属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-巴西经济 极端天气在前
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-食用油产业怎么了? What’s cooking?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-森林保护 激光雷达探测术
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-森林保护 激光雷达探测术
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-战争的起源 古老的战士?
1 | 城市近郊林的减少率预测及保护对策 | Studies on Deforestation Prediction of Urban Forests and Preservation Strategies | |
2 | 此外,印尼森林消失的速度也令人警觉。 | There’s also alarm at the rate of deforestation in Indonesia. | |
3 | 伐林:清除森林的过程。伐林的速率在热带地区特别高,该处土壤质劣,只好采用定期砍伐来获得新的土壤作为农耕之用。 | deforestation : Process of clearing forests. Rates of deforestation are particularly high in the tropics, where the poor quality of the soil has led to the practice of routine clear-cutting to make new soil available for agricultural use. | |
4 | 伐林会导致侵蚀、干旱,所造成的动植物物种灭绝会让生物多样性流失,此外还使得大气中二氧化碳含量增加。 | Deforestation can lead to erosion, drought, loss of biodiversity through extinction of plant and animal species, and increased atmospheric carbon dioxide. | |
5 | 黄土高原子午岭森林破碎化对流域水文过程的影响 | Effect of Deforestation on Watershed Hydrological Process in Ziwuling on the Loess Plateau | |
6 | 毁林的后果迫切需要更多的资助、清醒的头脑和真知灼见。 | The deforestation dilemma still cries for more commitment, clarity, and vision | |
7 | 减少发展中国家毁林排放谈判进展 | Progress on Negotiations about Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Developing Countries | |
8 | 禁止毁林开垦和毁林采石、采砂、采土以及其他毁林行为 | Land reclamation at the expense of deforestation , rock quarrying, sand quarrying, soil extracting and other activities at the expense of deforestation shall be forbidden. | |
9 | 滥伐山林的恶果 | The ravages of deforestation on the hills | |
10 | 滥伐树木和在新的热带森林里建立定居点以及农场边缘,导致农民和家畜暴露于新的节肢动物和其所携带的病毒。 | Deforestation and settlement of new tropical forest and farm margins have exposed farmers and domestic animals to new arthropods and the viruses they carry. | |
11 | 人口增长、森林砍伐与明代北京生活燃料的转变 | Population Growth, Deforestation and Fuel Substitution in Ming Beijing | |
12 | 森林砍伐和退化的根本原因全球讲习班 | Global Workshop on Addressing the Underlying Causes of Deforestation and forest Degradation | |
13 | 森林史研究:以菲律宾森林滥伐史研究为重点 | Survey of Forest History Studies: Focusing on the Studies of Deforestation in Philippines | |
14 | 薪材短缺是毁林后果的最明显和最引人注目的实例。 | Firewood scarcity offers the most visible and dramatic example of deforestation ’s effects | |
15 | 许多国家进行植树造林或退耕还林计划来逆转伐林效应,或是增加可用的林木。 | Many nations have undertaken afforestation or reforestation projects to reverse the effects of deforestation , or to increase available timber. | |
16 | 严重的乱砍滥伐加快了水土流失,降低了生产力。 | Severe deforestation has accelerated soil erosion and reduced productivity. | |
17 | 由于乱砍乱伐以及对其他植被的破坏,洪水控制变得愈来愈困难了 | As a result of excessive deforestation and the destruction of other vegetational cover, flood control is becoming increasingly difficult | |
18 | 曾有一段时期,由于过度放牧和肆意毁林,山区生态环境遭到严重破坏,动植物资源明显减少。 | At one time, due to excessive herding and reckless deforestation , the ecological environment of the mountain area was severely damaged, and the resources of animals and plants significantly dwindled | |
19 | 这意味着需要除了利用优质煤炭,还要利用劣质煤炭:除了利用陆上石油,还要利用海洋石油:除了利用浅层气,还要利用深层气:除了利用条件良好的水电站,还要利用条件一般的水电站;除了可承受的木柴采伐,还要破坏森林。 | It entailed the use of dirty coal as well as clean; undersea oil as well as terrestrial; deep gas as well as shallow; mediocre hydroelectric sites as well as good ones; and deforestation as well as sustainable fuelwood harvesting. | |
20 | 子午岭地区林地破坏加速侵蚀对土壤养分流失和微生物的影响研究 | The Impacts of Accelerated Erosion on Soil Nutrient Loss and Microbial Quantity Following Deforestation in the Ziwuling Area | |
