属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-海外行贿 两部法律的故事
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-海外贿赂 两部法律的故事
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-知识产权 悬而未决的专利
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-和解者 违规销售药物
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加拿大零售业 药品生意
1 | 通过泄气来阻止;阻挡 | To hamper by discouraging;deter . | |
2 | 我们感到,虽然战争的危险还存在,但是制约战争的力量有了可喜的发展。 | We now think that although there is still the danger of war, the forces that can deter it are growing, and we find that encouraging. | |
3 | 我们既然找不到本·拉登,又何谈阻止他? | How are we supposed to deter Osama bin Laden when we can’t find him | |
4 | 我们拥有这种重型炸弹的事实威慑住敌人不敢向我们进攻。 | The fact that we have the big bombs will deter our enemies from attacking us | |
5 | 我们在这方面控制得严一点,不会影响外商来华投资,恰恰相反,外商会更放心。 | Tightening our control in this area will not deter foreign businessmen from investing in China, on the contrary, it will reassure them. | |
6 | 无论怎样,电子交流系统的发展和普及只会更多地鼓励而非阻碍印刷媒体的使用。 | Whatever the case may be, the growth and popularity of the electronic communication system or the new media are more likely to encourage than deter the use of the printed word. | |
7 | 行政主管机关将有权实施充分的处罚措施,以防止或震慑进一步的侵权行为,并被鼓励行使该权力。 | Administrative authorities would have the authority to impose sufficient sanctions to prevent or deter further infringement and would be encouraged to exercise that authority | |
8 | 虚张声势通过假装有把握给人印象、威慑或威胁 | To impress,deter ,or intimidate by a false display of confidence. | |
9 | 一次考试不及格不应妨碍你做再次的尝试. | Failure in an examination should not deter you from trying again. | |
10 | 乙肝免疫球蛋白阻断HBV父婴、母婴传播的观察 | The Observation of Using HBIG to Deter the HBV Dissemination Form Parents to Babies | |
11 | 阴暗天色有时使人不敢启程。 | A cloudy sky may deter a man from undertaking a journey. | |
12 | 应降低这种金额标准,以便诉讼能够有效震慑以后的盗版和假冒行为。 | Those thresholds should be lowered so as to permit effective action that would deter future piracy and counterfeiting | |
13 | 应降低这种金额标准,以便诉讼能够有效震慑以后的盗版和假冒行为。对此,中国代表表示,中国的行政主管机关将建议司法机关作出必要调整,降低金额标准,以解决这些关注。工作组注意到这一承诺。 | Those thresholds should be lowered so as to permit effective action that would deter future piracy and counterfeiting. In response, the representative of China stated that China’s administrative authority would recommend that the judicial authority make necessary adjustments to lower the thresholds so as to address these concerns. The Working Party took note of this commitment." | |
14 | 有些战略专家提出,事实上,俄国人如果看到美国的决心有所动摇,就可能对美国军事目标发动有限的核攻击,同时保持足够的后备力量来遏制美国的报复。 | In fact, some strategists argued, the Russians spotting softness in U.S. resolve might launch a limited nuclear attack at American military targets and reserve sufficient strength to deter a response | |
15 | 战略武器存在的理由就是要制止。 | The raison d’etre for a strategic weapon is to deter . | |
16 | 征收率的调整由国务院决定。 | Any adjustment to the leviable rate shall be deter mined by the State Council. | |
17 | ||1:被FCPA指控的话,后果很惨痛。||2:很少企业敢冒险上法庭——企业被告的案例中只有两个结案了。||3:很多案子要用上几年时间才能结案。||4:上市公司不仅要达到司法部的要求,还要满足证券和交易委员会的要求,而这就使得FCPA要具备所有企业的交易记录(从而防止或者发现非法交易)。||5:在司法部和该委员会做出最终决定之前,企业必须让他们相信公司的其它运作也是没有猫腻的。||6:调查不充分会使案情变得更大,为此将付出成千亿美元。 | ||1:An FCPA action is an ordeal.||2:Few firms dare risk going to court—only two cases against corporations have ever resulted in completed trials.||3:The vast majority of cases are settled, which can take years.||4:Listed companies must satisfy not only the Department of Justice, but also the Securities and Exchange Commission, which enforces the FCPA provisions requiring accurate records of all business dealings (to deter or detect illicit payments).||5:Before the department and the commission will sign off on a settlement, the company must satisfy them that the rest of its operations are squeaky clean.||6:Narrow investigations can mutate into broad ones that cost tens of millions of dollars. | |
