1 | 他和那国民公会G.代表的邂逅-几乎可以说是他们的结合,只不过给他留下了一种使他变得更加温良的惊叹的回忆。 | His meeting, which may almost b designated as his union, with conventionary G----, left behind it in his mind a sort of astonishment, which rendered him still more gentle | |
2 | 他还表示,境内机构经常项目下的外汇收入均须及时调回境内,一些可以留成,一些可以按市场汇率卖给指定银行。 | He also noted that current account forex receipts owned by domestic entities had to be repatriated into China, some of which could be retained and some sold to the designated banks at market rates | |
3 | 他肩上的符号标出军官的军衔。 | The mark on his shoulder designated the rank of an army officer. | |
4 | 他居然会把领扣扣歪,那一定是在他心里起了那种所谓“内心地震”的骚乱。 | That he should have set the buckle of his stock awry, it was indispensable that there should have taken place in him one of those emotions which may be designated as internal earthquakes | |
5 | 他们指名国王为暴君。 | They designated the King as a tyrant | |
6 | 他已被任命为教育部长。 | He has been designated as the Minister for Education | |
7 | 他指定史密斯为他的继承人。 | He designated Smith as his successor | |
8 | 他指派史密斯做这项工作。 | He designated Smith as the man for the job. | |
9 | 外商投资企业中外国投资者清算后分得的外汇资金,经国家外汇管理局依法批准后可以从其外汇帐户中汇出或到银行兑付。 | FIEs could make payments from their forex accounts or in forex purchased from designated forex banks after liquidation, upon approval by SAFE according to law | |
10 | 王国的统治者称作国王。 | The ruler of a kingdom is designated a king. | |
11 | 威尔逊先生被任命为基金募款运动的主席。 | Mr. Walsh was designated chairman of the fund drive. | |
12 | 为了促进出口贸易,乙方应随时准备各种晶体管收音机的样品,航空寄送甲方指定的外国买方。 | For promoting export business, Party B must get ready samples of transistor radios and send them at any time by air to foreign buyers designated by Party A. | |
13 | 我可以在任何加油站加油,或是有特别指定的加油站? | Can I supply gas at any station or any designated station? | |
14 | 我们加工产品所使用的商标和标签由你方指定。 | The trademark and the labels to be used on the products we process will be designated by you. | |
15 | 纤维的比重约为1.5克;厘米。有些种类的碳纤维比重可高达2克;厘米。这类的碳纤维通常用于特殊场所。 | Fiber density is approximately 1.5 grams per cubic centimeter. A few carbon fibers may have a density as high as 2, but these are usually designated for very special uses. | |
16 | 许多年来,在全世界一些规定的观察站对风作了系统的测量。 | Systematic wind measurements have been made at designated observing stations all over the world for a number of years | |
17 | 选通电极,门电路具有多个输入端和一个输出端,只有当一套指定的输入端受到脉冲时才有能量 | A circuit with multiple inputs and one output that is energized only when a designated set of input pulses is received. | |
18 | 亚太经社会成员指派常驻代表和其他代表咨询委员会(亚太经社会代表咨委会) | Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and other Representatives Designated by Members of the Commission | |
19 | 一个王国的统治者被称为国王。 | The ruler of a kingdom is designated a king. | |
20 | 一种访问[存取]记录的方式,按逻辑上记录出现的顺序,从文件中某个指定的点开始存取。 | A mode of accessing records starting at a designated point in the file in the order in which the records logically appear | |
21 | 一种特定的IBM产品中的部件,可由顾客公开单独定货。功能部件可以是专用的,也可以是规定的,还可以指明只是单独的软盘片。 | A particular part of an IBM product that is orderable separately by the customer.A feature is designated as either special or specified and may be designated also as diskette-only. | |
22 | 以a为带称的人或物;尤指居首者。 | One arbitrarily designated a., esp. as the first in order or class. | |
23 | 异质的在身体的某一特定部位不正常地出现细胞或组织成分的 | Of or relating to cytologic or histological elements not normally occurring in a designated part of the body. | |
24 | 营业执照遗失或者毁坏的,公司应当在公司登记机关指定的报刊上声明作废,申请补领。 | If the Business License is lost or damaged, the company shall announce it invalid in the newspaper and periodical designated by the company registration authority, and shall apply for an reissuance. | |
25 | 由于马歇尔之赞同,他已决定我指挥该部队。 | With the full concurrence of General Marshall, he had designated me to command the troop | |
26 | 原型标本一个种起初用作分类的基础且后来作为确定类型的标本 | The specimen used as the basis of the original published description of a taxonomic group and later designated as the type specimen. | |
27 | 在回到他一惯戏称为“他的宫殿”的那所破屋子里时,他对他的妹子说:“我刚刚进行了一场隆重的大典。” | On his return to the humble dwelling, which he designated , with a smile, as his palace, he said to his sister, "I have just officiated pontifically." | |
28 | 在农村的贫困残疾人中,30%生活在592个国定贫困县。 | Among the disabled poor in the rural areas, 30 percent lived in the 592 state-designated impoverished counties | |
29 | 早在1983年,环境保护局就指定了全国范围内的100多个县作为“很可能的”不顺从地区,并宣布了在做出最后判决时必须遵守的程序,这些都在强行制裁之前。 | Early in 1983 EPA designated more than one hundred counties nationwide as "probable" noncompliance areas and announced procedures to be followed in making final determinations, prior to imposing sanctions | |
30 | 这个细胞质范围是胚细胞质的先质,它被称为新细胞质。 | This cytoplasmic terrain, which is the progenitor of the cytoplasm of the embryo, is designated as neocytoplasm |