属类:文学表达-外国名著-A Tale of Two Cities
1 | “哦!他就是那个辛巴德的一个后裔,而且是我的一个好朋友。 | Well, it is one of his descendants , and a great friend of mine | |
2 | 8世纪中叶,东、西突厥汗国相继灭亡,其后裔逐渐融入其他民族。 | In the mid-eighth century, the eastern and western khanates of the Turks declined and went out of existence one after the other, and their descendants gradually merged with other ethnic groups | |
3 | 八世纪中叶,东、西突厥汗国相继灭亡,其后裔融入了其他民族之中。 | In the middle of the eighth century, both the Eastern and Western Turki khanates disappeared, their descendants being assimilated by other ethnic groups | |
4 | 被继承人的子女先于被继承人死亡的,由被继承人的子女的晚辈直系血亲代位继承。代位继承人一般只能继承他的父亲或者母亲有权继承的遗产份额。 | Where a decedent survived his child, the direct lineal descendants of the predeceased child inherit in subrogation. Descendants who inherit in subrogation generally shall take only the share of the estate their father or mother was entitled to. | |
5 | 壁画讲述着伊斯兰教徒去麦迦朝圣的习俗。那是教徒一生中至少要履行一次的责任,鲜活的壁画的也将代代相传。 | These painted walls tell us about the Islamic custom of going on a pilgrimage to Mecca. A duty which should be carried out at least once in a lifetime, an event that is to be passed down to descendants with a vivid fresco. | |
6 | 编制和修订家谱,是加强家庭凝聚力的一个有效和有趣方法,因为这须要家族中所有的成员和其后代的齐心协力。 | It is an effective and fun way to strengthen family cohesiveness as the compilation and upkeep of genealogy requires the on-going teamwork of all members of the extended family, and their future descendants . | |
7 | 不过,园中还有几丛玫瑰花和几株苹果树,大概是布莱克斯通牧师先生所栽植株曲质裔。 | There were a few rose-bushes, however, and a number of apple-trees, probably the descendants of those planted by the Reverend Mr. Blackstone, the first settler of the peninsula; | |
8 | 不应苛责这些人的后代不珍惜文物、不珍惜文化遗产。 | We should not be too harsh on the descendants of those Singaporeans for not cherishing cultural heritage. | |
9 | 长辈的旧衣服都小心地保存下来,然后把它们改小,给晚辈穿。 | Old clothes of their seniors were carefully kept and"made down"for their descendants . | |
10 | 此后,其继承者(包括查理铁锤)继续从梅罗文加王朝窃取权力,一直到751年,矮子丕平三世才废除希尔德里克三世,正式冠上法兰克国王的头衔。 | From this post, his descendants , including Charles Martel, continued to usurp authority from the Merovingians, who remained on the throne as figureheads until 751, when Charles’s son Pippin III, with papal support, deposed Childeric III and formally took the title of King of the Franks. | |
11 | 从这里通过一个山洞,发现了一个村子,这里的居民是秦朝时避难人的后代。 | Squeezing through a cave, he found a village, the residents of which were descendants of refugees from the Qin Dynasty | |
12 | 大陆同胞,台湾、香港、澳门的同胞,还有海外华侨,大家都是中华民族子孙。 | Our compatriots on the mainland, those in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao and the overseas Chinese are all descendants of the Chinese people. | |
13 | 但其后代最近才从泉州老家的宗谱中获得证实,他们祖宗的老家确实是在那里。 | Only recently, through a copy of their Zongpu kept in their ancestral village in Quanzhou, his descendants finally obtained confirmation that their ancestors indeed hailed from there. | |
