属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第95期:刚看完恐怖片怎么上床睡觉
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:RX标志起源始末
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:RX标志起源详解
1 | 他工作不知疲倦。 | He is a demon for work | |
2 | 他工作起来精力过人. | He`s a demon for work. | |
3 | 贪得无厌的恶习毁掉了那个守财奴的幸福。 | The demon of greed ruined the miser’s happiness. | |
4 | 唐僧听到喊声,让悟空去解救。悟空认出那是妖怪变的,叫师父少管闲事。 | The Tang Priest heard the boy’s cries and asked Monkey to release him. Monkey, seeing that the boy was actually a demon in disguise, told his master not to bother. | |
5 | 铁扇公主是牛魔王的妻子,红孩儿之母。因上次红孩儿想吃唐僧肉与悟空结下了冤仇,铁扇公主哪里肯借。 | The princess was the wife of the Bull Demon King and the Red Boy’s mother. Some time ago, Red Boy had tried to eat the Tang priest and Monkey had subdued him. Hence Princess Iron Fan hated Monkey and refused to lend the fan to him. | |
6 | 网球名将. | a demon at tennis | |
7 | 维他使大地一直干旱,但是当因陀罗把这条巨龙劈开的时候,甘霖从天而降。 | Vritra had been keeping the earth in a drought, but when indra split open the demon , the waters again fell from the skies | |
8 | 刎颈之交,刎颈交 | friends sworn to death;be David and Jonathan;Demon and Pythias friendship | |
9 | 巫能够预言将来的精灵或魔鬼 | A soothsaying spirit or demon . | |
10 | 象玩命一样不断努力地工作;数学天才 | Worked away like a demon ; a real demon at math. | |
11 | 妖妇与圣女:郁达夫小说中的女性想象 | From a Demon to a Sage: Feminine Imagination in Yu Dafu’s Novels | |
12 | 摇呀摇呀摇,把他(指死神、凶鬼)往外推掉,把他往外推掉。 | Swing, swing and swing, swing Him (the God of Death or the demon )out, swing Him out. | |
13 | 这张脸变成了一张魔鬼的脸,龇牙咧嘴,狰狞可怖(b凯瑟琳·安妮·波特) | the face changing to a demon ’s face with a fixed glassy grin(bKatherine Anne Porter) | |
14 | 这张脸变成了一张魔鬼的脸,龇牙咧嘴,狰狞可怖(凯瑟琳·安妮·波特) | the face changing to a demon ’s face with a fixed glassy grin(Katherine Anne Porter) | |
15 | 这只精猫和傻狗正冲向马路 | Demon cat and dopey dog are dashing into the roadway | |
16 | 你可以想,“嗯,那真的会在现实生活中发生吗?会有一只巨型恶魔从厨房水槽出来,然后吃掉我的灵魂吗?那真的会在现实生活中发生吗?我不这样认为。” | Think like, "Hmm, would that really happen in real life? Would a giant demon come out from the kitchen sink and eat my soul? Would that really happen in real life? I don’t think so." | |
17 | 这个标志起始于5000年前的埃及。当时,人们向太阳神荷鲁斯祷告。据说,当荷鲁斯年幼时,受到了邪恶之魔赛特的袭击。 | The sign has its beginnings five thousand years ago in Egypt. At that time, people prayed to Horus, the god of the Sun. It was said that when Horus was a child, he was attacked by Seth, the demon of evil. | |
18 | 这个标志起始于5000年前的埃及。当时,人们向太阳神荷鲁斯祷告。据说,当荷鲁斯年幼时,受到了邪恶之魔赛特的袭击。 | The sign has its beginnings five thousand years ago in Egypt. At that time, people prayed to Horus, the god of the Sun. It was said that when Horus was a child, he was attacked by Seth, the demon of evil. | |
19 | Sam和Dean最后终于找到了持有Dean契约的恶魔-名为Lilith的强大恶魔-她同时也希望能杀死Sam。 | The brothers eventually manage to track down the demon who holds Dean’s contract, a powerhouse named Lilith who also wants Sam dead. | |
20 | 阿尔赛斯:不再如此了,恶魔。你们的主人已经被击败,所谓的燃烧军团也已经支离破碎。现在就用你们的死亡来结束这一切吧! | Arthas: Not anymore, demon . Your masters have been defeated. The Legion is undone. Your deaths will complete the circle. | |
21 | 阿格雷尔:对不起。这不是我想要做的,但是恶魔领主已经下了死命令。杀掉比阿特丽斯看起来是最简而易行的方法。 | Agrael: I’m sorry. That’s not what I wanted, but the Demon Sovereign gave clear orders. Killing Beatrice seemed the easiest way. . . | |
22 | 阿格雷尔不要在谈伊莎贝尔了。你那可怕的预言是什么?是这个魔鬼弥赛亚吗? | Agrael Enough of Isabel. What of your dire warnings? And this Demon Messiah? | |
23 | 暴君决定杀死自己的亲生儿子,但是每次企图都失败了。 | The evil demon decided to kill his own son but each attempt failed. | |
24 | 不过,并不是所有的文学作品都独独强调狐妖恶的一面。 | Not all literary works, however, emphasize solely the malevolent aspect of the fox demon . | |
25 | 布克斯多布的魔鬼可能将证明是一个伪装中的天使。 | Mr Bookstaber’s demon may yet turn out to be an angel in disguise. | |
26 | 查尔斯爵士从魔鬼伸出的手上摘下这枚小小的淡绿色的戒指。 | Sir Charles took the small, pale green ring from the demon ’s outstretched hand. | |
27 | 从恶魔和有害之物(pest不是pet)摇身变为幸福快乐以及孩子健康的担保人?这对于卑微的污垢来说,还不错吧。 | From demon and pest to guarantor of happiness and childhood health? Not bad for humble grime. | |
28 | 蒂耶鲁是的。一个可能比卡贝勒斯更强大魔鬼降临了——他的名字叫弥赛亚。这可能预示着世界末日,我们需要彼此合作。 | Tieru Indeed. A Demon Messiah - more powerful even than Kha-Beleth. It might mean the end of everything. We need each other. | |
29 | 对,但却是个守信用的恶魔,希望如此。 | Yes, but a demon of my word, I should hope. | |
30 | 对于恶魔来说这是一种社交礼仪要求。 | That was de rigueur for a demon . |