属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-婴儿的离奇流失 揭开持久生育低谷的谜团(下)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-婴儿的离奇流失 揭开持久生育低谷的谜团(下)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-医疗改革 医改的闹剧
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 拜登参加2020总统大选 英防长因"
1 | 我们不容许(民进党)以立法作为拖延手段。 | We will not accept the use of legislation as a delaying tactic. | |
2 | 血管紧张素Ⅰ转换酶抑制剂和血管紧张素Ⅱ受体拮抗剂对延缓房颤从初发到持续的治疗价值 | Prospective Study of Delaying Atrial Fibrillation from Initiation to Persistence with Angiotensin-converting Enzyme Inhibitor or Angiotensin Ⅱ Receptor Antagonist | |
3 | 延缓衰老的妙策之一是常服健康型的口服营养液。 | One of the excellent ways of delaying senility is to regularly take some kind of health nutriment such as oral nutrient liquid. | |
4 | 延缓小麦胚芽中油脂氧化的研究 | Study on Delaying Oil Oxidation in Wheat Germ | |
5 | 液压型汽车爆胎方向防偏器的研究设计 | Design of Adevice for Delaying the Speed of Deflection When a Hydraulic Automobile Tyre Breaks | |
6 | 议事的阻挠阻挠手段的使用,尤指作冗长的演说以达到妨碍议事进行的目的 | The use of obstructionist tactics,especially prolonged speechmaking,for the purpose of delaying legislative action. | |
7 | 益气强壮,延缓衰老 | bracing up the whole system and strengthening it, delaying senility | |
8 | 逾期不缴的,可以加收滞纳金。 | If the employer fails to pay within the prescribed time limit, a fine for delaying payment shall affixed. | |
9 | 再加上一些保守的民主党成员偶尔也会支持布什,布什在参议院能够获得接近60票,足以使参议院无法有意拖延议案的通过。这是一个巨大的成功和优势。 | Add in the occasional support of some conservative Democrats, and Mr Bush is close to the 60 votes necessary to survive a delaying filibuster procedure-a huge achievement and advantage. | |
10 | 转子系统瞬态过程的减幅特性及共振区迟滞特性 | Characteristics of Amplitude Decreasing and Resonance Band Delaying in Transient Processes of Rotor Systems | |
11 | 阻挠议事的情形应用这种拖延策略的实例 | An instance of the use of this delaying tactic. | |
12 | 最近,全国健康研究所主任宣布他要推迟批准。他说要回答该试验若干未解决的问题,需要更多的信息。 | Recently the director of N IH announced that he was delaying his approval. He said more information is needed to answer several unresolved questions about the test. | |
13 | 唑来膦酸延缓骨转移癌放射治疗的临床研究 | A Randomized Controlled Trial of Zoledronic Acid in Delaying the Radiotherapy of Patients with Painful Skeletal Metastases | |
14 | ||1:有些夫妇延迟生小孩并不是因为他们没有能力抚育小孩,而是因为他们模模糊糊地感觉到家庭生活会比以往更难。||2:去年,佩尤对11个富裕国家进行的民意调查发现,64%的被调查者相信如今的孩子会比父母更加拮据。||3:也许这种悲观情绪甚至已经蔓延到经济实力强大的国家。||4:索博特卡先生认为斯堪的纳维亚人可能对欧洲以外国家关于困难时期的反复报道反应过度。||5:他说:“这会让人很害怕。” | ||1:Some couples could be delaying having babies not because they cannot afford them, but because of a vague feeling that family life is harder than it used to be.||2:A Pew poll of 11 rich countries last year found that 64% believe that today’s children will be worse off than their parents.||3:Perhaps the gloom has spread even to countries with strong economies.||4:Mr Sobotka suggests that Scandinavians could have overreacted to repeated news reports about hard times elsewhere in Europe.||5:“It gets below people’s skins,” he says. | |
