属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-从 BBC 到 NYT 老报纸,新总裁
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-金色降落伞 Golden Parachutes
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-公司校友 离开但不会被忘记
1 | 我们想请你们订一张BA9372航班的机票,10月2日17:30从伦敦希思罗机场起飞,当地时间20:05到达纽约肯尼迪机场。 | We would like to book a seat on flight BA 9372, departing from Heathrow Airport, London, at 17:30 on the 2nd of October, and arriving at New York Kennedy Airport at 20:05 local time. | |
2 | 我是002班机出境的旅客。 | I’m a departing passenger on your Flight 002. | |
3 | 我想订两张机票,要订你们的班机,十二月二十二日下午七时半起程去北京的那班。 | I’d like to make reservations on your flight number , departing for Beijing on December nd at : in the evening. | |
4 | 我想确定飞往旧金山的245班机是否准时起飞。 | I’d like to confirm whether Flight 245 for San Francisco is departing on time. | |
5 | 一个多月以来,这对年轻夫妇定期来到这间教堂,全神贯注地在圣母像前坐上一个小时,然后默默地离开。 | The young couple were regular visitors to the Milan church for more than a month and spent an hour sitting attentively in front of the madonna before silently departing | |
6 | 又是一个到欧洲去的日本使节团。 | another Japanese embassy departing for Europe!’ | |
7 | 在原殖民地国家中,也需要许多有这种技术的人去接替那些大批离去的外国人。 | In former colonial countries many people with such skills also needed to replace departing expatriates | |
8 | 这飞机从第8号出境。 | The flight is departing from spot 8. | |
9 | ||1: 作为一家美国报纸集团,纽约时报公司的收购之路一直坎坷不平。它曾于2005年收购 About.com(一家亏损的在线信息服务商),但可能很快就要将这个包袱易手他人了。 ||2: 8月14日,该公司委派马克·汤普生(Mark Thompson)为新任总裁。汤普生是英国公共广播公司 BBC的总裁,但即将离任。 ||3:"收购"汤普生是否将再次让纽约时报公司感到后悔? | ||1: THE New York Times Company, an American newspaper group, has a history of ill-fated acquisitions, such as About.com, a loss-making online information service it bought in 2005 and may soon offload. ||2: On August 14th the company appointed Mark Thompson, the departing director-general of the BBC, a British public broadcaster, as its new boss. ||3: Will Mr Thompson be another acquisition that the company will regret? | |
10 | ||1:欧元危机可能给亚洲的出口导向型经济带来两方面的影响(有可能是相互交叉的):一方面是对欧贸易额减少,另一方面是资金不足,这是欧元区银行延长了贸易信贷和银团贷款的期限导致的。||2: 5月16日,在东京举办的经济学家领导人会谈中,亚洲发展银行的lwan Azis认为,尽管如此,亚洲经济却再也不会像2008年雷曼兄弟垮台之后那般脆弱。 ||3:其中一个原因是,日本的大型银行逐渐跨越本国领域,捡起了打退堂鼓的欧洲人撂下的一些担子。 | ||1: There are two, potentially overlapping, ways in which Asia’s export-driven economies could suffer from the euro crisis. One is from the slowdown in trade to Europe. The other is the drying up of finance, from trade credit to syndicated loans, extended by euro-zone banks. ||2: On neither score is Asia as vulnerable as it was after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, argued Iwan Azis of the Asian Development Bank, at The Economist’s Bellwether conference in Tokyo on May 16th. ||3: One of the reasons is that Japan’s mega-banks have lumbered off their home territory to pick up some of the slack left by the departing Europeans (see chart). | |
11 | 离职的老板还领着厚饷总让人难以接受。 | RICH rewards for departing bosses are not popular. | |