21 | ||1:当迪尔玛·罗塞夫准备一月一日的巴西总统连任宣誓时,天气预报显示首都巴西利亚是晴天。||2:但是对于未来四年前景的展望却不容乐观。||3:她艰巨的工作任务清单中包括修复与美国因2013年窃听丑闻而破碎的外交关系。||4:亚马逊地区的森林破坏速度在经历十年的连续下降后重新上升,有史以来最为严重的干旱对东南地区的能源与水资源配给带来了严峻考验。||5:2016年巴西里约热内卢奥运会的筹备工作再一次面临着预算无法按期筹集的危险,而这一风险在2014年巴西举办足球世界杯时就已经开始积累了。||6:尽管罗塞夫本人没有任何污点,但她的左翼工党势力与其盟友却卷入国有石油巨头巴西石油公司的腐败丑闻中。 | ||1:WHILE Dilma Rousseff prepared to be sworn in for a second term as Brazil’s president on January 1st, the skies over the capital, Brasília, were forecast to be clear.||2:But the outlook for the next four years is gloomy.||3:Her daunting to-do list includes repairing ties with America, damaged by the revelation in 2013 that its spies had tapped her phone calls.||4:Deforestation in the Amazon region is rising after a decade of decline, and the worst drought on record threatens to bring energy and water rationing to the industrial south-east.||5:Preparations for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeirorisk a reprise of the deadline- and budget-busting run-up to the 2014 football World Cup, which Brazilalso hosted.||6:Ms Rousseff’s left-wing Workers’ Party (PT) and its allies are embroiled in a corruption scandal involving Petrobras, the state-controlled oil giant, though so far she is personally untainted. | |
22 | ||1:寻找更多土地的成本代价令人难以接受。||2:环境专家指出棕榈油种植园的扩张成为印尼和马来西亚的森林的最大威胁。||3:作为与挪威双边气候协定的部分内容,五月份,印尼引入两年期森林禁止砍伐计划以获取10亿美元的回报。||4:但由于政策漏洞及豁免规定,该计划对森林砍伐速度可能不会有太大的影响。||5:与石油开发商相同,进军植物油产业的诱惑力难以抵挡。 | ||1:Finding more land has unpalatable costs.||2:Environmentalists point out that the spread of palm-oil plantations is the greatest threat to forests in Indonesia and Malaysia.||3:In May Indonesia introduced a two-year moratorium on forest clearance in return for 1 billion, as part of a bilateral climate deal with Norway.||4:But loopholes and exemptions mean that it may not slow down deforestation much.||5:Like its crude counterpart, the march of the vegetable-oil business is not easily resisted. | |
23 | 联合国气候变化会议去年12月在墨西哥坎昆就减少砍伐森林和森林退化产生的排放计划(REDD)达成协议,确定每年最终可用于森林保护的资金达300亿美元。 | The Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) scheme agreed at the United Nations’ climate-change conference in Cancún last December may eventually be worth $30 billion a year. | |
24 | 联合国气候变化会议去年12月在墨西哥坎昆就减少砍伐森林和森林退化产生的排放计划达成协议,确定每年最终可用于森林保护的资金达300亿美元。 | The Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation scheme agreed at the United Nations’climate-change conference in Cancún last December may eventually be worth $30 billion a year. | |
25 | 在坦桑尼亚,黑猩猩所生活的自然保护区周边地区进行了大量的森林采伐,减少了栖息之地的数量,只能团抱度日。 | The Tanzanian chimps are crowded together as deforestation around their reserve reduces the amount of habitat available. | |
26 | “这是亚马逊雨林史上最低的砍伐量。这些数字太棒了。”她说。 | "This is the smallest deforestation in the history of the Amazon. These numbers are fantastic, " she said. | |
27 | “植物种类和分水岭都受到森林砍伐的威胁,”Espaldon警告说。 | "Both plant species and the watershed are threatened by deforestation , " Espaldon warns. | |
28 | 1944年,新英格兰林业基金会(NEFF)成立,其任务是对乱砍滥伐行为进行执法。 | In 1944, the New England Forestry Foundation (NEFF) was formed with the goal of enforcing guidelines on logging and deforestation . | |
29 | 1980年,世界野生动物基金组织的托马斯.洛夫乔伊预测,到2000年拉丁美洲一半的森林将被砍伐。 | The World Wildlife Fund’s Thomas Lovejoy in 1980 predicted 50 percent deforestation in Latin America by 2000. | |
30 | Bertin公司皮革事业部主管莱昂纳多·史威斯基(LeonardoSwirski)昨晚告诉《卫报》:“我们都同意(阻止森林破坏)是可能的。” | "We all agree [preventing deforestation ] is possible, " Leonardo Swirski, head of Bertin’s leather division, told the Guardian last night. |