1 | "你知道,"海丝特说,--尽管她十分沮丧,但依旧无法忍受刚才在她耻辱的标记上那平和的一戳--"你知道我一向对你很坦率。我没有感受到爱情,我也不想装假。" | "Thou knowest,"" said Hester-for, depressed as she was, she could not endure this last quiet stab at the token of her shame-""thou knowest that I was frank with thee. I felt no love, nor feigned any." | |
2 | 按此键关机。 | Power off key: When this key is depressed , the calculator is turned off. | |
3 | 按下按钮时,指示灯亮起显示:a)控制装置电源接通;B)控制装置正在运行;和C)内置在电机内的水分检测探头线路正常。 | When the pushbutton is depressed , the indicating lamp will be illuminated to indicate: a)power is supplied to the control, B)the control is operative, and C)wiring to the moisture sensing probes in the motor is intact. | |
4 | 按下测试按钮后,氖指示灯将发亮表示:控制装置处于通电状态;控制装置处于工作状态;电机内的水分感应探头电路完好无损 | When the test pushbutton is depressed , the neon indicating lamp will be illuminated to indicate: power is supplied to the control; the control is operative; the wiring to the moisture sensing probes in the motor is intact | |
5 | 本机不作用时,任何控制键钮不得留在锁定状态,以免使压轮受到损伤。 | Do not allow any buttons to remain depressed when the unit is not in use, as this may result in damage to the pinch roller. | |
6 | 本药泻火疏肝,适宜各类肝病患者。 | This drug, with the effect of purging liver-fire and dispersing the depressed liver-qi, is suitable for hepatosis patients. | |
7 | 不过这次奇贝利沮丧地离开了实验室。 | But this time, Cibelli left the lab in a depressed mood | |
8 | 不确定的职位和职能使约翰感到沮丧。 | John was depressed by the uncertainty of his position and duty. | |
9 | 垂头丧气的;沮丧的 | Low in spirits; depressed . | |
10 | 此后的几年里,种族同化取代毛利人的自决成为种族关系的基本原则。毛利人由于丧失了大量土地和权威而感到十分沮丧。 | In the years that followed, Maori self-determination was replaced by assimilation as the underlying philosophy of race relations large-scale loss of land and mana severely depressed the Maori | |
11 | 此时林黛玉未得展其抱负,自是不快.因见宝玉独作四律,大费神思,何不代他作两首,也省他些精神不到之处.想着,便也走至宝玉案旁 | Daiyu, depressed at having no chance to shine, came up to his desk where he was struggling alone, meaning to help him out by writing a couple of poems for him. | |
12 | 但是,对莫扎特来说--此时他身体不好,情绪低落,整天想着死--这个陌生人无异是从另一个世界派来的使者,来命令他写下他自己的安魂曲。 | But to Mozart---at that time sick, depressed , haunted by the thought of death---the stranger seemed a messenger from the other world, bidding him write his own requiem | |
13 | 但是他们却有满脑子知识,跟露丝有共同的语言,这一想他又蔫了下来。 | But their heads were filled with knowledge that enabled them to talk her talk,-the thought depressed him | |
14 | 但有时候,当他觉得沮丧时,眼中看到的只是这家企业的一堆问题 | At other times he is depressed and can see nothing but trouble ahead for both the business and the world. | |
15 | 当你发现信箱中没有“新邮件”时,你感到非常沮丧。 | When your email box shows "no new messages" and you feelreally depressed | |
16 | 当时凤凰城的房地产价格非常低,我们花了两天时间,向他介绍在我们看来是获取现金流和资本收益的那些极好的机会。 | The prices of real estate in Phoenix were depressed . We spent two days with him showing him what we thought were excellent opportunities for cash flow and capital appreciation. | |
17 | 当他们走上归途时,她却莫名其妙地变得消沉了。 | She was indefinably depressed as they walked homeward | |
18 | 笛卡儿的分解四次方程的解法采用待定系数。 | descartes’s solution of a depressed quarto equation employs the method of undetermined coefficients | |
19 | 防腐油的价格,也许跌价许多年。 | The price of creosote, perhaps falsely depressed for many years | |
20 | 飞利浦因他所经历的事感到消沉。 | Philip was depressed by what he had gone through. | |
21 | 父亲的话使我感到疲惫和沮丧(威廉·斯蒂伦) | My father’s words had left me jaded and depressed (William Styron) | |
22 | 坏消息使他精神不振。 | The bad news depressed his spirits. | |
23 | 环保产品方面,内包装产品销量放缓 | Sales of environmentally friendly products were depressed by the weakened interior packaging business | |
24 | 患这种病的人常常显得忧郁、癫狂--他们可能蓬头垢面,肮肮脏脏--因为这种病降低了他们的新陈代谢。 | Many times patients with this condition appear depressed and demented--they may be disheveled and unclean--because the problem lowers their metabolism | |
25 | 即使是露茜也听到过日本财政拮据的传言-- | Even Lucie had heard tales of Japan’s fiscal woes--the depressed real estate market, the companies slashing expense accounts--but the city she saw was an entirely different spectacle | |
26 | 几年前,唐娜曾一度萎靡不振。 | Several years ago, donna had been feeling very depressed | |
27 | 街头上非法贩卖的海洛因常只有2~5%的纯度,瘾者如果意外注射了相当纯的海洛因便会导致过量,其主要症状为重度呼吸抑制,严重者甚至会昏迷而死亡。 | Illegal street heroin is usually only 2-5% pure; unwitting injection of relatively pure heroin is a major cause of overdose, resulting in depressed respiration, coma, and death. | |
28 | 她得知自己患病,心情十分抑郁。 | She was depressed to learn of her illness. | |
29 | 她的情绪极度低落 | Her spirits were at a very low ebb, ie She was very depressed | |
30 | 她的身体日见失掉意义,成为沉闷而晦暗,现在只是一个无意义的物质了。这使她觉得无限的颓丧的失望。还人什么希望呢? | Her body was going meaningless, going dull and opaque, so much insignificant substance. It made her feel immensely depressed and hopeless. What hope was there? |