1 | 对于管道系统内的任何水龙头,本热水器均可提供高温热水。在使用热水时,一定要小心,要注意防止烫伤事故的发生。 | This water heater is capable of delivering high temperature hot water at any faucet in the system. Care must be taken whenever using hot water to avoid scalding injury. | |
2 | 飞机渡运把飞机飞至交付最终使用者 | A service and route for delivering an aircraft under its own power to its eventual user. | |
3 | 非出版物出版、印刷、复制和发行单位从事出版物储存、运输活动,非出版物出版、发行单位从事出版物投递活动 | If any non-publication publishing, printing reproducing or distributing entity is engaged in the publication storing or transporting activity, or any non-publication publishing or distributing entity is engaged in publication delivering activity | |
4 | 该气田预计在2007年开始向北京、山东、河北和天津的市场供气,当年产量预计为15亿立方米,到2008年预计将增加到30亿立方米。 | which is expected to start delivering 1.5 billion cubic metres per annum (cm/pa)of natural gas to markets in Beijing, Shandong, Hebei and Tianjin by 2007, rising to 3 billion cm/pa by 2008. | |
5 | 葛市长有一次举了一个历史上的事例,最能说明发音失误的后果。一位新任总统正在发表动人的就职演说。他正在发挥他的演说才能到达极致的时候,他却大声疾呼地说:“别‘axe’你的国家能为你做什么,‘axe’你能为你的国家做什么。” | Mayor Koch once offered a historical example to hammer home a point about mispronounced words.A new President is delivering a stirring inaugural address.He is knocking at the threshold of oratorical greatness when he thunders"Axe not what your country can do for you,axe what you can do for your country" | |
6 | 各种存货发出时,企业可以根据实际情况,选择使用先进先出法、加权平均法、移动平均法、个别计价法等方法确定其实际成本。 | When delivering inventories, enterprises nay account for their actual cost under the following methods: first-in first-out, weighted average, moving average, specific identification, last-in first-out, etc. | |
7 | 功率:在科学与工程中,指做功或传递的能量与时间的比率。功率(P)可以表示为所做的功(W)或所传递的能量被时间间隔(t)来除:P=W/t。一定量的功可以由小功率的发动机在长时间内完成,也可以由一台大功率的发动机在短时间内完成。 | Power:In science and engineering, the time rate of doing work or delivering energy. Power (P)can be expressed as the amount of work done (W), or energy transferred, divided by the time interval (t): P = W/t. A given amount of work can be done by a low-powered motor in a long time or by a high-powered motor in a short time. | |
8 | 功能强大的3升V6发动机采用先进的智能可变气门正时控制系统(VVT-i),使车辆在任何情况下都能达到低耗油、低噪音及高平稳性的出色效果。 | Continuous Variable Valve Timing with intelligence (VVT-i)is a system that continuously monitor′s the engine′s speed and load, and responds by delivering optimum power in each situation. | |
9 | 寄递邮件逐步实行邮政编码,具体办法由国务院邮政主管部门规定。 | In posting and delivering postal materials, postal codes shall be adopted gradually, and specific pertinent measures shall be formulated by the competent department of postal services under the State Council. | |
10 | 将海事行政处罚决定书当场交付当事人;当事人在海事行政处罚决定书副本上签字。 | Delivering the written decision of maritime administrative punishment to the party concerned on the spot; and Having the party concerned sign on the counterpart of the written decision of maritime administrative punishment. | |
11 | 借助 UPS 全球网络的广泛度与可靠性,UPS Trade Direct 海运可减少您供应链的运转天数--将货物从海外直接递送至您的客户所在地。 | By leveraging the breadth and reliability of the UPS global network, UPS Trade Direct Ocean can remove days from your supply chain-delivering goods from overseas directly to your customers′ locations. | |
12 | 借助 UPS 全球网络的广泛度与可靠性,UPS 海运直航贸易可减少您供应链的运转天数--将货物从海外直接递送至您的客户所在地。 | By leveraging the breadth and reliability of the UPS global network, UPS Trade Direct Ocean can remove days from your supply chain-delivering goods from overseas directly to your customers′ locations. | |
13 | 开卷机及夹送辊同步工作送带钢头部至剪切机。 | The uncoiler and pinch rolls work together delivering the strip end to the shear. | |
