属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-粒腺体影响男性寿命 粒腺体阻断
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生殖技术 代孕妈妈
1 | 在游客们的无稽之谈中有这样的说法,真正的[基韦斯特岛]烹调食品是由巴哈马群岛一个世纪前移民到此珊瑚礁地带的英国人和古巴人的后代做的贝蒂·富赛尔) | Behind the tourist flap-doodle,authentic [ Key West ] cooking is produced by the descendants of Bahamian English and Cubans,who migrated to this coral reef over a century ago(Betty Fussell) | |
2 | 这个村庄的建筑风格独树一帜,一半似西班牙风格,一半似摩尔风格,别有情趣,现在的居民就是当初那些人的后代,他们还是说着他们祖先的语言。 | This village, constructed in a singular and picturesque manner, half moorish, half Spanish, still remains, and is inhabited by descendants of the first comers, who speak the language of their fathers | |
3 | 这些人之中当然有不少职业闲汉。 | the descendants of Marius and the Gracchi were also not wanting | |
4 | 这也就说明了为什么有这么多未受过教育的体力劳动者的后代成功地成为医生、律师及其他的专业人士。 | This explains why so many descendants of uneducated laborers have succeeded in becoming doctors, lawyers, and other professionals | |
5 | 只有皇室家族父系的男性才能继承皇位。 | Only male descendants of the male line of the imperial family may become emperor. | |
6 | 中古庐山隐风与后代遗民诗境 | Lusan Recluse Fashion in Mediaeval Times and the Descendants ’ Poetic Realm | |
7 | 中华民族常自称是黄帝的子孙。黄帝是传说中华夏族的祖先,是中原各民族的始祖。 | The Chinese People often refer to themselves as the descendants of Huang Di, the Yellow Emperor--a part-real, part-legendary personage who is regarded as the founder of the Chinese nation and ancestor of all nationalities on the central plains. | |
8 | 周隋之际的旧北齐勋贵 | The Descendants Noble Clans in the Period of Latter Chou and Sui Dynasty | |
9 | 诸侯对于周天子,是小宗跟大宗的关系 | The feudal lords themselves stood in a position of being either major or minor descendants of the Zhou emperor | |
10 | 转抗真菌病基因烟草后代遗传分析 | Genetic Analysis to Descendants of Transgene Tobacco for Control Fungal Disease | |
11 | 壮族、布依族和傣族一样,都是古代善种水稻的百越人的后裔 | The Zhuang, Bouyei and Dai ethnic groups are all descendants of Baiyue people good at planting rice. | |
12 | 祖先的罪恶报应到他们后代的身上 | The sins of the ancestors were visited on their descendants . | |
13 | 最合理的解释是陵寝向东,可能是向世人昭示他征服六国的壮志雄心,让子孙后代铭记这一壮举。 | The most reasonable explanation is that he wanted to demonstrate to his descendants his ambition of uniting the seven kingdoms into one country and to make them always remember him and his achievements. | |
14 | ||1:1838年12月16日,一小队白人,历经长途跋涉,在布拉德河一役中击败了为数众多的祖鲁人军队。||2:有人说,白人占上风是因为有枪,而祖鲁人用的却是长矛。||3:还有人说,那是上帝的安排。||4:战前,白人祈祷,如果打赢了这场战役,誓言要纪念胜利日。||5:他们的后代子孙遵循着那个誓言。||6:但是,一个半世纪后,南非大学的一个历史学教授贸然提出,“起誓日”没有什么特别之处,上帝不必眷顾那个创造隔离制度的种族。||7:这让尤金 特雷布兰奇勃然大怒。||8:他带着一帮地方武装分子,闯进了大学报告厅,把滚烫的柏油倾倒在教授身上,然后把羽毛沾在上面。 | ||1:On December 16th 1838, a small band of trekkers defeated a large Zulu army at the Battle of Blood River.||2:Some say the white men prevailed because they had guns, whereas the Zulus made do with spears.||3:But others think God intervened.||4:Before the battle, the Afrikaners prayed, vowing always to commemorate that day if they won.||5:Their descendants honoured that pledge.||6:But a century and a half later, a disrespectful history professor at the University of South Africa suggested that the “Day of the Covenant” was nothing special and that God was not necessarily rooting for the tribe that created apartheid.||7:Eugene Terre’Blanche was incensed.||8:With a posse of followers, he burst into a lecture hall, poured hot tar on the professor and then decorated him with feathers. | |
15 | ||1:粒腺体很有趣。||2:他们是细菌与十亿年前的动物或植物祖先的衍生物。||3:如此便保留住了基因。||4:这就是问题的开始。||5:从遗传学角度讲,为了避免同一个细胞内不同的粒腺体相互排斥,大多数生物都会选择系属同一个细胞的线粒体,通常是同一个雌细胞。||6:如比克曼博士所提到的一样,雄性线粒体陷入进化死胡同。||7:雄性线粒体不能逐渐形成雄性专一方式,因为雄性线粒体在雄性生物体上栖息的多么好,都不能繁衍到下一代。 | ||1:Mitochondria are intriguing.||2:They are descendants of bacteria that teamed up with the ancestors of animal and plant cells about a billion years ago.||3:As such, they retain their own genes.||4:And this is where the problems start.||5:To avoid fights between genetically different mitochondria in the same cell, most species have arranged for their mitochondria to come from only one parent—usually the mother.||6:This means, as Dr Beekman notes, that a male’s mitochondria are stuck in an evolutionary dead end.||7:They cannot evolve in male-specific ways, because no matter how much good they do a male body they inhabit, they will not be passed on to the next generation. | |
