1 | 他们跑过去欢迎代表们。 | They ran over to welcome the delegates . | |
2 | 他们是中国派往日内瓦会议的代表。 | They were the delegates from China to the Geneva Conference. | |
3 | 他说他的政府没有委派什么代表。 | He said his government hadn’t appointed any delegates . | |
4 | 讨论结束后,代表们在《红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫》这首歌的伴奏下游行穿过哥本哈根市。之后他们在海滩上休息,尽情享受丹麦的馅饼和啤酒。 | "After their debate, the delegates paraded through Copenhagen to the strains of “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.” They cooled their feet on a beach and enjoyed Danish pastries and beer." | |
5 | 为了要做出辩论的样子,与会代表们被准许挑剔若干细节。 | A show of debate, delegates were allowed to nit-pick a few details | |
6 | 温家宝与朱镕基在三千名人大代表面前热情握手。温家宝得到2,906票支持票,当选总理。反对票和弃权票分别仅有三票和十六票。 | The two shook hands amicably in front of the nearly 3,000 NPC delegates after Mr Wen received 2,906 votes of support. Only three delegates voted against him, while 16 abstained. | |
7 | 我代表中国政府和人民并以我个人的名义,向大会表示热烈的祝贺,并向各位来宾和代表表示热烈的欢迎。 | On behalf of the Chinese Government and the people, and in my own name, I would express my warm congratulations to the Conference and my heartfelt welcome to all the guests and delegates . | |
8 | 我们热情地招待了全体代表。 | We guested all the delegates . | |
9 | 宪法的修改,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会或者五分之一以上的全国人民代表大会代表提议,并由全国人民代表大会以全体代表的三分之二以上的多数通过。 | The revision of the Constitution shall be proposed by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress or more than one-fifth of the delegates to the National People’s Congress | |
10 | 休会时会议代表们混在一起一面喝咖啡一面交谈。 | The conference delegates intermingled with each other over coffee when it broke off. | |
11 | 需要采用走访形式的,应当推选代表提出,代表人数不得超过5人。 | If the said group of people choose to make a complaint through a personal appearance, they shall elect not more than five delegates to represent the group. | |
12 | 选举的进程已经开始了。许多代表在他们的选区被自由的选举出来。一些席位为以前没有选举权和被选举权的团体所保留,比如说妇女。 | Some progress has been made. Many delegates have been freely elected by their home districts and seats have been set aside for previously under represented, or un-represented, groups, such as women. | |
13 | 一些年纪较轻的代表以及少数上了年纪的夜游神仍分散在城里各处。 | Some of the younger delegates and a handful of older roisterers remained spread around the city | |
14 | 一些殖民地于是指派代表参加大陆会议,投票赞成独立。6月7日维吉尼亚代表李于6月7日提交出独立决议案。 | Several colonies instructed their delegates to the Continental Congress to vote for independence. On June 7, Richard Henry Lee of Virginia offered a resolution for independence. | |
15 | 有30名代表投票赞成[反对]这个动议. | 30 delegates voted for/against the motion. | |
16 | 有几位代表退出会场以示抗议。 | Some delegates walked out in a show of protest. | |
17 | 有些代表放弃投票。 | Some delegates abstained from voting | |
18 | 与[总统],一个阅读读稿机的老手,姿势几乎总能与言语匹配波士顿环球)尽管他赢得了大多数选民的热烈掌声,但左派的责难和错误百出的读稿机使他经历了一段焦虑的时刻。(芝加哥论坛报) | With [ the President ],an old hand at reading from the teleprompter,the gestures nearly always matched the rhetoric(Boston Globe)Although he was cheered loudly by most delegates ,leftist hecklers and a faulty teleprompter gave him some anxious moments(Chicago Tribune) | |
19 | 与I[总统],一个阅读读稿机的老手,姿势几乎总能与言语匹配波士顿环球)尽管他赢得了大多数选民的热烈掌声,但左派的责难和错误百出的读稿机使他经历了一段焦虑的时刻。(b芝加哥论坛报) | With I [ the President ],an old hand at reading from the teleprompter,the gestures nearly always matched the rhetoric(bboston Globe)Although he was cheered loudly by most delegates ,leftist hecklers and a faulty teleprompter gave him some anxious moments(Chicago Tribune) | |
20 | 与会代表决定放弃修改此条例,而着手制订新方案,以建立比较有力的中央政府。 | The delegates to the meeting decided to replace the Articles with a document that strengthened the federal government | |
21 | 与会的还有来自安徽、福建、黑龙江、山西、甘肃、江西、江苏、湖北和浙江等地的学术专家和交警代表。 | Other participants came from around China, including academic and police delegates from Anhui, Fujian, Heilongjiang, Shanxi, Gansu, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hubei and Zhejiang Provinces. | |
22 | 在阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯参加联合国全球气候大会的代表们继续进 | Delegates attending the UN Conference on World Climate continue their work in the argentine capital of Buenos Aires | |
23 | 在布宜诺斯艾利斯的主会议大厅里,代表们正在对各式各样的问题进行讨论,其中一些势必是要留给一百六十个与会国的能源和环境部长们在星期三的会议上来解决。 | In the main meeting hall of Buenos Aires, delegates are discussing various topics, some of which will most probably be left to energy and environmental ministers of 160 attending countries to settle during Wednesday’s meeting | |
24 | 在第三十八轮投票中,帕尔默放弃他对代表的控制。 | Palmer released his delegates on the thirty-eighth ballot | |
25 | 在理论上,候选人提名是由上周初选中所选出的代表来决定。实际上,政治领袖们亲自遴选许多代表,在候选人提名上,即令没有绝对决定权,也是极具影响力的。 | In theory, the nominations are to be decided at conventions by delegates elected in last week’s primaries. But in practice, political leaders hand-pick many of the delegates and are expected to have a strong if not absolute say over the nominees. | |
26 | 在他们看来,这样的观点更好一些,即国家的各种官员应是他们的佃户或代表,可以依他们的喜好加以撤换。 | It appeared to them much better that the various magistrates of the state should be their tenants or delegates , revocable at their pleasure | |
27 | 在这样一个有意义而且内容丰富的会议即将结束之际,我想代表所有的来访代表对组织委员会表示感谢。 | Ladies and Gentlemen! At the end of such a valuable and informative Conference, I would like to express my thanks to the Organizing Committee on behalf of all the visiting delegates . | |
28 | 在主席团会议或者专门委员会会议上答复的,提质询案的代表有权列席会议,发表意见; | Where a reply is made at a meeting of the presidium or of the special committee, the deputies who submit the proposal shall have the right to attend the meeting as nonvoting delegates and express their opinions;. | |
29 | 在专门委员会会议上答复的,提质询案的常务委员会组成人员有权列席会议,发表意见; | Where a reply is made at a meeting of the special committee, the component members of the standing committee who submit the proposal shall have the right to attend the meeting as nonvoting delegates and express their opinions; | |
30 | 债务人将合同的义务全部或者部分转移给第三人的,应当经债权人同意。 | Where the obligor delegates its obligations under a contract in whole or in part to a third person, such delegation is subject to consent by the obligee. |