14 | 而且,在巴士底狱遗址中发现了一个文件,其中包括曼奈特医生关于自己如何被劫持和监禁的叙述以及对埃弗尔蒙家族及其后代的严肃的诅咒,并宣称他们就是他十八年悲惨遭遇的罪魁祸首。 | Also, there had been found in the ruins of the Bastille a paper which contained Doctor Manette’s account of his own abduction and imprisonment, and pronouncing a solemn curse upon the House of Evremonde and their descendants , who were declared to be the authors of his eighteen years of misery. | |
15 | 二十世纪初,他更以《莎乐美》、《玫瑰骑士》等征服了歌剧舞台,是“纯德意志血统音乐家的伟大后裔中最后一位”。 | In the early 20th century, he conquered the opera stage with Salome and Der Rosenkavalier, and was hailed as "the last of the great descendants of the musicians of pure German blood" | |
16 | 福不在财多,财多不是福,福在子孙贤,子孙贤是福 | Possession of wealth alone, does not bring happiness, but if your descendants are virtuous, this brings great happiness | |
17 | 关于红山文化玉雕龙造型的考证-兼谈中国人不是“猪”的传人 | The Studies about the Jade Dragon Shape of Hongshan Culture-A Discussion on That the Chinese is Not the Descendants of Pigs | |
18 | 后代人、动物或植物的子孙或后代(总称) | The progeny or descendants of a person,an animal,or a plant considered as a group. | |
19 | 华北移民后裔异性同宗现象探微 | The Phenomenon of People with Different Surnames Sharing the Same Ancestors among Descendants of Immigrants from North China: An Exploration | |
20 | 华夏子孙遍布世界。 | The descendants of the Chinese nation are all over the world. | |
21 | 华夏族是中华文明始祖的嫡系子孙,其豪情、光荣与正统观念盖源于这种特殊的关系。 | The Huaxia people were the direct descendants of the founding fathers of Chinese civilisation. Their pride, glory and orthodoxy were derived from this special relation. | |
22 | 今天的自行车是从早期的脚踏车发展而来的. | Today’s bicycles are descendants of the earlier velocipede. | |
23 | 近几十年来.越来越多的海外华裔前往中国大陆寻根 | Recent years have seen a growing number of overseas Chinese descendants come to China’s mainland to look for their roots. | |
24 | 进化论主要由于自然选择的结果,生物体群经历了阶段性的变化,使后代在形态和生理上都与它们的祖先有所不同的理论 | The theory that groups of organisms change with passage of time,mainly as a result of natural selection,so that descendants differ morphologically and physiologically from their ancestors. | |
25 | 据不完全统计结果显示,来自内陆地区的印第安人绝大多数倾向托莱多,而西班牙人后裔占多数的西部沿海地区人口则是加西亚的支持者。 | With partial regional results tallied, it was clear that the heavily Indian highlands voted largely for Toledo, while Garcia took coastal areas dominated by descendants of the Spanish conquistadors. | |
26 | 凯尔特人(尤指爱尔兰、威尔士、苏格兰、康沃尔或布列塔尼的). | One of their descendants ,esp in Ireland,Wales,Scotland,Cornwall or Brittany | |
27 | 孔府是长达70多代孔子嫡裔的私邸,藏有价值连城的古手迹,古家具,服装和家庭文物。 | The mansion was the residence of the Confucius descendants for more than 70 generations and houses priceless ancient manuscripts, furniture, clothing and other family relics. | |
28 | 孔林是中国最大的家族墓地,孔子本人和大约10万后裔都葬在该处。 | The Grove of Confucius is the largest family graveyard in China. Confucius himself and about 100,000 of his descendants were buried there. | |
29 | 论南宋江西遗民词人群体形成的原因及其特质 | The Cause of the Formation of Ci Poets’ Group among South Song Descendants in Jiangxi and Its Idiosyncrasy | |
30 | 美国革命女儿(1890)-美国爱国组织,会员仅限于美国革命时期的士兵或其它对独立事业出过力的人士的直系后裔。 | Daughters of the American Ravolution (DAR)(1890)-U.S. patriotic society for direct descendants of soldiers or others who aided the cause of independence. |