1 | 它也认可工会关于黑人、妇女同工同酬和消除地区差异的要求。 | It also endorsed union demands for equal pay for Negroes and women and elimination of sectional differentials | |
2 | 谈判开始,却又告破裂,因为学生方面提出了“无可协商的要求”。 | Negotiations began but failed, because the students presented "non-negotiable demands ." | |
3 | 通常饭菜多少也有变化,这要看管理当局的想象力是否丰富、寄宿学生的口味或要求,以及许多其他因素而定。 | The menus are more or less varied, depending on the imagination and resourcefulness of the management, the taste or demands of the student residents, and many other factors | |
4 | 为了达到某种程度的压制,自然要求某个最小时间。 | For a certain degree of attenuation nature demands a certain minimum time | |
5 | 为满足消费者的需求,本店又组织到一批家用热水器货源,欲购从速。 | In order to satisfy consumers’ demands , this shop has purchased another batch of household water heaters for sale. Please Buy without delay. | |
6 | 为适应大西南进出口物资迅速增长的需要,北部湾沿海四市开始了新一轮建港热潮。 | In order to meet the demands of rapid growth of goods and materials imports and exports in the great southwest, the four coastal cities in the Northern Gulf have started a new upsurge of constructing ports | |
7 | 问题是如何既得保全面子,又符合法律要求。 | The problem was how to square such face saving with the demands of the law. | |
8 | 我们巴勒斯坦民族权力机构领导班子的全体成员坚决赞成您新的和平计划,赞成您关于重新选举和在推进中东和平进程之前先消灭腐败现象的要求。 | We, the collective leadership of the Palestinian Authority, unequivocally applaud your new peace initiative and request for new elections, and demands for an end to corruption before the Middle East process can move forward | |
9 | 我们并不想将我们的文化,意识强加给别人,但是,美国将一如既往地、永不妥协地追求人类的尊严 | We have no intention of imposing our culture and ideology on others, but America will always stand firm for the non-negotiable demands of human dignity | |
10 | 我们的宗旨是----尽力满足客户的需求 | Our mission statement: Satisfy our customers’ demands to the great extent | |
11 | 我祈祷上帝让我远离骄傲(萨缪尔·匹普斯)。Arragant形容专横地骄傲并且要求得到比应得的还要多的权力或关注的人 | I pray God to keep me from being proud(Samuel Pepys.One who is arrogant is overbearingly proud and demands more power or consideration than is warranted | |
12 | 我要对你的要求给予支持和帮助。 | I’ll back you up in your demands . | |
13 | 物价上涨会引发增加收入的要求。 | Rising prices will stimulate demands for higher incomes. | |
14 | 席间的气氛是愉快的,无拘无束的,这是在社交集会时司空见惯的现象,大家太快乐了以致摆脱了一切拘谨礼仪的束缚。 | Around the table reigned that noisy hilarity which usually prevails at such a time among people sufficiently free from the demands of social position not to feel the trammels of etiquette | |
15 | 现代学生一如他们的儒家前人,反映了社会、学校、特别是父母的要求。 | Modern students, like their confucian predecessors, reflect the demands of society, of school, and most importantly, of parents | |
16 | 协议要有足够的灵活性,以使油产量随着世界石油需求的季节性急剧变化而进行调整 | Be sufficiently flexible to allow output to adjust to the sharp seasonal swings in world oil demands | |
17 | 新时代管理人员的需求可能会在公司里产生一些麻烦,因为在这些公司里,那些工作年限较长的中层部门经理曾在特权现象较少的环境里渡过他们的时光,他自然对这些新成员所赢得的迁就忿然不满。 | The demands of these new-age executives are likely to cause trouble in companies where longer-serving middle managers, who have done their time in a less privileged environment, resent the concessions the recruits are winning | |
18 | 学生必须更好地熟悉工业,针对这一要求,大学已作出反应。在文科学位里,开设商业选修课。 | Universities have responded to demands for students to have a better knowledge of industry by offering optional business courses in arts degree | |
19 | 学习扮演一个新的角色是一项长期而又使人疲惫的任务。Demanding,rigorous和暗指具有严格的且不易通融的要求的任务 | Learning a new role is a long and arduous undertaking.Demanding,rigorous,and exacting imply the imposition of severe and uncompromising demands | |
20 | 由于增加了对纸张、金属和其它可再次使用物质的循环使用,我们对原料商品的需求将进一步减少。 | Increased recycling of paper, metals, and other reusable materials will further reduce our demands for primary commodities | |
21 | 有时他会停下手里的活沉思这样一个问题:经营这个拥有350万美元财产的企业所化费的精力和时间,常常使他不能全力以赴地在地里耕种和收获庄稼。 | Sometimes he pauses to reflect wistfully that the demands of managing a business with $3.5 million in assets keep him from doing as much of the actual planting and harvesting as he would like | |
22 | 在第一格中,一位《纽约时报》的老板要求他的执行主编豪威尔-雷恩斯采取行动,“豪威尔他姓什么来着?”(豪威尔姓雷恩斯,可是这位老板记不起来了。) | In frame 1, one of the proprietors of the Times demands action from his executive editor,"Howell what’s-his-name "(Howell Raines, but he can’t re-call the surname) | |
23 | 在那种情况下,苏联冷酷无情,而美国软弱无力,那就会促使日本和西欧去迁就苏联的其它要求。 | Such a demonstration of Soviet ruthlessness and American impotence would encourage accommodation to other Soviet demands from Japan to Western Europe | |
24 | 在我们的商店里,商品的供应不能满足众多人口日益增长的需要,而在美国则相反,由于社会竞争,东西常常供过于求。 | Unlike our stores, where the supply of commoditiescannot meet the increasing demands of our huge population, the stores here are often oversupplied because of the competitiveness of American society | |
25 | 在一部分地区,大汉族主义和地方民族主义都还严重地存在,必须给以足够的注意。 | In some areas, both Han chauvinism and local-nationality chauvinism still exit to a serious degree, and this demands full attention | |
26 | 在这种情况下,我们应注意到,科学远不只是少数幸运儿的优越职业,它与人类的社会需求紧密相连,不断地向前发展。 | In this context let us notice that far from being an elitist19 occupation for the happy few it is developing in strong relation with the societal demands of humanity | |
27 | 战争需要我们在生命和财产方面作出巨大的牺牲。 | A war demands of us enormous sacrifices of life and property. | |
28 | 这次事故再次激起人们要求实行更为严格的检查制度。 | The accident renewed demands for stricter inspection procedure. | |
29 | 这工作急需你去做,不得延误! | This work demands your attention without delay! | |
30 | 这工作需要细心和耐心。 | This work demands care and patience. |