14 | 科学家认为,孕妇生下的小孩体重偏低,主要是因为母子拥有着相同的基因。 | The authors believe that the link between heart disease and delivering a low birth weight infant involves shared genetic factors | |
15 | 壳牌的重要使命之一就是为投资者创造利润,同时为客户创造价值。 | One of Shell′s primary commitments is generating robust profitability and delivering value to customers. | |
16 | 壳牌航空在航空燃料营销方面处于领先地位,它向85个国家的850个机场供应航空燃料,每天为2万架飞机(即每4秒钟为一架飞机)加油。 | Shell Aviation is the market leader, supplying jet fuel from 850 outlets in 85 countries, and delivering fuel to 20,000 aircraft daily, or one aircraft every four seconds. | |
17 | 壳牌集团致力于向客户提供有助于降低运营成本的解决方案,为客户提供价值,改善客户的业务环境 | Shell is committed to delivering solutions to customers that lower operating costs, deliver value and improve the business environment. | |
18 | 壳牌金属加工油采用最新的添加剂技术,凭借壳牌公司的全球实力开发制造而成,可为当地客户带来实际的利益。 | The Shell range of metal working fluids has been developed using the latest additive technology, utilizing Shell′s global strength and delivering real benefits at a local level. | |
19 | 克里姆林宫主要是提供具体的武器并且交货迅速,与此相反,美国销售额中约有40%用于有关的技术支持体系,交货的时间也要比苏联人长一倍。 | The kremlin concentrates on supplying actual hardware and delivering it quickly; by contrast, related technical support systems account for 40% of American sales, and shipments take twice as long as the Soviets’ | |
20 | 篮子里有个鸡心状的垫枕,上面用金属线固定住戒指。这是为了防患于未然,万一科格纳克决定带着篮子和戒指一起跳进泉水游个泳,而不是按我们的计划把篮子给布拉德。 | The basket held a heart-shaped pillow to which Brad had secured our rings with pieces of wire. This would prevent a disaster, in case Cognac decided to go for a swim in the spring, basket and all, instead of delivering it to Brad as we’d planned. | |
21 | 联盟正在向伊拉克人民发送食品、药品和其他人道援助物资。 | The Coalition is delivering food, medicine, and other humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people. | |
22 | 卖方必须支付为按照A4规定交货所需进行的查对费用(如核对货物品质、丈量、过磅、点数的费用)。 | The seller must pay the costs of those checking operations (such as checking quality, measuring, weighing, counting), which are necessary for the purpose of delivering the goods in accordance with A4. | |
23 | 美国同意加快把星座式战斗机交付约旦。 | The united states has agreed to speed up delivering the star fighters to Jordan | |
24 | 目前值得一提的是,米歇尔正在着手开发一项赢利性的网上音乐销售业务,即与VodaphoneAirtouch公司合作,把Seagram的音乐产品通过Vizzazi欧洲因特网端口传送到用户那里。 | In particular, Messier is looking to develop a lucrative online music distribution business, delivering Seagram’s music catalogue to consumers via the Vizzavi European Internet portal Vivendi has launched in partnership with Vodafone AirTouch | |
25 | 你大可不必自找麻烦作这么长的演讲。 | You might have spared yourself the trouble of delivering that tirade | |
26 | 你们还采取了行动,拨款400亿元用于社区重建和军队需要。 | And you did more than sing, you acted, by delivering $40 billion to rebuild our communities and meet the needs of our military. | |
27 | 诺尔曼在多年前靠送报挣过零用钱,现在又去工作挣钱来缴学费。 | norman, who years before had earned pocket money by delivering newspaper, now went to work to earn his tuition | |
28 | 然后把球射入对方球门得分。 | A point is scored by delivering the ball past the goal keeper through the goal posts. | |
29 | 任何组织和个人不得从事本规定第二十四条所列出版物的征订、储存、运输、邮寄、投递、散发、附送等活动。 | No organization or individual shall engage in the activities of soliciting subscriptions of, storing, posting, delivering , spreading or presenting publications, which are listed in Article 24 of the present Provisions. | |
30 | 身为十亿元公司总裁,凯莱赫先生真是独一无二。他的不寻常而有趣的行为包括化装成普雷斯利(即猫王)和复活节兔子,数来宝,充当空中服务员、收票员以及行李服务员。 | For a chief executive of a billion dollar corporation,Mr.Kelleher is one of a kind.His antics have included dressing up a Elvis Presley and the Easter Bunny,delivering rap songs and serving as a flight attendant,ticket collector and baggage handler. |