属类:文学表达-外国名著-EUGENE ONEGIN
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-驼鹿和人 Of moose and men
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-《经济学人》:先生,您的电子报纸 Your digital paper
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-拆乐高 乐高如何成为全球最畅销玩具公司
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-药品研究 大家齐心协力
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国经济不咋地 China’s economy not
1 | 这些举措带有绝望的色彩。 | These moves smack of desperation | |
2 | 这些行动带有绝望的色彩。 | These moves smack of desperation . | |
3 | 这种情况会使整个世界人心消沉,有关人民的绝望也可能引起动乱,除此之外,美国经济的后果也应当是尽人皆知的。 | Aside from the demoralizing effect on the world at large and the possibilities of disturbances arising as a result of the desperation of the people concerned, the consequences to the economy of the United States should be apparent to all | |
4 | 整个冬天,叶甫盖尼守在他那阴暗的房间里读书和沉思。终于,在绝望之余,他未经通报就径直去见达吉雅娜,出其不意地撞见她正在重新阅读他给她的信。 | All that winter Eugene kept to his gloomy room, reading and musing. At last, in desperation , he called on Tatyana unannounced and surprised her rereading his letters. | |
5 | 至少有两机仓士兵被带上了天空,他们有的拼命抓住飞机的起落架,有的抱住尾轮。 | There were at least two cases of soldiers being taken aloft hanging on to the undercarriage or tail wheel in desperation . | |
6 | 走投无路中,他们采取了暴力。 | In desperation they resorted to violence. | |
7 | 最后,他横了心把门砸开。 | In desperation , he finally broke down the door | |
8 | 最终,你近乎绝望地把几张钞票塞进他手里,心中暗暗希望你给的小费不多也不少。 | Out of desperation you shove a few banknotes into his hand, hoping that you’re neither given too much nor too little. | |
9 | ||1:第一个故事,“长跑奇迹”是最成功的故事。||2:开场就吸引读者:“迈克尔·泰森咬掉霍利菲尔德耳朵那一天”。||3:故事以竞跑着的口吻叙述,捕捉赛前种种细节:液压门的嘶嘶声。酷爽天气中掠过一丝丝热浪,不可思议的绝望也随之而来。 | ||1: The first story, “Miracle Mile”, is the best. ||2: It mesmerizes from its opening: “This was the day after Mike Tyson bit off Evander Holyfield’s ear.” ||3: Narrated by a competitive runner, it captures the minutiae of pre-race nerves—the “hiss” of a coach’s hydraulic door ; the temperature “just inching its way over toward cool”—as well as the “miraculous desperation ” that is winning. | |
10 | ||1:这些商业巨人都希望在身处困境的传统出版商身上大捞一笔。||2:由皮尔研究中心和经济学人集团联合进行的研究发现,在IPAD发售后不到两年时间里,约11%的美国成年人都拥有了平板电脑,其中半数以上每天通过平板电脑阅读新闻。||3:这些人比那些没有平板电脑的人更热衷于看新闻,而且当出现长篇文章的时候,他们更喜欢用平板,而不愿在电脑特别是报刊上阅读。||4:奥特赛尔公司的媒体咨询师说,这项研究有力地证实了传统报刊正在被数字刊物平台所取代。 | ||1: These corporate giants aim to cash in on the desperation of traditional news publishers. ||2: A study last month by the Pew Research Centre with The Economist Group (this newspaper’s parent company) found that, less than two years after the iPad went on sale, 11% of American adults now own a tablet and more than half of this group read news on it each day. ||3: They are more avid news consumers than those without tablets (see chart), and for long articles they prefer their tablets both to ordinary computers and (remarkably) to print. ||4: Ken Doctor of Outsell, a media consultancy, says the study is the best evidence yet that tablets are gradually replacing print. | |
