1 | 陈旧的天星小轮码头和钟塔最近遭到拆毁,但天星小轮仍然算是城里最便宜又最好的交通工具。 | The old Star Ferry Pier and chiming clocktower were recently demolished but the ferry remains the cheapest and best ride in town. | |
2 | 此外,一条被破坏的沥青公路延伸之处,眼睛所能看到的皆是成片被摧毁的房屋和残骸碎片。 | Beside it, a broken tarmac road runs as far as the eye can see through fields of demolished houses and debris. | |
3 | 次日一早我们用过自助早餐,跨过莱茵河后开始在黑森林巴登山区骑行。 | The next morning we demolished the breakfast buffet before making our way across the Rhine to take on the Baden hills of the Schwarzwald. | |
4 | 大部分被遗弃的建筑物已被人为破坏和自然侵蚀了。 | Most of the abandoned buildings have been demolished by humans or nature. | |
5 | 但是,直到去年,当局才完成了对旧址居民的搬迁和房屋的拆除工作,所以挖掘工作一直拖到现在才能开始。 | However, authorities held off on excavation until residents had been relocated and their apartments demolished last year. | |
6 | 但是在这些用砖块搭建的店面后面,房子都被拆毁,用来建造公寓楼。 | But behind the brick shopfronts, the houses have been demolished to make room for blocks of flats. | |
7 | 当她家在2008年11月被完全摧毁时她已经被限制人身自由。 | She was behind bars when her home was demolished entirely in November 2008. | |
8 | 当局说,爆炸摧毁了该市戒备森严的警察总部外的一处警卫岗卡。 | Authorities say the explosion demolished a guard post outside the city’s heavily-guarded police headquarters. | |
9 | 到2009年,在1999年来说属于低费用的出租房源中,接近12%已经被拆除或毁坏。 | Nearly 12% of low-cost market-rate rentals that existed in 1999 were demolished or lost from the housing stock by 2009. | |
10 | 地震使煤气管破裂并推翻输电线——引起巨大的火灾,正如1906年重创旧金山的大地震。 | Earthquakes rupture gas pipes and topple power lines- creating massive fires, like the one that demolished all of San Francisco in 1906. | |
11 | 东印度大厦,公司在伦敦的总部于1862年拆毁。 | The Company’s headquarters in London, East India House, was demolished in 1862. | |
12 | 对我来讲家里的任何东西都不能取代家人在我心中的位置,甚至是整栋房子被毁掉。 | There is nothing in my home other than my family that I would mourn the loss of in the event my home was demolished . | |
13 | 而今,中国已经是一个活力四射,拆除旧街区并重建仅在两星期就能完工的国家,人们此时开始追求稳定和和谐。 | In a country now so dynamic that entire blocks can be demolished and rebuilt in two weeks, people are searching for stability and balance. | |
14 | 发掘者发现这个一个像旧停车库样的冰河世纪的遗骨贮藏处为了发现新的东西而被破坏。 | Excavators discovered this cache of Ice Age remains as an old parking garage was being demolished to make way for a new one. | |
15 | 房产热摧毁了佛罗里达州和加州的某些大都市,但对美国中西部大平原地区则影响有限。 | The housing boom demolished certain metro areas in Florida and California, and merely grazed parts of the Great Plains. | |
16 | 该旅店被拆除后,萨伦德•罗拉建造了他的第一座酒店。酒店于1999年开业,为英国航空公司的机务人员提供食宿服务。 | They were demolished to build his first hotel, which opened in 1999 and provided accommodation for BA air crew. | |
17 | 今天有更多的队伍在废墟上,可以从插在已经毁坏的居民区上的红旗看出来。 | More teams were on the rubble this day; one could tell by the numerous red flags that dotted the demolished residential areas. | |
18 | 尽管许多这样的大型建筑物已经被拆除,杰理教友认为现在的数量依然有2000年时的那么多。 | Though many such buildings have been demolished , Brother Jerry reckons there are just as many now as there were in 2002. | |
19 | 警察用竹棍打他,把他和她的家人赶走,他在孟买贫民窟的家就这样轻易的被毁了。 | As policemen beat him with a bamboo stick to shoo him and his family away, his home in Mumbai’s slums was swiftly demolished . | |
20 | 旧房子在拆,新房子在建。 | where the old buildings are being demolished and the new ones are being built. | |
21 | 据新华网报道,自2006年2月以来,全国共打掉黑社会性质组织1400余个,缴获各类非法枪支3400余支。 | China has demolished more than 1400 organized crime groups since February 2006 and confiscated over 3400 illegal guns, Xinhua reported. | |
22 | 老房子被迅速拆掉,以至于贝鲁特人害怕贝鲁特连同这个国家的山区腹地也将被变成一片大厦丛林。 | Older buildings are being demolished so fast that Beirutis fear their city and its mountain hinterland are turning into a high-rise jungle. | |
23 | 其他的比赛,苏格兰客场3-0胜瑞典,威尔士5-1大胜卢森堡,北爱尔兰0-2负于黑山,爱尔兰队0-1被阿根廷击败。 | Wales demolished Luxembourg 5-1. Northern Ireland lost 2-0 to Montenegro. And the Republic of Ireland were beaten 1-0 by Argentina. | |
24 | 其中一些地标性的建筑很早以前就被拆毁了,而且像下东区之类的街区已经认不出原来的模样。 | Some of the most iconic buildings were demolished long ago, and neighborhoods like the Lower East Side have transformed beyond recognition. | |
25 | 去年12月,生活在阿斯隆体育场附近的五户人家被告知,他们的家园将被拆除建停车场。 | Last December five families living near the Athlone stadium were told their homes would be demolished to make way for a car park. | |
26 | 去年春天一个棒球场开始运行,当时还举办了一场Dodgers和圣地亚哥Padres的表演赛,现在该体育场正在拆除。 | A baseball stadium that opened last spring with an exhibition game between the Dodgers and the San Diego Padres, is being demolished . | |
27 | 然而,在吸收了地震摇晃冲击力最大的部分后,这些受损害的建筑物必须被拆毁。 | After absorbing the brunt of seismic shaking however the compromised structures often must be demolished . | |
28 | 如果唯一的收获是一个雕像,拍照后就会被破坏掉,我不确定自己是否能忍受坚持做下去。 | I’m not sure I can bear to persist if the only prize is a sculpture that will be demolished as soon as it has been photographed. | |
29 | 如果有人毁了巴黎圣母院和吉萨大金字塔来建高楼大厦的话,人们肯定会异常愤慨。 | We would be outraged if Notre Dame Cathedral or the Great Pyramid of Giza were demolished to make way for modern buildings. | |
30 | 神经学研究已经打破了大脑静止不变的谜团。 | Neurological research has demolished the myth of the static brain. |