the recession and 9/11, Mayor Michael Bloomberg must contend with a whopping budget deficit projected to be billion, something that even painful cutbacks in services cannot solve | |
27 | 有云区也可能是输射亏损区,因为云有较高的反照率。 | Cloudy areas can also be areas of radiation deficit because of their higher albedo | |
28 | 在大多数发展中国家,政府开支的增加导致了1982和1983年的创纪录的财政赤字。 | In most developing countries increased government expenditures led to record fiscal deficit in 1982 and 1983 | |
29 | 在肯尼迪(Kennedy)减税取得成功后,林顿-约翰逊(Lyndon Johnson)总统急于避免增税,因此希望向国会提交一份预算报告,其中赤字目标相当低,仅为100亿美元(占1965年国内生产总值的1.3%)。 | Eager to avoid a tax rise after the successful Kennedy tax cuts, President Lyndon Johnson wanted to give Congress a budget with a relatively small deficit of $10bn (1.3 per cent of 1965 gross domestic product). | |
30 | 在帐上耍花招来掩饰亏空 | Paper over a deficit with accounting gimmicks. |