属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国互联网公司 迁徙之雀
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-转基因树木 进军森林
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 特朗普"断供"WHO 欧洲多
1 | 有好丈夫的妻子的不幸,比有坏丈夫的妻子的不幸,更加无可就药。 | The unhappiness of a wife with a good husband is much more devastated than the unhappiness of a wife with a bad husband. | |
2 | 在火光冲天和夷为平地的城市里,我们日日夜夜直接经受着战争的破坏。 | In the burning and devastated cities we daily experienced the direct impact of the war | |
3 | 在世界上的许多地方,这些公园是仅存的生物多样性宝库,但它们正越来越严重地遭到偷猎、非法伐木和污染的毁坏,也包括为生存挣扎的人类社会所造成的其他破坏。 | In many parts of the world the parks are the last few remaining repositories of biodiversitybut increasingly they are being devastated by poachingillegal loggingpollutionand other incursions by human communities struggling to survive | |
4 | 战争把她弄得狼狈不堪。 | The war had devastated her | |
5 | 战争摧毁了这个国家. | War devastated the country. | |
6 | 这些被洪水毁坏了的家庭会接收复活节礼筐吗? | Would families who had been devastated by floodwater want an Easter basket | |
7 | 直到广岛被蘑菇云毁掉之前,敌人竟一点也不知它的存在。 | Neither gleaned a hint of its existence until Hiroshima lay devastated under a mushroom cloud | |
8 | 只是他的脸受到了蹂躏。 | It was his face that was devastated | |
9 | 至今我的脑海里仍能显现出那位被彻底压垮的老人的样子,他就盯着那个私人车道上他的小孙女出事的地方,目光呆滞。 | I can still see in my mind’s eye that devastated old man looking down at the place in the driveway where the child had been | |
10 | 至今我的脑海里仍能显现出那位被彻底压垮的老人的样子,他就那么盯着那个私人车道上他的小孙女出事的地方,目光呆滞。 | I can still see in my mind’s eye that devastated old man looking down at the place in the driveway where the child had been. | |
11 | ||1:很少听说沙特阿拉伯如此大度。||2:五年来,沙特一直代表其所推翻的政府与也门什叶派胡塞武装组织叛军作战。||3:这场战争摧毁了也门的基础设施,造成10万多人死亡。||4:但4月8日,沙特阿拉伯及其盟国承诺将停火两周。||5:一位沙特官员说,停火的原因是“为了减轻兄弟之邦也门人民的苦难,维护他们的健康与安全”。||6:两天后,也门,这个在该地区最贫穷的国家,宣布出现第一例新冠肺炎确诊病例。 | ||1:Rarely has Saudi Arabia sounded so magnanimous.||2:For five years it has been fighting the Houthis, a group of Shia rebels in Yemen, on behalf of the government they toppled.||3:The war has devastated Yemen’s infrastructure and killed more than 100,000 people.||4:But on April 8th Saudi Arabia and its allies promised to lay down their arms for two weeks.||5:The reason for the ceasefire, said a Saudi official, was "to alleviate the suffering of the brotherly Yemeni people and maintain their health and safety".||6:Two days later Yemen, the region’s poorest country, announced its first confirmed case of covid-19. | |
12 | 比起加拉帕戈斯雀,本地公司的处境可能更类似于欧洲红松鼠,来自北美洲的表亲灰松鼠的到来使它们濒临灭绝。 | instead of Galapagos finches its local firms may come to resemble Europe’s red squirrels, devastated by the arrival of their pushy grey cousins from North America. | |
13 | 不过可以肯定,这是史上最强风暴之一。除了统计摧毁的建筑和死亡的人数,评估该风暴威力的另一个办法,是将它和2005年摧毁新奥良的卡特里娜飓风作比较。 | But it is surely one of them. Besides the devastation and the death toll, one way to assess its potency is to compare it with Katrina, the hurricane that devastated New Orleans in 2005. | |