11 | 绝望中,它甚至起了念头想要变成一家生活方式公司,开始生产乐高牌的服装和手表。 | and, in a fit of desperation , flirting with becoming a lifestyle company, with Lego-branded clothes and watches. | |
12 | 这笔交易是产业萎靡所触发的转变的最新迹象。重磅药品的专利已开始失效。药品研发部门已不再那么多产,数十亿美金的投入只换来少许药品的诞生。 | The deal is the latest sign of a broader shift—one that is driven by desperation . Patents on blockbuster drugs are expiring. Research and development (R&D) have grown less productive, with billions of dollars yielding only a trickle of drugs. | |
13 | 这一对转变可能是个好消息——标志着房地场价格已趋于平稳,而且地方政府也已重铸其贷款信誉。但这也可能是绝境的信号,证明中央政府已经在下降的经济增长面前失去了勇气。 | These twin turnarounds might be good news—a sign that property prices have stabilised and local governments have restored their creditworthiness. But they could also be signs of desperation , evidence that the central government has lost its nerve in the face of falling growth. | |
14 | “现在局势如此糟糕,以至于大家会为了弄到钱而不顾一切”,卡维表示。 | "The situation is so bad that there is a desperation now to get money, " says Cavey. | |
15 | “一张安静绝望的唱片,一种游离于某人指甲之间的声音”乔伊·博伊德,1978。 | "A record of quiet desperation , the sound of someone hanging on by their fingernails. " Joe Boyd, 1978 | |
16 | “这是绝望的行为”,沙特阿拉伯信息部一位名叫Nialal-Jubeir的官员告诉AFP新闻社。 | "It’s an act of desperation , " Nial al-Jubeir, a Saudi information ministry official, told AFP news agency. | |
17 | “这一切多没意思啊,”她用一种疲劳到了绝望程度的腔调说道。 | ’How boring it all is, ’ she said, in a voice fatigued to the point of desperation . | |
18 | Palmer先生提到他通过“完全的精力和绝望”征服了蒙古一大片地方。 | Mr Palmer notes that he conquered a chunk of Mongolia through "sheer energy and desperation " . | |
19 | 艾伯林说,这些天来出现了迫不及待的融资的情况。 | ’There is a sense of desperation in the capital raising these days, ’ Mr. Ablin says. | |
20 | 爆炸袭击是日渐式微的反叛力量绝望的表现。 | The bangs were an act of desperation by a fading insurgency. | |
21 | 悲观者们宣称,卡比拉已经流露出绝望的情绪。 | Pessimists say Mr Kabila acted out of desperation . | |
22 | 不顾一切地想要得到苹果电脑会造成一些极端的行为。 | Desperation to get hold of Apple computers can lead to extreme behavior. | |
23 | 不仅仅只有沙特阿拉伯一个国家正拼命地遏制大型的老化油田产值下降的问题。 | The Saudis are not alone in their desperation to stem the declining output of big and ageing oil fields. | |
24 | 朝鲜已经着手拯救濒临绝望的市场。 | North Koreans have turned to the market out of sheer desperation . | |
25 | 赤字缠身的市政当局更是想方设法增加杂项税,令人绝望。 | Deficit-ridden municipalities are growing more inventive as their desperation increases. | |
26 | 从查韦斯匆忙组织的此次全民公决可以察觉到他的绝望。 | But the haste with which he has organised the referendum speaks of desperation . | |
27 | 从该公司英国脸书(Facebook)首页上的浏览率就能看出来多少人带着狂热的绝望在乞求卡卡圈坊能在他们所在的地区也开分店。 | A visit to the company’s British Facebook page reveals people begging them to open stores in their areas, with feverish desperation . | |
28 | 大多数男人在沉默的绝望中生活。 | Status Offline The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation . | |
29 | 单身,会让你感到绝望,感到沮丧,感到恐惧。 | Being single can cause desperation , depression, and fear. | |
30 | 但是,会议让贝尔斯登的代表们感觉弗劳尔斯仅仅是想知道他们有多绝望。 | But the meeting left Bear Stearns’s representatives concerned that Mr. Flowers simply was trying to gauge their desperation . |