1 | 克利福除了一个不在一起住的姊妹外,并没有其他的近亲,他的长兄在大战中阵亡了。克利福明知自己半身残疾,生育的希望是绝灭了,因此回到烟雾沉沉的米德兰家里来,尽人事地使查泰莱家的烟火维持下去。 | Clifford had a sister, but she had departed . Otherwise there were no near relatives. The elder brother was dead in the war. Crippled for ever, knowing he could never have any children, Clifford came home to the smoky Midlands to keep the Chatterley name alive while he could. | |
2 | 李麻子从莫干丞手里拿了钱,就兴冲冲地走了。 | Mo Kan-cheng gave Pockmarked Li his ten dollars, and the latter departed well pleased with himself | |
3 | 李壮飞满口答应,又说定了约会的时间,便兴冲冲地走了。 | Li Chuang-fei assented effusively, told Feng Yun-thing the best time to call, and departed well pleased with himself | |
4 | 木犀草香味已杳然消失。 | The perfume of mignonette had departed | |
5 | 牧师先回去了。他一面在前面走着,一面回过头来望着海丝特·白兰和小珠儿,怀着几分期望,想透过林中暮霭,再看看逐渐模糊的母女二人的身影或面容。 | AS the minister departed , in advance of Hester Prynne and little Pearl, he threw a backward glance; half expecting that he should discover only some faintly traced features or outline of the mother and the child, slowly fading into the twilight of the woods. | |
6 | 那天早上,他也到过法院,打赢了一场小小债务官司,愉快地走了,离开时却给人留下一个打输了的印象。 | He had been in court that morning, and had won a small debt case, and had departed cheerfully, under the impression that he lost it | |
7 | 难怪一位美国作家兼记者说:"我来这里时还是个无神论者,离开时却是个虔诚的信徒了。 | No wonder an American writer and journalist said, "I came here an atheist, and departed a devout believer." | |
8 | 你挚爱的已故兄长. | Your dear departed brother | |
9 | 汽船停靠船坞前十分钟时,小镇还是死气沉沉的,船离开船坞后十分钟,小镇又回复到沉睡状态中。 | Ten minutes before a steamboat touched the dock, the town would be dead, and ten minutes after the boat had departed , the town would return to its snooze | |
10 | 秋风在树叶中瑟瑟作响,窃窃私语告诉你欢乐已逝,嘉年华会将近尾声。 | There was the restling of autumn winds, a whispering breath of departed revelry: Carnival was almost done | |
11 | 全家老小为死者守灵。 | The entire household attended the departed one | |
12 | 然而从老通宝懂事以来,他们家替这小长毛鬼拜忏念佛烧纸锭,记不清有多少次了。 | Still from Tong Bao’s earliest recollections, his family had prayed and offered sacrifices to appease the soul of the departed young "Long Hair" time and time again | |
13 | 让我们为逝者的灵魂祈祷 | Let’s pray for the souls of the departed . | |
14 | 人们为死者静默两分钟。 | They observed a two minutes’ silence in memory of the departed . | |
15 | 如此令人沮丧的类比,是因为事实上海丝特无权要求任何同情,犹如实际上死去一般,她虽然看来似混迹于人间,确已经辞世。 | Owing this dreary resemblance to the fact that Hester was actually dead, in respect to any claim of sympathy, and had departed out of the world with which she still seemed to mingle. | |
16 | 如此迅速葬礼前,寡妇看了一眼她亲爱的丈夫,她惊恐地发现,丈夫穿着棕色的西装。 | So Fast The widow takes a look at her dear departed one right before the funeral and, to her horror, finds that he’s in brown suit | |
17 | 史密斯先生离开去了银行。 | Mr Smith departed for the bank. | |
18 | 死者是我的一位好友。 | The departed was a good friend of mine. | |
19 | 似乎在这令人哀伤的字母中有一种枯萎的符咒,她的美丽,她那女性的丰满和温暖,都象落日般地离去了;一抹灰蒙蒙的阴影似是落在了她身上。 | As if there were a withering spell in the sad letter, her beauty, the warmth and richness of her womanhood, departed , like fading sunshine; and a grey shadow seemed to fall across her. | |
20 | 随后,他就瘫倒在刑台上了!海丝特撑起他的上半身,让他的头靠在自己的胸前。老罗杰·齐灵渥斯跪在他身旁,表情呆滞,似乎已经失去了生命。 | Then, down he sank upon the scaffold! Hester partly raised him, and supported his head against her bosom. Old Roger Chillingworth knelt down beside him, with a blank, dull countenance, out of which the life seemed to have departed . | |
21 | 他不甘忍受迫害,抱恨终天,离我们而去了。 | He was unwilling to bear the persecution and regretted to the end of his day when he departed from us. | |
22 | 他采取的步骤违反常规。 | The course he took departed from the established rule | |
23 | 他垂头丧气,原纸包了唐小姐的来信,交给车夫走了。 | dejectedly he wrapped up her letters in the same paper and handed them to the rickshaw boy, who then departed | |
24 | 他的第二次报道明显地与第一次报道有出入。 | His second account markedly departed from first | |
25 | 他的第二次叙述和第一次有明显出入。 | His second account markedly departed from the first. | |
26 | 他的话突然被一声长长的沉重呻吟打断了,声音从小池塘那边传来,仿佛那些死者的幽灵真的在这水坟附近游荡似的。 | He was interrupted by a long and heavy groan which arose from the little basin, as though in truth, the spirits of the departed lingered about their watery sepulchre | |
27 | 他的怒气来了,随乘怒而去。 | His huff arrive and he departed in it. | |
28 | 他的怒气来了,遂乘怒而去。 | His huff arrived and he departed in it. | |
29 | 他今天傍晚从此城出发。 | He departed for the city this evening. | |
30 | 他离开的时候,已经是个富翁,而他的同伴斯坦节逊,相形之下,却是相当贫穷。 | He had departed a wealthy man, while his companion, Stangerson, was comparatively poor |