1 | 民 族:欧洲移民后裔占79.6%,毛利族占14.5%,太平洋岛屿人占2.9%,华人占2.25%;其它民族占0.75%。 | Ethnic Composition: descendants of emigrants from Europe-79.6%, Maori-14.5%, Pacific Islander-2.9%, Chinese-2.25%, other-0.75%. | |
2 | 民 族:英国及其它欧洲国家移民后裔占95%,亚洲人占4%,其它(主要是土著民族)占1%。 | Ethnic Composition: descendants of emigrants from Britain and other European countries 95%, Asian 4%, other (mainly Aborigine)1%. | |
3 | 那些在英伦故土上出生和成长的媳妇和姑娘们,比起她们六七代之后的漂亮的后裔来,身体要粗壮些,精神也要粗犷些 | Morally, as well as materially, there was a coarser fibre in those wives and maidens of old English birth and breeding, than in their fair descendants , separated from them by a series of six or seven generations; | |
4 | 你和你的后裔履行我同你们所立之约的方法就是:你家族中的每个男人都必须行割礼。 | This is how you shall keep my convenant between myself and you and your descendants after you; circumcise myself and you and your descendants after you ;circumcise yourselves, every male among you | |
5 | 你们为何又自称为华夏子孙或炎黄子孙?这些称谓有何意义? | Why do you call yourselves Huaxia people or the descendants of Huangdi and Yandi? What do they mean.’? | |
6 | 侨民定居在异乡的一组侨民或他们的后代,仍从属于其祖国或同其祖国有密切关系 | A group of emigrants or their descendants who settle in a distant territory but remain subject to or closely associated with the parent country. | |
7 | 人们通过世袭权而拥有的受人尊敬的缘由,在其后裔身上,即使仍能侥幸存在,其比例也要小得多,而且由于官员需要公选和评估,他们的势力也要大大减少。 | The people possessed, by hereditary right, the quality of reverence; which, in their descendants , if it survive at all, exists in smaller proportion, and with a vastly diminished force, in the selection and estimate of public men. | |
8 | 是啊,要不然怎么解释一个黑头发、棕色皮肤的南部意大利人后裔的家庭会有一个白皮肤、黄头发、蓝眼睛的孩子呢? | indeed, how else to explain pale skin, flaxen hair and blue eyes in a family of dark-haired olive-skinned descendants of southern Italians? | |
9 | 所以,一些古老的作品如著名的文艺复兴艺术作品可能仍然由持有它们的博物馆或者艺术家的后代享有著作权。 | So that works of antiquity such as famous Renaissence works of art might still be copyrighted by the museums that own them or the descendants of the artists. | |
10 | 他的父母老早就告诉他是个领养的孩子,是啊,要不然怎么解释一个黑头发、棕色皮肤的南部意大利人后裔的家庭会有一个白皮肤、黄头发、蓝眼睛的孩子呢? | His parents had always made it clear to him that he was adopted; indeed, how else to explain pale skin, flaxen hair and blue eyes in a family of dark-haired olive-skinned descendants of southern Italians? | |
11 | 他们以此教育后代,振奋精神,建设家园。 | They dance to educate their descendants , simulate spirits and build new homes. | |
12 | 它子子孙孙,不论贤愚,都永远身居王位。 | Its descendants will reign over it forever, whether gifted or boobies | |
13 | 脱离的主要政体是金帐汉国以及旭烈兀后裔统治之下的波斯王国。 | The principal breakaway states were the Golden Horde, and the Persian kingdom under the descendants of Hulagu | |
14 | 文化和社会名流成员,尤指由旧时新英格兰家族后裔组成的。 | a member of a cultural and social elite, especially of that formed by descendants of old New England families. | |
15 | 我们是黄帝的子孙。 | We are the descendants of Huangdi. | |
16 | 我要把你们居此不久的这片土地,即全部迦南的土地赐给你和你的后代,作为永久的财产。我是你子孙后代的上帝。 | As an everlasting possession I will give you and your descendants after you the land in which you now are aliens, all the land of Canaan, and I will be God to your descendants. | |
