1 | 敏捷的运动型底盘令操控得心应手。 | The sporty chassis delivers excellent handling. | |
2 | 能够在长换油期内保持活塞的高清洁性,确保最优化的发动机效率和排放性能 | Delivers superior piston cleanliness over extended oil drain intervals, guaranteeing optimum engine efficiency and emissions performance | |
3 | 澎湃动力瞬息爆发,更有 90km 匀速百公里 6.2 升 的低油耗,全面满足现代用车需求,塑造别克动力科技的激情形象。 | It delivers unlimited power at an instant, and even so, it boasts a low fuel consumption rate of 6.2 L per 100km at a uniform speed of 90km/h – it′s everything you need in a modern automobile. | |
4 | 其防护系统还包括安全带拉紧装置和安全带拉力限制器,当车辆发生碰撞时,能够为车内乘客提供瞬间最佳的安全保护。 | The restraint system, featuring seatbelt tensioners and force limiters, delivers split-second protection for the Sedan′s occupants, should a collision be unavoidable. | |
5 | 强劲的4.3升V8汽油发动机可以产生高达207千瓦的动力,并配有6档智能电子控制自动变速箱使换档流畅而灵活。 | A powerful 4.3-litre V8 petrol engine delivers 207kW via a 6-speed automatic transmission using artificial intelligence for extra smooth gear changes | |
6 | 全部驾乘人员均可享受美妙音质,不管他们身在车内何处。 | The system delivers high quality sound enjoyment to all passengers, wherever they′re seated. | |
7 | 如果卖方交付的货物数量大于合同规定的数量,买方可以收取也可以拒绝收取多交部分的货物。 | If the seller delivers a quantity of goods greater than that provided for in the contract, the buyer may take delivery or refuse to take delivery of the excess quantity. | |
8 | 如果卖方在规定的日期前交付货物,买方可以收取货物,也可以拒绝收取货物。 | If the seller delivers the goods before the date fixed, the buyer may take delivery or refuse to take delivery. | |
9 | 如果卖方只交付一部分货物,或者交付的货物中只有一部分符合合同规定,第四十六条的规定适用于缺漏部分及不符合同规定部分的货物。 | If the seller delivers only a part of the goods or if only a part of the goods delivered is in conformity with the contract, articles 46 apply in respect of the part which is missing or which does not conform. | |
10 | 若线路传送的充电电流太大,发电机的励磁磁场就非常弱,这将降低稳定性限度,因而是不能接受的。 | If the line delivers too much charging current, the generator field excitation will become very low-which reduces the stability limit and is unacceptable. | |
11 | 赛车手知道这一特点意味着什么:它会优化操控,改善安全性并加强M5后轮驱动的动力。 | Sports car drivers know what this feature delivers : it optimizes handling, improves safety and enhances the thrust provided by the M5′s rear wheel drive. | |
12 | 所有的这些都为我们的客户提供了更好的服务。 | All of which delivers even better service for our customers. | |
13 | 提供连续润滑,为每个润滑点提供所需的确切润滑油量。 | Provides continuous lubrication and delivers exactly the right amount of grease to each lubrication point. | |
14 | 同传统的钢结构相比,铝制双控制臂麦弗逊式悬挂结构前桥的重量减少了30% | The aluminum double-joint spring strut front axle delivers weight savings of up to 30% compared to conventional steel construction. | |
15 | 同时追求五感极致协调,到达人车一体的驾驭境界。 | The car is a pursuit of creating total harmony of the five senses and delivers an excellent driving experience. | |
16 | 我哥哥专跑一条送报路线,他每天递送晚报。 | My brother has a newspaper route. He delivers the evening paper. | |
17 | 沃尔特·迪斯尼乐园新近推出了耗资一亿美元的娱乐项目,出色模仿了火箭发射和宇宙飞船着陆的过程,让游客切实体会到晕船和短暂失重的感觉。 | Walt Disney World’s newest attraction cost $100 million to build and delivers a remarkable simulation of a rocket launch and spacecraft landing, right down to the nausea and brief moment of weightlessness | |
18 | 务必要他履行诺言。 | Make sure he delivers (on his promise). | |
19 | 压缩机将处于高温高压下的气化冷冻剂送到位于受热空间内的冷凝器。 | The compressor delivers vaporized refrigerant to the condenser in the space to be heated. | |
20 | 演说者发表演讲的人 | One who delivers an oration. | |
21 | 一旦公司售出股本,并向其持有者发出股权证,即为发行股票。 | When the corporation sells capital stock and delivers stock certificates to the stockholders, the stock is said to be issued. | |
22 | 一定要他履行诺言 | Make sure he delivers on his promise. | |
23 | 以满足他们应用要求的标准上,解决了从一大堆无线网中作选择的难题。 | Vendors can now focus on a single, high-speed standard , and users can cut through the cluter of wireless options by focusing on a standard that delivers multivendor interoperability and the performance to meet their application needs | |
24 | 英国通过批准由斯特拉斯堡法庭支持的欧洲会议,已经有了一个事实上的权利法案,这个法庭发表了比任何其他国家更怀有敌意的反对英国的判决。 | Britain already has a de facto bill of rights through its ratification of the European Convention underpinned by a court in Strasbourg which delivers more hostile judgments against Britain than any other state | |
25 | 邮差每天早晨递送信件和包裹。 | The mailman delivers letters and parcels every morning. | |
26 | 邮递员送信件。 | The postman delivers letters. | |
27 | 油泵把油箱中的燃油抽出送到化油器中。通用的油泵有两种:机械泵和电子泵。 | A fuel pump delivers fuel from the tank to the carburetor. There are two general types of fuel pump, mechanical and electric. | |
28 | 在模拟起飞的过程中,离心机制造出的力量相当于两倍地心引力,将游客牢牢的吸在座位上,此时透过模拟飞行舱的窗户放映宇宙景象。 | A centrifuge delivers more than two Gs of force during the simulated liftoff, pinning guests deep into their seats while space views are projected through the windows of the simulated flight deck. | |
29 | 在通关并运到关口后,UPS 可以将整装货件分成单个货件,然后立即将它们直接送往客户或零售商店,而不必经过仓库和配送中心。 | Upon clearance and arrival at the gateway, UPS deconsolidates the bulk shipment into individual shipments and promptly delivers them directly to your customers or retail stores, bypassing warehouses and distribution centres. | |
30 | 赞美者述说或书写赞扬的人;颂扬者 | A person who delivers or writes an encomium;a eulogist. |