1 | (b)未公布的技术数据,但为证明符合技术法规或标准所必需的数据除外 | (b)unpublished technical data other than data necessary to demonstrate compliance with technical regulations or standards | |
2 | 比较集中地体现了民间艺术的造型规律、创作构思及作品的形式特征。 | Papercuts typically demonstrate the preferred aesthetics of shape and the artistic concepts behind Chinese folk handicrafts. | |
3 | 表明自己的[该]言论、论据、批评等是符合事实的或确有根据的 | Prove one’s/the case/point demonstrate that one’s/the statement,argument,criticism,etc is true or valid | |
4 | 表示热烈的良好祝愿 | To demonstrate effusive goodwill. | |
5 | 博士学位的候选人也必须证实其具备至少一门外语的阅读能力,同时也应在资格考试中有令人满意的表现。 | Candidates for the Ph.D. degree must also demonstrate a reading ability of at least one foreign language and show satisfactory performance on a qualifying | |
6 | 不过,要证实我们城市经济改革的路子走得对不对,还需要三五年的时间。 | We have full confidence in urban reform, although it will take three to five years to demonstrate the correctness of our policies. | |
7 | 产品质量和过程的高效性组织应监视制造过程的运行情况,表明同顾客关于要求相符。 | The organization shall monitor the performance of manufacturing processes to demonstrate compliance with customer requirements for product quality and efficiency of the process. | |
8 | 成绩证明书:应可检视GPA值或成绩总平均是否达本系规定之入学标准。 | Grade certificate:Demonstrate an GPA or overall grade that meets the selecting criterion for the major of Dentistry. | |
9 | 从中显示了远古艺术家捕捉动物瞬间特点的才能。 | These designs demonstrate that ancient Chinese artists were good at depicting the movement of animals. | |
10 | 达摩克利斯希腊传说中的叙拉古国王狄奥尼西奥斯的朝臣,据传说其被迫坐在上悬宝剑的餐桌旁,宝剑由一根头发系住,以此来暗示君王命运的多危 | Greek courtier to Dionysius the Elder,tyrant of Syracuse,who according to legend was forced to sit at a banquet table under a sword suspended by a single hair to demonstrate the precariousness of a king’s fortunes. | |
11 | 但是中国稳住了,而且实现了发展目标,社会主义就显示出优越性。 | But if China holds its ground and attains its goals for development, that will demonstrate the superiority of socialism. | |
12 | 当然,太着急也不行,要用事实来证明。 | Of course, we should not be too impatient, we have to use facts to demonstrate that our policies are correct. | |
13 | 当人家要他示范操作这台新机器时,他毫无办法,出足洋相。 | He blundered on hopelessly,when asked to demonstrate the new machine. | |
14 | 当信任在经济中遭到破坏的时候,人们重新转向哲学上的思考,说明它们还是有意义的,是非常重要的。 | When people lose trust in the marketplace, it is important to return to philosophical insights and to demonstrate how they are still meaningful. | |
15 | 到基层竞选厂长、经理,显示自己的本领去嘛! | I suggest that they go to the grass-roots units and run for election as directors or managers of enterprises to demonstrate their abilities there. | |
16 | 对…表示友好对(另外一个人或其它人)表示热烈的溢于言表的良好祝愿 | To demonstrate effusive goodwill toward(another or others. | |
17 | 华府三十日否决重新恢复联合国驻波士尼亚维持和平部队,以凸显它担心国际刑事法庭可能被利用,以政治动机的指控查办美国部队或官员。 | Washington vetoed on the 30th the restoration of the UN peacekeeping troops in Bosnia to demonstrate its concern that the ICC may be used to prosecute the US troops or officials on politically motivated charges | |
18 | 滑板(长约50厘米的窄板,装有滑轮,可站在上面滑行,如作比赛或表演等). | Skateboard (narrow board about 50 cm long,with roller-skate wheels fixed to it,which the rider stands on,eg to take part in races,demonstrate skill,etc) | |
19 | 环境保护局已经执行了一个“从上至下的”审查程序,根据这个程序,一个污染源必须使用最严厉的可用控制技术,除非它能证明,那种技术的使用由于“实质上和唯一的地方因素”而不切实际。 | EPA has implemented a "top down" review process, under which a source must use the most stringent control technology available unless it can demonstrate that use of that technology is infeasible based on "substantial and unique local factors" | |
20 | 幻灯用于展示放大的静止图像,操作人员可以随意控制图像呈现时间的长短,便于学生观察,也可以帮助教师讲解和演示。 | Slide show is used to display magnified still pictures. The operator has the freedom to control the time length of showing a picture, which is convenient for students to observe and can also help the teacher lecture and demonstrate in class. | |
21 | 计算机病毒的出现使人们感到无比恐慌,以至于其他实验都被禁止了,但是科恩又设法展示了类似的病毒在其他计算机系统中的运行情况。 | The creation of the virus gave rise to such consternation that other tests were banned, but Mr Cohen did manage to demonstrate a similar virus working on other computer systems | |
22 | 加入无机肥料迅速明显地增加作物产量,这一点很容易证实。 | It is easy to demonstrate that the addition of inorganic fertilizers makes rapid and significant improvements in crop yields | |
23 | 她画了一排由近而远高度递减的树以演示透视法的规律. | She drew a row of trees receding into the distance to demonstrate the laws of perspective. | |
24 | 她应邀去日本献艺。 | He was asked to demonstrate his talent in Japan. | |
25 | 近采的事件表明了政策改革的必要。 | Recent events demonstrate the need for a change in policy. | |
26 | 考虑的第一条就是要坚持社会主义,而坚持社会主义,首先要摆脱贫穷落后状态,大大发展生产力,体现社会主义优于资本主义的特点。 | Our first conclusion was that we had to uphold socialism and that to do that we had, above all, to eliminate poverty and backwardness, greatly expand the productive forces and demonstrate the superiority of socialism over capitalism. | |
27 | 可按ISO/IEC17025进行认可以显示供方室内实验室符合此项要求但并非强制性要求 | Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 may be used to demonstrate supplier in-house laboratory conformity to this requirement but is not mandatory. | |
28 | 例示用例子来说明或证明;例证 | To demonstrate or show by an example;exemplify. | |
29 | 模特关节可以活动的人体模型,为艺术家所使用,特别用来展示绸料的布置 | A jointed model of the human body used by artists,especially to demonstrate the arrangement of drapery. | |
30 | 你得演示一下如何使用这台计算机。 | You have to demonstrate how to operate the computer. |