17 | 我要执行我和你订立之约,此约对你和你的后人,世世代代都永远有效。我是你和你的后代的上帝。 | I will fulfill my covenant between myself and you and your descendants after you , generation after generation, an ever lasting covenant, to be your God, yours and your descendants’ after you | |
18 | 我已经祝福了他,使他多子多孙,使他的后代繁衍兴旺。他会成为十二个王子之父,我要使他身后形成一个大邦。 | I will multiply his descendants ; he shall be father of twelve princes, and I will raise a great nation from him | |
19 | 我自己立誓要赐洪福于你,使子孙繁盛,多到和天空中的星辰及海滩上的沙粒一样数不清。 | I will bless you abundantly and greatly multiply your descendants until they are as numerous as the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the sea-shore | |
20 | 现代工业的发展根本不想到操作机器的入的真正性质,根本不考虑工厂强加在人们身上的人为的生存方式对个人及其后代所产生的影响。 | It has expanded without any idea of the true nature of the human beings who run the machines, and without giving any consideration to the effects produced on the individuals and on their descendants by the artificial mode of existence imposed by the factory. | |
21 | 现代工业的发展根本不想到操作机器的入的真正性质,根本不考虑工厂强加在人们身上的人为的生存方式对个人及其后代所产生的影响。 | It has expanded without any idea of the true nature of the human beings who run the machines, and without giving any consideration to the effects produced on the individuals and on their descendants by the artificial mode of existence imposed by the factory. | |
22 | 新世纪的舞蹈先驱们留有坚实的足迹,今天,我们当"以人传舞"去追述他们的创造与贡献。 | Today we have lots of dancers and their contributions, and their stories are recorded for the descendants . | |
23 | 许多礼器是铸有铭文(书法中称金文),记载着奴隶主贵族的各种特权、祭祀、战功以及命令或赏赐等,让后代永远保存。 | Many of the vessels were inscribed with words describing the slave owner’s power, orders, battle achievements, awards and sacrificial rites so his descendants could know about his life. | |
24 | 亚伯拉罕为以实玛利,而对此感到为难。按撒拉说的做吧!因为你要靠以撒来繁衍后代。 | Abraham was vexed at this on account of the boy and the slave-girl. Do what Sarah says, because you shall have descendants through Isaac | |
25 | 一位研究学者认为这些可能是迷路进入中国的一个失踪的以色列部落的后裔,据说当时一些人成了俘虏,被遣送去帮助修筑长城。 | One research scholar claims that these people might be descendants of a lost Israeli tribe that strayed into captivity and made to help in the construction of the Great Wall. | |
26 | 一想到它们都是在鸟类学家警觉下我拯救的那16只火鸡的后代,我就感到高兴。 | I like to think they are all descendants of those sixteen birds I saved from the vigilance of the ornithologists | |
27 | 语言史的属于、关于一个原始母语各分支之间关系的 | Of or relating to the relationship between or among languages that are descendants of a protolanguage. | |
28 | 玉米是主要的粮食作物,与阿纳萨齐文化接触后又引进了豆类和瓜类。15世纪初霍霍坎文化中断了,其因不明。皮马人和帕帕戈人可能是他们的后裔。 | Corn was the major crop; beans and squash were added after contact with the Anasazi. For unknown reasons, Hohokam culture disintegrated in the early 15th century. The Pima and Papago peoples are probably direct descendants | |
29 | 在古代的中国,手书家谱和宗谱的编制工作非常艰辛,但却很精确,而且还定时增补。这一切都是为了子孙后代。 | In old China, hand-written records of individual families (Jiapu)and clans (Zongpu)were painstakingly and accurately compiled, and periodically updated, for the benefit of their succeeding generations of descendants . | |
30 | 在陵前,来自海内外的炎黄子孙络绎不绝,竞相叩拜,绕墓三圈。 | When the descendants of the Yellow Emperor stand before the tumulus, coming in large numbers from everywhere in the world, they will make deep bows before it and make three rounds of it |