属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 19684-9-1977
1 | (六)其他违背客户真实意思表示,损害客户利益的行为。 | or (6)Other conduct that is against the clients’ real intentions and is detrimental to clients’ interests. | |
2 | (三)妨碍生产或者人民生活,损害市容市貌或者建筑物形象的; | 3. If the advertisements interfere with productive activities or the life of the people, or are detrimental to the appearance or the look of the city, or the image of buildings. | |
3 | (一)损害国家主权或者社会公共利益的; | (1)Detrimental to national sovereignty and public interests; | |
4 | (一)有损于国家、社会公共利益的; | (1)those being detrimental to the State and social public interests; | |
5 | 但是,更换的货物对出租人不利的,出租人有权拒绝或者解除合同。 | However, if the goods replaced is detrimental to the interests of the shipowner, the shipowner shall be entitled to reject such goods and cancel the charter. | |
6 | 第十六条 法官在公众场合和新闻媒体上,不得发表有损生效裁判的严肃性和权威性的评论。如果认为生效裁判或者审判工作中存在问题的,可以向本院院长报告或者向有关法院反映。 | Article 16. A judge should refrain from giving any comments in public or to the media, which is detrimental to the seriousness and authority of a valid judgement. If a judge thinks there is something wrong with a valid judgement or the trial process, he may report to the president of the court or report to the relevant courts. | |
7 | 第四十三条 在汛情紧急的情况下,各级防汛指挥机构可以在其管辖范围内,根据经批准的分洪、滞洪方案,采取分洪、滞洪措施。采取分洪、滞洪措施对毗邻地区有危害的,必须报经上一级防汛指挥机构批准,并事先通知有关地区。 | Article 43. In case of a flood emergency, flood prevention headquarters at different levels may, within their jurisdiction, take measures to divert or detain the flood pursuant to the approved plans. Where these measures are detrimental to the adjoining districts, the adoption of such measures must be reported to the flood prevention headquarters at the next higher level for approval, and the districts concerned shall be notified in advance. | |
8 | 对前茬作物使用的除草剂的残效,有时对下一年的大豆萌发或生长有害。 | Residues from herbicides applied to previous crops can sometimes be detrimental to soybean germination or growth the following year | |
9 | 对违反国家法律、社会公德或者妨害公共利益的发明创造,不授予专利权。 | No patent right shall be granted for any invention-creation that is contrary to the laws of the State or social morality or that is detrimental to public interest. | |
10 | 对形成零电压最有害的因素是初线圈和次级线圈之间的电容耦合。 | The factor which is most detrimental to the formation of the null voltage is the capacitive coupling between the primary and secondary coils | |
11 | 多种水果能够在对检疫性害虫致命的受到控制的氧、二氧化碳和氮浓度下储藏。 | Many fruits withstand storage under controlled concentrations of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen which are detrimental to quarantine insect pests. | |
12 | 恶意串通,损害国家、集体或者第三人利益的 | those that performed through malicious collusion are detrimental to the interest of the state, a collective or a third party; | |
13 | 而一切不利于抗日和团结的,鼓动群众离心离德的,反对进步、拉着人们倒退的东西,便都是坏的。 | on the other hand, everything is bad that is detrimental to unity and resistance to Japan, foments dissension and discord among the masses and opposes progress and drags people back | |
14 | 废物无用的、有害的或无价值的东西,尤指不适于配种的动物 | Something useless, detrimental , or worthless, especially an animal unfit for breeding. | |
15 | 甘蔗茎尖培养中减轻酚害 | Minimizing the Detrimental Effect of Phenol Pollution in Stem Apical Culture of Sugarcane | |
16 | 镉对大白鼠肝臓部份切除或四氯化碳损害后之影响 | Detrimental Effects of Cadmium on the Rat Liver after Partial Hepatectomy or Carbon Tetrachloride Induced Hepatic Injury | |
17 | 古柯碱还可以注射法或化学烟雾法吸食,然上瘾性更强,对人体健康的伤害亦较大。 | In altered, more potent, cheaper forms (freebase, crack), cocaine is injected or smoked and is extremely addictive (see drug addiction)and detrimental to health. | |
18 | 会损及我们利益的活动. | activities that would be detrimental to our interests | |
19 | 空间研委会关于对环境构成潜在危害的太空活动问题小组 | COSPAR Panel on Potentially Environmentally Detrimental Activities in Space | |
20 | 恐怕没有别的错误比这更为有害于他们自己的利益。 | There is, perhaps, no mistake more detrimental to his interests. | |
21 | 麻醉镇痛药的治疗用途主要是镇痛。大多数国家都限制生产、销售和使用麻醉镇痛药,因为它们有使人上瘾的特性和有害的效果,还可能发生滥用药物的情况。 | The main therapeutic use of narcotics is for pain relief. Most countries limit the production, sale, and use of narcotics because of their addictive properties and detrimental effects and the incidence of drug abuse. | |
22 | 农业水利工程中土壤研究方法.实验室化学研究.土壤中损害植物的硫化物和聚合物含量测定 | Methods of soil investigations for agricultural engineering; chemical laboratory tests, determination of the plant detrimental sulphides and poly sulphides in the soil | |
23 | 缺乏睡眠有害健康。 | Lack of sleep is detrimental to one’s health. | |
24 | 人们往往会有这样的感觉;在疲劳中,一切具有拉伸性质的都是不利的。 | One tends to develop a feeling that anything of a tensile nature is detrimental in fatigue | |
25 | 如果美国售予台湾像神盾级战舰般的先进武器,中美关系将会大受影响。 | If the US were to sell advanced weapons to Taiwan such as the Aegis, that could be very detrimental to China-US relations. | |
26 | 如果有什么要变,一定是变得更好,更有利于香港的繁荣和发展,而不会损害香港人的利益。 | If there are any, they will only be changes for the better, for the greater benefit of the prosperity and development of Hong Kong, not changes detrimental to the interests of the people there. | |
27 | 润滑油中含有大量的水份会造成什么有害影响? | What are the detrimental effects of high water presence in lubricating oil? | |
28 | 瘦肉精的有害性研究及检测与管理 | Research on Detrimental Effect, Determination and Administration of Clenbuterol | |
29 | 双方恶意串通,实施民事行为损害国家的、集体的或者第三人的利益的,应当追缴双方取得的财产 | If the two sides have conspired maliciously and performed a civil act that is detrimental to the interests of the state, a collective or a third party, the property that they thus obtained shall be recovered | |
30 | 损及我们利益的活动. | Activities detrimental to our interests |