18 | ||1:涉及《反海外腐败法》的诉讼是极其折磨人的。||2:几乎没有一家公司敢于上法庭—历史上公司被起诉的案例中只有两例是完全结案的。||3:绝大多数案子的结果都是长达数年的调解。||4:上市公司不仅要使司法部满意,还要履行由美国证券交易委员会执行的《反海外腐败法》部分条款--对所有交易的如实记录(为了防止和发现非法支付)。||5:在司法部和委员会同意一项和解之前,公司必须保证其其他业务都绝对的干净。||6:一个小范围的调查都会变成耗费数千万美元的广泛调查。 | ||1:An FCPA action is an ordeal.||2:Few firms dare risk going to court—only two cases against corporations have ever resulted in completed trials.||3:The vast majority of cases are settled, which can take years.||4:Listed companies must satisfy not only the Department of Justice, but also the Securities and Exchange Commission, which enforces the FCPA provisions requiring accurate records of all business dealings (to deter or detect illicit payments).||5:Before the department and the commission will sign off on a settlement, the company must satisfy them that the rest of its operations are squeaky clean.||6:Narrow investigations can mutate into broad ones that cost tens of millions of dollars. | |
19 | 第一,被指控侵权者不必被送至法庭,可到专利商标局(PTO)说明其非法性。 | It creates several new procedures to deter or defeat bad patents. One would let an alleged infringer of a patent challenge its validity at the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO), rather than going to court. | |
20 | 来自纳税人免受欺诈倡导组织的帕特里克?伯恩斯认为此举并无成效。||个别高管从不法行为中获取暴利,而赔偿金却要由股东来承担。因此,他说,想要预防此类违法行为再次发生就必须采取惩罚个别高管的方法。对其进行监禁的恫吓力可能会促使他们在夸大药物药效前三思而行。|| | Patrick Burns of Taxpayers Against Fraud, an advocacy group, is not impressed. Individual executives pocket the benefits of malpractice, whereas stockholders pay the fines that result.|| So the way to deter future wrongdoing would be to punish individual executives, he says. The fear of jail might make them think twice before overpromoting a pill.|| | |
21 | 投资者认为这两个公司的联合会形成一个新的加拿大冠军并有可能阻止国外进一步的打击。 | Investors are speculating that these two will join to form another Canadian champion. That is unlikely to deter further incursions from across the border. | |
22 | “阿富汗人利用历史的夸张来夸大[他们的]力量,从而使侵略者犹豫不前,”他说。 | "The Afghans use hyperbole of history to exaggerate [their] strengths in order to deter invaders, " he says. | |
23 | “证据显示,中国国内物价涨势正令部分大型美国买家望而却步,”陈志雄在一份报告中称。 | "Evidence suggests that rising prices in China are beginning to deter some large U. S. buyers, " Chan said in a report. | |
24 | 180枚核弹头能够创造足够大的破坏力和大混乱以阻止核侵略吗? | Can 180 nuclear warheads create enough mass destruction and chaos to deter a nuclear aggressor? | |
25 | 2009年巴西对外国股票和债券投资征收了2%的税,虽然这没有吓到已有的高频交易公司,但的确阻碍了新公司进入巴西市场。 | Brazil’s 2% tax on foreign equity and debt investments in 2009 did not deter existing HFT firms but did discourage new ones. | |
26 | Satit指出,不少国家对进入本国的短期外资征收2-4%的税,以防止汇市投机行为。 | Many other countries had levied a 2 to 4 percent tax on short-term foreign funds to deter currency speculation, Satit said. | |
27 | 安:那是有用的,不过种一些植物,像绿薄荷、青蒿和艾菊,不但美化你的院子,更可以抵挡你的入侵者。 | A: That works, but planting things like spearmint, southernwood, and tansy could both beautify your yard and deter your invaders. | |
28 | 暴力事件可能会阻止许多巴基斯坦人去投票。 | The violence may deter many Pakistanis from voting. | |
29 | 贝卢斯科尼认为与其老老实实的争取让法案通过,还不如尽量想办法让选民不要参加投票。 | Mr Berlusconi decided that, instead of fighting for his legislation on its merits, he would try to deter voters from participating. | |
30 | 不要让失败成为你的拦路虎。 | Don’t let failures deter you. |