1 | “武断而多变”的检验会导致对机构要么是粗略地审查,要么是深入地审查,它取决于法院怎样运用这些标准。 | As noted earlier, the "arbitrary and capricious" test can result in either cursory or searching review of the agency decision, depending on how the court applies the standard | |
2 | SMES线圈的尺寸根据其所储能量的大小而不同。 | SMES coils vary in size depending on the amount of energy stored. | |
3 | 安装在衬套或轴上的齿轮的旋转带动其它齿轮转动,并根据基轮的齿数加快或放慢速度。 | The rotation of this gear on a hub or shaft drives other gears, which may rotate faster or slower, depending upon the number of teeth on the basic wheels. | |
4 | 按下补针按键,可以控制缝纫机补针的动作,将针由下定位前进至上定位,或由上定位前进至下定位。 | By pressing the needle compensate key, you can move needle from up position to down position or from down position to up position depending on where the needle position is. | |
5 | 比如说,有一个基因可以使你罹患早老性疾呆症的机率降低10倍,决定因素在于它的第334个字母是G还是A。 | There is a gene, for example, that can alter your susceptibility to Alzheimer’s disease eleven-fold, depending on whether its 334th letter is G or A | |
6 | 薄膜电容器的选用取决于施加的最高电压,并受施加的电压波形、电流波形、频率、环境温度(电容器表面温度)、电容量等因素的影响。 | The plastic film capacitor varies in the maximum applicable voltage depending on the applied voltage waveform, current waveform, frequency, ambient temperature (capacitor surface temperature), capacitance value, etc. | |
7 | 不要使他们养成依赖政府救济的心理。 | Do not foster among them the psychology of depending on the government for relief | |
8 | 参赛的12名选手每人只跳五六次,而不是往常那样要跳上8到11次(这要看比赛的种类和选手的性别来定),这样,一场典型的比赛也就进行一个小时便可结束。 | And with the I2 finalists doing five or six dives rather than the traditional eight to 11(depending on the event and the athletes’ gender), the typical program lasted only an hour | |
9 | 长丝纱中的纤维类型和长丝纱是否经过变形处理这两点会影响织物的外观、舒适性、维护要求以及耐久性。 | Filament yarns can, depending upon fiber type and whether or not they are textured, affect the appearance, comfort properties, maintenance requirements, and durability of cloth. | |
10 | 充填在河流切割形成的侵蚀地貌中的各个砂体,在形状上可以是伸长状的或弓形的,这要决定于河流的河边。 | Individual sand bodies, filling erosional features cut by a river, may be elongate or arcuate depending on the course of the river | |
11 | 从梳棉机或精梳机下来的棉条,根据对纱线的最终要求,进一步在并条机上加工。 | Slivers from either the carding unit or the combing unit, depending on the ultimate yarn desired, are processed through the finisher-drawing. | |
12 | 但是每个人的"舒服区"的大小各有不同,这与其文化或种族有关。 | But the size of a person’s "comfort zone" varies, depending on his cultural or ethnic origin | |
13 | 当审计师无法确证公司的财务报表具有公正表达性时,他将视其严重程度,签发保留意见或反面意见。 | When an auditor cannot certify the fair-presentation quality of the financial statements, he will issue a qualified opinion or a disclaimer depending on the seriousness of the matter | |
14 | 登记结婚后。根据男女双方约定,女方可以成为男方家庭的成员,男方也可以成为女方家庭的成员。 | after a marriage has been registered, the woman may become a member of the man’s family or vice versa, depending on the agreed wishes of the two parties. | |
15 | 第301条(b)规定,污水排放者“必须达到”污水限制标准。其中可以采用不同层次上的技术。例如,根据污染物的类型和达标限期可以分别采用“当前有效的最切实可行的控制技术”,常规污染物“控制最佳技术”,和“可行的最佳技术”。 | Section 301(b), as noted above, requires that effluent limitations reflecting different levels of technology-BPT, BCT and BAT, depending upon the type of pollutant and the deadline for attainment-"shall be achieved" by dischargers | |
16 | 第二部分每个旅行人只需对下述三种申报方式中之一种情况做出声明:由如何将免税商品带出澳大利亚而定 | Part2-Each traveler MUST make only ONE of the following three declarations, depending upon how the goods will be taken out of Australia. | |
17 | 缔合靠相对弱的化学束缚而产生的化合过程的一种,如水合、融合或结合 | Any of various processes of combination,such as hydration,solvation,or complex-ion formation,depending on relatively weak chemical bonding. | |
18 | 定名是贴切的,因为KERBEROS是一个三路处理方法,根据称为密匙分配中心(KDC)的第三方服务来验证计算机相互的身份,并建立密匙以保证计算机间安全连接。 | The name is apt because Kerberos is a three-way process, depending on a third-party service called the Key distribution center (KDC)to verify one computer’s identity to another and to set up encryption keys for a secure connection between them | |
19 | 额定电流被认为是由击穿模式决定的脉冲电流(峰值电流)和连续电流组成 | The rated current must be considered by dividing into pulse current (peak current)and continuous current depending on the breakdown mode | |
20 | 分子大小各异,它取决于组成这些分子的原子的数目和大小。 | molecules all vary in size, depending upon the number and size of the atoms which compose them | |
21 | 个性更强的人能更轻易地在心理上压过别人(哈罗德C.绍恩伯格) | Depending on whose personality is stronger,one can more easily psych the other(Harold C.Schonberg) | |
22 | 各种岩石在结构(晶体大小和形状,或颗粒大小和形状)、颜色和矿物成分方面都有差异,这取决于它们形成的方式。 | Rocks differ in texture (crystal sizes and shapes, or grain sizes and shapes), color, and mineral composition, depending upon how they were formed. | |
23 | 根据变形力的强度,褶皱可以是平缓的,陡峭的,倒转的,或逆掩的。 | Depending on the intensity of the deforming forces the folds may be gentle, sharp, overturned, or overthrust. | |
24 | 根据钢瓶或容器的几何尺寸和周围条件,可能有必要采取一些方法来加强从液化压缩气体钢瓶内的产品提取,以维持要求的流速。 | Depending on the cylinder or container geometry and ambient conditions, some method might be necessary to enhance product withdrawal from liquefied compressed gas cylinders to maintain required flow rates. | |
25 | 根据管道是用于运输还是永久安装在某处,按照DOT的规定或者ASME的规定制造管道。 | Tubes are manufactured according to DOT regulations or they may be made to ASME codes, depending upon whether they are used for transportation or mounted permanently at a site. | |
26 | 根据管道是用于运输或者永久安装在某处,按照DOT的规定或者ASME的规定制造管道。 | Tubes are manufactured according to DOT regulations or they may be made to ASME codes, depending on whether they are used for transportation or mounted permanently at a site. | |
27 | 根据矿体相对层理和构造关系,可分为三种主要类型。 | There are three main types, depending on the relationships of the deposits to bedding or structure | |
28 | 根据容器的压力,压缩气体协会(CGA)推荐了三种不同的接头。 | The Compressed Gas Association (CGA)recommends three different connections for nitrogen depending on the pressure of the container. | |
29 | 根据溶液的浓度的不同,暴露于HF的影响可能会有延迟。含有大于50%的HF的溶液通常会导致立刻可以辨认出来的痛苦的烧伤。 | The effects of exposure to HF may be delayed depending on the strength of the solution. Solutions containing greater than 50% HF will normally cause an immediate recognizable and painful burn. | |
30 | 根据说话的对像,哈里可以从说伦敦方言突然转为说优雅而有教养的语言。 | Depending on who he is talking to, Harry can flip over from a cockney accent to a posh cultured one. |