1 | (二)被拆迁房屋各使用人的姓名; | 2. Names of the users of the house to be demolished ; | |
2 | (二)被拆迁公有居住房屋各使用人对安置方式的选择达不成一致意见的,拆迁人应当以公有居住房屋进行安置。 | 2. The users of a publicly owned residential house that is to be demolished can not reach an agreement on the choice of a way for resettlement, in which case the party that is to demolish the house shall make resettlement by providing publicly owned residential house. | |
3 | (二)被拆迁私有居住房屋所有人要求以公有居住房屋安置,且被拆除房屋的建筑面积超过人均 24 平方米的,按照人均 24 平方米计算。 | 2. the owner of a privately-owned house to be demolished asks to be resettled in a publicly-owned house and the architectural area of the house to be demolished is more than 24 square meters per person, in which case the area for resettlement shall be computed at 24 square meters per person. | |
4 | (二)将应安置的公有居住房屋折算成货币款,由被拆迁人自行购买商品住宅安置(以下称货币化安置)。 | 2. Resettlement with commodity residential house to be bought by the resident himself/herself whose house is to be demolished , with a sum money equivalent to the value of the publicly owned residential house designated for his/her resettlement (hereinafter referred to as "monetized resettlement") | |
5 | (七)被拆迁人的搬迁期限; | 7. Deadline for removal of the resident whose house is to be demolished ; | |
6 | (三)被拆迁房屋的地址、地段和建筑面积; | 3. Address, grade of locality and architectural area of the house to be demolished ; | |
7 | (一)被拆除房屋的建筑面积人均不足 10 平方米的,按照人均 10 平方米计算; | 1. the architectural area of the house to be demolished is less than 10 square meters per person, in which case the area for resettlement shall be computed at 10 square meters per person; or | |
8 | (一)被拆迁私有居住房屋的共有人对安置方式的选择达不成一致意见的,拆迁人应当按照互换房屋产权的方式进行安置; | 1. The co-owners of a privately owned residential house that is to be demolished can not reach an agreement on the choice of a way for resettlement, in which case the party that is to demolish the house shall make resettlement by exchange of titles to houses; or | |
9 | “没错。这就对上号了,”流浪汉说道。“1925年3月我跟着一个马戏团在密苏里州。那场大风的威力可真够大的。马戏团的大篷被撕成碎片,所有的东西都给毁了。” | Yes, sir. It adds up, said the hobo. I was with a circus in Missouri in March of ’25. That was sure someblow. The big tent was ripped to shreds. Everything was demolished . | |
10 | “您做了摧毁工作。 | You have demolished | |
11 | 〞听说市政会把那所漂亮的古老建筑拆毁了,我感到非常震惊。〞 | I was absolutely scandalized to hear that the council has demolished that lovely old building. | |
12 | 被拆迁房屋使用人购买商品住宅的价款低于购房存款单款额的,余额部分可以由被拆迁房屋使用人以现金方式提取。 | When the price of a commodity residential house to be purchased by the user of the house that is to be demolished is lower than the amount in the deposit certificate for house purchasing , the user of the house that is to be demolished may draw the surplus in cash. | |
13 | 被拆迁房屋使用人购买商品住宅的价款高于购房存款单款额的,超额部分由被拆迁房屋使用人自行承担。 | When the price of a commodity residential house to be purchased by the user of the house that is to be demolished , is higher than the amount in the certificate of deposit for the purchase of house , the user of the house that is to be demolished shall pay the deficit himself/herself. | |
14 | 被拆迁房屋使用人以货币化安置款购买商品住宅的, | When the user of a house that is to be demolished purchases a commodity residential house with the monetized resettlement money, | |
15 | 被拆迁人户中有领取独生子女证的独生子女的,可以在按照本办法第五条和第六条规定的计算标准进行安置以外,再增加建筑面积 10 平方米,但独生子女已经结婚的除外。 | In case the household living in the to-be-demolished house has a single child and holds a single child certificate, the said household shall be entitled to an extra increase in architectural area of 10 square meters in addition to the resettlement done according to the standard for computation set forth in Articles 5 and 6 of the present Procedures. But this does not apply to a single child who is married. | |