12 | 离职的老板还领着厚饷总让人难以接受。弗雷德?古德温爵士(Sir Fred Goodwin)把苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland)推进深坑,继而用英国纳税人的真金白银买单走人之后,居然每年还享有70万英镑(折合98万美元)的退休金。英国小报《太阳报》直陈其“把整个国家都搞砸了”。 | RICH rewards for departing bosses are not popular. After Sir Fred Goodwin led Royal Bank of Scotland into a ditch and dumped the bill on British taxpayers, he left with a pension of over £700,000 ($980,000) a year. The Sun, a tabloid, said he had “screwed the nation”. | |
13 | 在规模最大的几家会计事务所中,德勤帮助离职的员工更新他们的简历,希望能以此鼓励他们和德勤保持联系; | Among the biggest accounting firms, Deloitte helps departing employees update their curricula vitae in the hope this will encourage them to stay in touch and PwC has launched a recruitment campaign for former staff who want to come back and work part-time or do one-off projects. | |
14 | 并且这很容易做:82%的离职雇员说在他们带走这些东西的时候公司没有对他们携带的东西的做任何检查。 | And it seems easy to do: 82% of departing employees said that no checks were carried out on what they had kept. | |
15 | 布里森登说话时半欠起了身子,好像打算马上去餐厅。 | Brissenden half rose from his chair as he spoke, as if with the intention of departing to the restaurant forthwith. | |
16 | 参议员希拉里.克林顿在当晚短暂出席,在离开前她拥抱了拉尼亚王后。 | Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, there in brief attendance, stops to embrace Queen Rania before departing . | |
17 | 辞职面试(exitinterview)指雇主对即将离职的员工进行的面试。 | An exit interview is an interview conducted by an employer of a departing employee. | |
18 | 此外,即将离开的最终用户可能是一个特定SQL对象的所有者。 | Furthermore, the departing end user might be an owner for a particular SQL object. | |
19 | 但乘坐451次列车要到下午5:35才能到达萨拉热窝,运行时间将近9个半小时! | But by train you arrive in Sarajevo at 5: 35pm, almost nine and a half hours after departing Belgrade. | |
20 | 对于即将运载的货柜使用高安全性封条 | High security seals on departing containers | |
21 | 对于竞争的公交公司而言,这意味着一家公司在整点和半点发车,另一家在整点前后一刻钟发车。 | For rival bus companies it would mean one service departing on the hour and half hour, the other at quarter to and quarter past. | |
22 | 对于那些即将离任的将军们来说,私有化可以说是一个退休计划。 | For the departing generals, privatisation looks to be a retirement plan of sorts. | |
23 | 分开是一种必然的考验,如果你们感情不够稳固,只好认输,真爱是不会变成怨恨的。 | Departing is kind of inevitable test, in which if your love is not solid enough, you have to face the failure without any grudge. | |
24 | 公交调度发车间隔多目标组合优化模型 | Research on the Multi-objective Assembled Optimal Model of Departing Interval on Bus Dispatch | |
25 | 公交调度中发车间隔控制研究 | Study on Departing Time Interval Control of Bus Dispatching | |
26 | 回程是九月二十八日早上十一点十五分在伦敦西斯洛机场起飞的七一一班机。 | Your return flight is flight 711, departing London’s Heathrow Airport at 11: 15 a. m. on September 28th. | |
27 | 即将离任的美国五角大楼亚洲事务高级官员理查德•劳利斯(RichardLawless)上周五表示,美国政府已就这一问题向中国政府打过招呼。 | Richard Lawless, the departing senior Pentagon official for Asia, on Friday said that Washington had flagged the issue with Beijing. | |
28 | 她解雇了28,000个员工,在她自己被解雇之前。她还耗去了2100万美元的金色降落伞,用于支付她的策略。 | She fired 28, 000 people before she herself was fired, departing with the 21 million dollar golden parachute that is financing her campaign. | |
29 | 酒在中国古典诗歌中的别离意象 | On the Departing Image Reflected by Wine in Ancient Chinese Poetry | |
30 | 就在我启程前的几个月,我给他发去电子邮件,告诉他我会到北京,希望去华山拜访他。 | A few months before departing I emailed him that I would be in Beijing and would like to travel to the mountain. |