1 | 销售金额五万元以上不满二十万元的,处二年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处销售金额百分之五十以上二倍以下罚金 | With a sale amount of not less than 50,000 yuan and not more than 200,000 yuan, ... is to be sentenced to not more than two years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention and may in addition or exclusively be sentenced to a fine of not less than 50 percent and not more than 200 percent of the sale amount | |
2 | 依法配备公务用枪的人员,丢失枪支不及时报告,造成严重后果的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。 | Any personnel who are provided with official-use guns who lose the guns without reporting the loss in a timely fashion, thereby causing serious consequences are to be sentenced to not more than three years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention . | |
3 | 以造谣、诽谤或者其他方式煽动颠覆国家政权、推翻社会主义制度的,处五年以下有期徒刑、拘役、管制或者剥夺政治权利。 | Whoever instigates the subversion of the political power of the state and overthrow the socialist system through spreading rumors, slandering, or other ways are to be sentenced to not more than five years of fixed-term imprisonment, criminal detention , control, or deprivation of political rights. | |
4 | 在第(2)款所述情形下,总监可向商标所有人或获其授权之代理人透露下列资料:检获或扣押货品之时间及地址 | In the circumstances specified in subsection (1), the Commissioner may disclose to the proprietor of the trade mark or to his authorized agent the time, and the address of the place, of seizure or detention of the goods; | |
5 | 在拘留期间,被拘留人承认并改正错误的,人民法院可以决定提前解除拘留。 | During the detention , if the detainee admits his error and repents, the people’s court may decide to lift the detention ahead of time. | |
6 | 在生产、销售的食品中掺入有毒、有害的非食品原料的,或者销售明知掺有有毒、有害的非食品原料的食品的,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处销售金额百分之五十以上二倍以下罚金 | Whoever produces, sells foods that are mixed with poisonous or harmful non-food materials or knowingly sells such things is to be sentenced to not more than five years of fixed-term imprisonment or criminal detention and may in addition or exclusively be sentenced to a fine of not less than 50 percent and not more than 200 percent of the sale amount | |
7 | 在执行期间,被判处拘役的犯罪分子每月可以回家一天至两天;参加劳动的,可以酌量发给报酬。 | During the period of execution, a criminal element sentenced to criminal detention may go home for one or two days each month; consideration may be given according to the circumstances to granting compensation to those who participate in labor. | |
8 | 滞留费,延期费因船舶等的滞留而付的赔偿金 | Compensation paid for such detention . | |
9 | 滞留全班学生是不公平的。 | The detention of the whole class was unfair. | |
10 | 总监在合理可行之情况下,须将检获及扣押货品情事,通知该商标所有人或获其授权之代理人。 | the Commissioner shall, wherever reasonably practicable, notify the proprietor of the trade mark or his authorized agent of the seizure or detention , as the case may be. |