15 | ||1:在经济状况糟糕至极的国家中,如希腊和意大利,它们的生育率已经下跌。||2:但在平稳度过金融危机的国家中,如澳大利亚和挪威,该指标也下降了。||3:尽管美国出现生育低谷在意料之中,但过了七年也没有得到恢复,着实离奇。||4:“我相当有信心,女性们只是延迟生育,我们将会看到恢复,”约翰逊先生说道。“我现在开始感到好奇。”||5:在英国,生育率下跌得晚了些:2012年至2014年间,生育率从1.92降至1.81。||6:然后在法国,夫妻们看着经济衰落,也表示无奈。||7:但该国的生育率几乎没有发生变化。 | ||1:Fertility rates have fallen in countries with woeful economies, such as Greece and Italy.||2:But they have also fallen in countries that sailed through the financial crisis, such as Australia and Norway.||3:Although the American baby bust was expected, the lack of recovery after seven years seems odd.||4:“I was fairly confident that women were just delaying births, and that we would see a rebound,” says Mr Johnson. “I’m beginning to wonder now.”||5:In Britain the drop came late: the fertility rate fell from 1.92 to 1.81 between 2012 and 2014.||6:Then there is France, where couples looked at the economic slump and shrugged.||7:The fertility rate there has barely moved. | |
16 | ||1:最后,医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心(CMS)表示将支付金额提高0.4个百分点。||2:医疗照顾优先计划的真正影响比这更加复杂。||3:美国健康保险计划是一个反对削减支出的行业组织,他们认为,医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心(CMS)的承诺仍旧意味着降低支付。||4:来自Leerink Swann投行的Ana Gupte指出,现在的推迟可能意味着明年更大幅度的削减。 | ||1:In the end CMS said it would raise payments by 0.4%.||2:The true effect on Medicare Advantage is more complex.||3:America’s Health Insurance Plans, the industry group that had lobbied against cuts, maintains that CMS’s changes still amount to lower payments.||4:Ana Gupte of Leerink Swann, an investment bank, points out that delaying cuts now may mean a bigger cut next year. | |
17 | 考虑到它自己的系统,它是在拖延更多银行采用更快的支付方式。 | Even by considering its own system, it was delaying the adoption of faster payments by more banks. | |
18 | 在议会选举玛拿西·索加瓦雷第四次担任总理后,骚乱席卷了所罗门群岛首都霍尼亚拉。一位反对者获得了推迟投票的法院命令,但总督不予理睬。 | Riots engulfed Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands, after parliament picked Manasseh Sogavare to serve a fourth non-consecutive term as prime minister. An opponent had secured a court order delaying the vote, but the governor-general ignored it. | |
19 | “对于青少年,父母们真的感到很有挫败感,”曾经写过关于延迟青少年第一次饮酒一书的艾梅.斯特恩说。 | "Parents get really frustrated with teenagers, " says Aimee Stern, who has written a book on delaying teens’ first drinks. | |
20 | 2岁儿童延迟性自我控制及家庭因素的相关研究 | A Correlational Research on Delaying Self-control of 2-year-olds and Their Family Factors | |
21 | Bhattacharya说,“我们的研究显示没有依据健康原因推迟的理由。” | Our research shows that there is no justification in terms of health reasons for delaying . | |
22 | Health公开宣布“为了更强大的婚姻延迟性生活”。 | Health declared "Delaying Sex Credited for Making Marriages Stronger. " | |
23 | LLR的工作原理是延迟对数据库的写入操作,直到创建了指定数目的日志。 | LLR works by delaying writes to the database until the specified number of log generations have been created. | |
24 | 把会议作为一种拖延战术。 | As a delaying or spoiling tactic. | |
25 | 本发明涉及颗粒中药。旨在解决已有的抗衰老药物疗效不明显问题。 | The present invention relates to a Chinese medicinal pill preparation for delaying senility of human body. | |
26 | 比如我们拒绝接受对黑痣进行医学检测而最终导致对癌症治疗的延误。 | Like when we refuse to get that strange mole checked out and end up delaying treatment for cancer. | |
27 | 标准人寿保险公司的JohnLawson指出,单单推迟一年领你的个人养老金就可以大大地提高你的收入。 | John Lawson of Standard Life said: "Delaying taking your private pension by just a year can significantly boost your income. " | |
28 | 不是所有的老迈的老人都能延缓疾病或能力丧失而生活下来,尽管,许多人挺了过来。 | Not all of the oldest old survive by delaying illness or disability, though - many soldier through it. | |
29 | 布什总统和国会中的民主党人互相指责是对方延误了军队资金支持。 | President Bush and Democrats in Congress blame each other for delaying funds for troops. | |
30 | 掺延迟性补偿收缩剂混凝土的特性研究 | Study on the Characteristics of Concrete with Delaying Shrinkage-compensating Admixtures |