属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-从 BBC 到 NYT 老报纸,新总裁
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-智力测试 叫谁是笨蛋呢?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-植物机器人 落地生根
1 | 他设计了一台测量光波的仪器. | He devise d an instrument to measure light waves. | |
2 | 他试着设计一种万无一失的驱除白蚁的方法。 | He tried to devise a foolproof plan for getting rid of termites. | |
3 | 他虽然想象力丰富,但在一番苦思冥想以后,仍然是一场空,他想不出任何计划可以不用人陪伴而到他所渴望的小岛上去。 | But in vain did he rack his imagination; fertile as it was, he could not devise any plan for reaching the island without companionship | |
4 | 它要求人们根据它的基本原则和基本方法,不断结合变化着的实际,探索解决新问题的答案 | It calls on people to proceed from its basic principles and methodology and apply them to changing conditions so as to devise solutions to new problems. | |
5 | 推导出适合于钢架的类似步骤也是可能的。 | It is possible to devise corresponding systematic procedures for rigid jointed frames | |
6 | 为(考试、测试等)出一套新题. | Devise a new set of questions for (an exam,a test,etc) | |
7 | 为此,科学家还要设计出使用雷达和水下电视的方法。 | To do this, scientists have to devise methods using radar and underwater television. | |
8 | 为制定一个计划;设计 | To formulate a plan for; devise | |
9 | 我们必须想出在假期中赚钱的计划。 | We must devise a scheme for earning money during the vacation. | |
10 | 我们设计出时髦、复杂的电脑化的方法来解决复杂的生产系统上的问题,但为何不能简化生产系统,因而不再需要复杂的解决方法呢? | We devise fancy, complex computerized solutions to solve complex manufacturing system problems. Why not simplify the manufacturing system so that the need for complex solutions disappears? | |
11 | 我们要想个办法从这些监狱里逃出去。 | We will devise a way of escaping from this prison. | |
12 | 我们应该按照我们本身的需要来编制家谱。 | We should devise our family records to suit our particular needs. | |
13 | 我找到了笔、墨水和纸,但我用得非常节剩你们将会看到,只要我有墨水,我可以把一切都如实记载下来,但一旦墨水用完,我就记不成了,因为我想不出有什么方法可以制造墨水。 | I found pen, ink and paper, and I husbanded them to the utmost, and I shall show, that while my ink lasted, I kept things very exact, but after that was gone I could not, for I could not make any ink by any means that I could devise . | |
14 | 想办法赚钱. | devise a scheme for making money | |
15 | 想出、发明出或设计出某事物 | Produce sth by thought;invent or devise sth | |
16 | 有的在设计体积越来越大的火箭弹,威力越来越强的爆炸物,厚度越来越打不穿的装甲板 | others devise larger and larger rocket bombs, more and more powerful explosives, and more and more impenetrable armour-plating | |
17 | 再将这些日子的病势讲一讲,大家斟酌一个方儿,可用不可用,那时大爷再定夺. | Then we can devise an efficacious prescription and submit it to the discretion of His Lordship. | |
18 | 在这场战争中,我们首次使用了隐形技术,并首次将现代侦察技术用于战场,这些技术具有很强的能力,我们不得不研究如何运用这些技术的战术。 | In this war for the first time, we used stealth technology and for the first time, we took modern intelligence techniques to the battlefield. Those techniques were so powerful that we had to devise new tactics on how to use them | |
19 | 咱们来计划一下如何完成这项工作。 | Let’s devise how to finish the work | |
20 | 这项研究报告的作者,加利福尼亚大学的约翰·凯尔索博士说,今后的深入研究或许可以揭示这种神秘的隐形生物是如何让某些人患上躁郁症的,这样就可以帮助科学家们制定出新的治疗方案。 | Follow-up research might help reveal the mysterious underlying biology that makes some people susceptible to the disorder, and so help scientists devise new treatments, said the study’s senior author, Dr. John Kelsoe of the University of California, | |