16 | ||1:线粒体是微型结构,几乎存在于身体中的每一个细胞中,能够将食物和氧气转化为能量。||2:他们是远古细菌的后代,远古细菌放弃了他们独立生存的方式职位与其他细胞形成一种共生的关系。||3:因此,他们有自己的微型基因组,独立于细胞核中的DNA。||4:不同于核DNA是遗传自父母亲的,人类身体中的每一个线粒体出身于其母亲卵子中的线粒体。 | ||1:Mitochondria are tiny structures, present in almost every cell in the body, that convert food and oxygen into energy.||2:They are the descendants of ancient bacteria which gave up their free-living lifestyle to form a symbiotic relationship with other cells.||3:As such, they have their own tiny genomes, independent from the DNA in the cell’s nucleus.||4:Unlike that nuclear DNA, which is inherited from a child’s father and mother, every mitochondrion in a person’s body is descended from those inside his mother’s egg. | |
17 | ||1:在美国蒙大拿州东部一块安静的草原上,天空广阔无垠,金色草原延绵起伏。71头刚从栅栏中被释放出来的小野牛,奔向草原,地上的尘土被他们跑动的蹄子卷到半空高。很快,他们就加入了一个由几百只美洲野牛组成的牛群中,这个牛群拥有不同年龄段的野牛。||2:这些小野牛们是通过公路从加拿大鹿岛自然保护区运送到蒙大拿州的;他们是纯正的美洲野牛,其祖先曾经生活在这里。||3:到上世纪19世纪末,只有一少部分野牛因在边境的另一边,幸免于美国狩人的猎杀,能够安然无恙的生活并幸存下来。 | ||1: IN A quiet spot in eastern Montana, on rolling golden prairies and under vast skies, 71 buffalo calves charge out of a corral. Kicking up dust as they run, they quickly join a herd of several hundred American buffalo of all ages. ||2: The calves had arrived by road from Elk Island reserve in Canada; they are pure descendants of the buffalo that once lived in this area. ||3: At the end of the 19th century just a few were saved from American hunters and bred, in peace, on the other side of the border. | |
18 | 作为马来西亚第一代定居者的子孙,马来人不再认为《平权法案》是一个减少不平等的临时工具,而是他们的一项权利。 | Malays have stopped thinking of affirmative action as a temporary device to diminish inequality. As descendants of Malaysia’s first settlers, they now consider it a right. | |
19 | 130多名来自全球各地的孔子后裔来到山东曲阜孔林向孔子献礼敬香。 | More than 130 descendants of Confucius from across the world presented offerings and incense sticks at his tomb in Qufu, Shandong Province. | |
20 | 1929年这所房子变成博物馆后,达尔文的后代把达尔文记有小猎犬号笔记的所有15本笔记本,以及其他物品的原件一起归还给了博物馆。 | After it became a museum in 1929 his descendants returned all 15 of the Beagle notebooks along with a wealth of other original items. | |
21 | 1998年,这些二战劳工或其家属向日本政府提出支付补偿的申请。 | These former forced laborers or their descendants filed suit against the Japanese government in 1998 to claim the value of pension funds. | |
22 | 21世纪初的人口估计显示大概有4500名万帕诺亚格人。 | Early 21st-century population estimates indicated some 4, 500 Wampanoag descendants . | |
23 | BOOK元素级别声明的,该命名空间只应用于它的子代。 | BOOK element level, and the namespace applies to all of its descendants only. | |
24 | Cosimo死于1464年,虽然他的子孙们在弗洛伦萨的地位变得愈发不可动摇,梅第奇银行还是走了下坡路。 | After Cosimo’s death in 1464, the Medici bank went downhill, though his descendants became ever more entrenched in power in Florence. | |
25 | DomainedesTourelles酒庄由一位法国工程师于1868年创立,并由创办者家族的后辈发扬光大。 | Domaine des Tourelles was founded by a French engineer in 1868 and is being revived by descendants of the founding family. | |
26 | IWebRequestCreate接口定义WebRequest子集在向WebRequest.Create方法注册时必须使用的方法。 | The IWebRequestCreate interface defines the method that WebRequest descendants must use to register with the WebRequest. Create method. | |
27 | VisualBasic编译器将子代轴属性转换为对Descendants方法的调用。 | The Visual Basic compiler converts descendant axis properties into calls to the Descendants method. | |
28 | webRequestModules元素注册WebRequest类的子代以处理向网络主机发出的信息请求。 | The webRequestModules element registers descendants of the WebRequest class to handle information requests to network hosts. | |
29 | 爱马仕创始人的直系后代只接受有限的合作,以保护公司不被收购。 | A limited partnership that is open only to direct descendants of Hermes’ founders protects the company from an unwanted takeover. | |
30 | 按着家族,这就是约瑟的子孙。 | These were the descendants of Joseph by their clans. |