16 | 被拆迁人要求货币化安置,但与拆迁人协商达不成协议的,应当以居住房屋进行安置。 | In case the resident whose house is to be demolished asks for monetized resettlement but fails to reach an agreement with the party that is to demolish the house, he/she shall be resettled with residential house. | |
17 | 被拆迁人要求货币化安置的,应当与拆迁人签订房屋拆迁货币化安置协议。 | If a resident whose house is to be demolished , asks for monetized resettlement, he/she shall sign an agreement with the party that is to demolish the house on monetized resettlement for the demolition of the house. | |
18 | 被拆迁私有居住房屋所有人与拆迁人互换房屋产权的,应当按照互换房屋面积、质量的差异结算差额价款。 | When the owner of a privately-owned house to be demolished exchanges house titles with the party that is to demolish the house, the two parties shall compute the price difference according to the area and quality of the exchanged houses. | |
19 | 拆迁居住房屋,拆迁人应当按照被拆除房屋的建筑面积和规定的补偿标准,给予居住房屋所有人补偿。 | For demolition and re[] of residential houses, the demolished shall compensate the owner of the residential houses in accordance with the architectural area of the demolished houses and the stipulated standard amount of compensation. | |
20 | 拆迁人以新建房屋与被拆迁私有居住房屋所有人互换房屋产权的,互换的新房价格应当按照成本价计算。 | In case the party that is to demolish the house uses a newly-built house in exchange for the title of the owner to a privately-owned house to be demolished , the price of the newly-built house shall be calculated on the basis of the cost price of the new house. | |
21 | 拆迁人应当按照被拆迁人自愿选择的安置方式安置被拆迁人,但下列情形除外: | The party that is to demolish the houses shall resettle the residents of demolished houses in the way chosen by the latter of their free will, with the exception of the following circumstances: | |
22 | 从电视影片可见,Ahmedabad的救援人员正奋力清理颓垣败瓦,现场亦有小童支离破碎的尸体。 | Television footage showed relief workers struggling to clear rubble from demolished buildings in Ahmedabad, as well as mutilated corpses of children. | |
23 | 大火烧毁了这座城镇。 | The fire demolished the town. | |
24 | 地震把这座城市夷为平地. | The earthquake laid the city flat,ie demolished it,making all the buildings fall. | |
25 | 地震毁坏了这座城市97%的建筑。造成了24万人死亡,16万人重伤。 | The quake demolished 97% of the city’s structures and claimed 240, 000 lives. another 160, 000 were seriously injured | |
26 | 第三十三条 在城市规划区内进行临时建设,必须在批准的使用期限内拆除。 | Article 33. A temporary structure erected within a planned urban area must be demolished within the approved period of time for its use. | |
27 | 房屋拆迁货币化安置协议签订后,被拆迁人应当在协议约定的期限内搬迁。 | After the signing of the monetized resettlement agreement for demolition and re[] of the house, the residents of the specific house that is to be demolished shall move out within the time limit stipulated in the agreement. | |
28 | 房屋拆迁货币化安置协议签订后,拆迁人应当在协议约定的期限内,将货币化安置款按照同等分配比例,以被拆迁房屋各使用人的名义存入指定的银行,由银行分别开具购房存款单。 | After the signing of the monetized resettlement agreement for demolition and re[] of the house, the party that is to demolish the house shall deposit in a designated bank the monetized resettlement money, which shall be divided in due proportion in the name of each of the users of the house to be demolished , within the time limit stipulated in the agreement, and the bank shall issue certificates of deposit for purchase of house separately to each of the users. | |
29 | 后来革命政府拆毁了巴士底狱。 | The Bastille was subsequently demolished by the Revolutionary government. | |
30 | 货币化安置款应当由被拆迁房屋使用人专项用于购买本市经认定的空置商品住宅或者其他商品住宅,不得挪作他用。 | The monetized resettlement money shall be used by the users of the house to be demolished for the specific purpose of purchasing any house within this Municipality which has been verified as unoccupied commodity residential house or other commodity residential house. This money shall not be used for any other purposes. |