1 | “的的确确,福尔赛家的人都是些神经病――你年纪大一点就会懂得。” | You may depend upon it, they’re a cranky lot, the ForsytesDand you’ll find it out as you grow older! | |
2 | “而你,”瓦朗蒂娜说,“要靠我来督促爷爷,唤醒他的记忆吗?” | "And do you," said Valentine, "depend on me to stimulate the tardiness and arouse the memory of grandpapa?" | |
3 | “嗯,如果你的确看到过,那又有什么办法,一定是弗尔南多把它拾了起来,另外抄了一遍,或改写了一遍,或许,他甚至根本就没重抄。 | Well, then, if you did, depend upon it, Fernand picked it up, and either copied it or caused it to be copied; perhaps, even, he did not take the trouble of recopying it | |
4 | “我也不知道,这得看形势而定,而形势是变化莫测的。” | I do not know; it depends on circumstances which depend on certain arrangements. | |
5 | “云翁,办银行是我们的自救,可是实业有关国计民生,难道政府就应该袖手旁观么? | "Mr. Tang," he said, "to set up a bank would be our salvation, no doubt; but the government shouldn’t just stand by and watch industry go downhill when it is on industry that national prosperity and the people’s livelihood depend | |
6 | Depend指条件或可能性,其后通常跟有on或者upon,例如这取决于谁是负责人。在非正式口语中,通常省略介词 | Depend ,indicating condition or contingency,is always followed by on or upon,as in It depends on who is in charge.Omission of the preposition is typical of casual speech. | |
7 | 把我们的石油供应都依赖于中东国家是鲁莽的。 | It is foolhardy to depend on Middle Eastern countries for our oil supplies. | |
8 | 本书并不要求读者具有C编程语言的能力或者拥有Linux核心源代码来理解Linux核心工作原理。 | This book does not depend on a knowledge of the ’C’ programming language or require that you have the Linux kernel sources available in order to understand how the Linux kernel works | |
9 | 别依靠那根绳子,它又旧又不结实。 | Don’t depend on that rope; it is old and weak | |
10 | 别以为你还可以依靠他的支持;他希望摆脱目前的处境呢。 | Don’ t imagine that you can depend on his support any longer ; he wants out | |
11 | 不论一国土壤、气候和面积是怎样,它的国民每年供给的好坏,必然取决于这两种情况。 | Whatever be the soil, climate, or extent of territory of any particular nation, the abundance or scantiness of its annual supply must, in that particular situation, depend upon those two circumstances | |
12 | 诚然,这是一种假定层面上的意义;它使选择依赖于新因素(新信息)的导入,但其他任何意义都会剥夺行为者的自我控制。 | This is a hypothetical sense, it is true, because it makes choice depend on the introduction of new causal factors (new information), but any other sense would deprive the person of self-control | |
13 | 出苗不仅取决于土壤温度,而且还取决品种的特点。 | emergence does not only depend on soil temperature but also a function of variety | |
14 | 此外,上述供给的好坏,取决于前一情况的,似乎较多。 | The abundance or scantiness of this supply, too, seems to depend more upon the former of those two circumstances than upon the latter | |
15 | 但所有这些都是靠地球引力使你尖叫。 | However these all depend on the force of gravity to get you screaming | |
16 | 但这种模式将不再以传统的那种军队寻求技术的方式为依据。 | But the templates do not depend on the traditional way in which the military’s looked at technology | |
17 | 当终止速度是由链段转动控制时,速度的温度依赖性将取决于转动能垒。 | When the termination rate is controlled by segmental rotation, the temperature dependence of the rate will depend upon the energy barriers to rotation | |
18 | 第一种近似意义是以个人预期进款的资本化的货币价值为其中心。 | The first approximation would make everything depend on the capitalized money value of the individual’s prospective receipts | |
19 | 电视、雷达和远航仪都靠电来操作。 | Television, radar, and loran all depend upon electricity for their operation | |
20 | 杜绝学术腐败,除了道德自律外,建立一个良好的学术机制应该更为重要 | It’s far from enough to depend only on moral self-discipline to eliminate academic corruption; what is more important is to establish a favorable academic mechanism | |
21 | 断层的发生和保持取决于地壳的构造应力的同代体系。 | The initiation and maintenance of faults will depend upon the contemporary system of tectonic stresses in the Earth’s crust | |
22 | 对于有文化的女性来说,她们不是把家庭当作依赖,她们寻找的是知音,是在精神上可以信任和理解的人 | To those educated woman, families are not what depend on, what they seek for is a bosom friend, a person who is spiritually trustworthy and one she can really understand | |
23 | 分析你对计算机依赖程度:白天你用什么设备工作?使用哪些外部系统? | analyze your computer dependency-what do you use to get through the day, what outside systems do you depend on? | |
24 | 故有无相生,难易相成,长短相形,高下相倾,音声相和,前后相随,恒也 | Being and non-being create each other. Difficult and easy support each other. Long and short define each other. High and low depend on each other. before and after follow each other. | |
25 | 关键,转折点一种发展过程所依赖的某种事物 | A point or circumstance on which subsequent events depend . | |
26 | 归根到底,我们要靠自己来摆脱贫困,靠自己发展起来。 | In the final analysis, we have to depend on ourselves to develop and lift ourselves out of poverty. | |
27 | 归根结底,学生所得到的学业辅导的质量多高,作用多大,还是在于学生自己。 | In the final analysis, however, the quality and relevance of the academic advising that students obtain will depend on the students themselves | |
28 | 硅片的工艺性质与某些材料特性均与晶向有关。 | The processing characteristics and some material properties of silicon wafers depend on the orientation | |
29 | 孩子们依赖父母供给衣食。 | Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. | |
30 | 毫无疑问,没有什么像司空见惯的东西那样不自然的了。 | Depend upon it, there is nothing so unnatural as the commonplace |