14 | 该项目的组织者是一个半官方机构—森林健康行动,该机构的创立是为了检查用基因工程来拯救被真菌病或害虫摧毁的树木种群的可行性。 | The project has been organised by the Forest Health Initiative, a quango set up to look into the idea of using genetic engineering to rescue species of tree whose populations have been devastated by fungal diseases or insect pests. | |
15 | 沙特领导的打击也门胡塞叛军的联盟开始了为期两周的单边停火,旨在遏制新冠疫情的蔓延。在宣布这一举措后不久,也门证实了首例新冠肺炎病例(尽管该国几乎没有进行任何检测)。多年的战争摧毁了这个国家的卫生系统。 | The Saudi-led coalition fighting the Houthi rebels in Yemen began a unilateral two-week ceasefire aimed at stemming the spread of covid-19. Shortly after the move was announced, Yemen confirmed its first case of the virus (though it has carried out little testing). Years of war have devastated the country’s health system. | |
16 | 1月份,在海地遭遇了毁灭性的地震后第一时间内,以色列防卫武装(IDF)建立一家有72个床位的移动医院。 | In the immediate aftermath of the earthquake that devastated Haiti in January, the IDF set up a 72-bed mobile hospital. | |
17 | 2004年的海啸几乎摧毁了这个国家,造成超过3.0万斯里兰卡人丧生也使得许多沿海社区遭受了灭顶之灾。 | The country was also devastated by the 2004 tsunami, which killed more than 30, 000 Sri Lankans and wiped out many coastal communities. | |
18 | 2004年印尼海啸后,美国海军进行了大量的急需的援助。 | After the December 2004 tsunami devastated much of Indonesia, the U. | |
19 | 2011年3月15日,大槌,被毁的居民区内,一个幸存者在毁后的超市处寻找食物。 | An injured survivor searches for food at a destroyed supermarket in the devastated residential area of Otsuchi, March 15, 2011. | |
20 | Klym的律师MarcBeginin说他的委托人在得知Sladewski的死讯后身心交瘁,目前正积极配合警方。 | Klym’s attorney, Marc Beginin, said his client is "devastated and traumatized" by the news of her death and is cooperating with police. | |
21 | Sara坐在她的车内,刚才所做的事使她身心交瘁。 | Sara sits in her car devastated about what she’s just done. | |
22 | 八年抗战破坏了中国。 | The eight years of war devastated China. | |
23 | 被粗鲁的言论搅昏了头 | e. g. He was devastated by the rude remark. | |
24 | 伯明翰的普拉特住宅区和快乐林的城郊是受破坏最严重的地方,CNN报道。 | The Birmingham neighborhood of Pratt City and the suburb of Pleasant Grove were among the most devastated , CNN reported. | |
25 | 不久,一个朋友通过电子邮件告诉我珍妮的病情恶化到不能说话了,她患有多发性硬化症(multiplescleosis)。 | Then an e-mail from a friend broke the news that Jeanine had been too devastated to speak: She had multiple sclerosis. | |
26 | 不是小泉的改革摧毁了日本经济、急速扩大了贫困人口和贫富差异。 | It wasn’t Mr Koizumi’s reforms that devastated Japan’s economy and caused soaring rates of poverty and inequality. | |
27 | 车队受到了巨大的打击并且再也没有从失去自己的核心人物中完全恢复过来。 | The team was devastated and never fully recovered from the loss of their lynchpin. | |
28 | 从表面上看,这只不过是一项人道主义举措,旨在援助贫穷的北朝鲜被洪水毁坏的西北地区。 | On the face of it, it is a humanitarian response to the floods that have devastated the north-west part of the impoverished North. | |
29 | 大约3600年前,一次巨大的火山喷发摧毁了离希腊不远的爱琴海中的圣托里尼岛。 | About 3, 600 years ago, a massive volcanic eruption devastated the island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea near Greece. | |
30 | 但毁灭性的地震和海啸损害了出口,而且因进口成本上升所需的花费可能会推高商品价格。 | The massive quake and tsunami devastated exports, while the costs of imports rose due to high commodity prices. |