21 | 制定市中心重建计划 | Devise a scheme for redeveloping the city centre | |
22 | ||1:即便罗姆尼可以想出一个可行的计划,要抵御政治上的阻力又是另一回事了。||2:乐观主义者注意到,实行长达33年之久的对乙醇的税收补贴,尽管扛住多次试图废除它的努力,最终还是在去年被废除。||3:然而省下的60亿美金不过是沧海一粟。||4:与此相反的是,国会坚持不懈的忽视奥巴马总统在他的首次预算中提出的(从此之后一直重申的)限制对于按揭利息和富裕家庭慈善性减税的税收减免。||5:这两种想法都受到了相关利益群体的强烈谴责。||6:来自税收政策中心的马兰先生说道“只要我还是扩大税基,降低税率,追逐税收支出的正式一员,政治局势和潜在的经济状况表明,难以收集那些伟大计划所需的钱。” | ||1: Even if Mr Romney could devise a workable plan, overcoming political resistance is another matter. ||2: Optimists note that a 33-year-old tax credit for ethanol, after surviving numerous assassination attempts, finally died last year. ||3: But the $6 billion saved by that was trivial. ||4: By contrast, Congress has steadfastly ignored Mr Obama’s proposal in his first budget (repeated ever since) to limit the tax break for mortgage interest and charitable deductions for rich households. ||5: Both ideas were fiercely condemned by interest groups. ||6: “As much as I’m a card-carrying member of the broaden-the-base, lower-the-rates, go-after-tax-expenditures club,” says Mr Marron of the TPC, “the politics and underlying economics suggest it’s hard to raise the money you need for these grand plans.” | |
23 | ||1:现在他得开始考虑这个问题了。最近,《纽约时报》成功地让更多的在线读者大掏腰包了。||2: 去年,该报调整了其支付墙。截至去年六月为止,《纽约时报》和同公司的《国际先驱论坛报》(the International Herald Tribune)的数字订户增加到了50.9万人,在三个月内上升了12%。 ||3:然而,该公司超过40%的收入仍然依赖于广告商,而在线广告费用相比印刷版要低一些。||4:汤普生将必须设计出更具新意的商业方案,而不是试图去挽留印刷版迅速流失的订户。 | ||1: He will have to start. Recently the New York Times found some success getting more online readers to fork out. ||2: Last year it adjusted its pay wall and by June had boosted the number of digital subscribers to 509,000 between the New York Times and its stablemate, the International Herald Tribune, up by 12% in three months. ||3: However, the company still relies on advertisers for over 40% of its revenues, and online advertising rates are lower than those in print. ||4: Mr Thompson will have to devise a more radical business plan than trying to catch print papers’ fleeing subscribers. | |
24 | 困难在于,要编写出一套计算程序,可以把这些数字再现为空间中不同物体构成的景象。 | The challenge has been to devise algorithms that can interpret such numbers as scenes composed of different objects in space. | |
25 | 人类正尝试设计一种通用的智力测验 | An attempt is being made to devise a universal intelligence test | |
26 | 在开发过程中,研究人员不仅要设法了解真正的根是如何工作的,还力图设计处可以监测土壤污染,勘探矿物及寻找水源的设备。 | In doing so, they seek to understand how real roots work and also to devise machines that might monitor soil pollution, prospect for minerals and look for water. | |
27 | “Horava引力”当然不是得到量子引力理论的第一次尝试。 | "Horava gravity" is, of course, not the first attempt to devise a theory of quantum gravity. | |
28 | “没有任何艺人会给我机会去完成那么多原创和出格的设计,”阿玛尼说。 | "No other artist would give me the opportunity to devise such original and way-out creations, " Armani explains. | |
29 | “我们的产品就要能够适应这些条件。这真是个挑战。” | "We had to devise systems that would deal with that. It was a challenge. " | |
30 | 2009年,国会要求一个由四个联邦机构组成的工作组为面向儿童的食品营销构思指导方法。 | In 2009 Congress asked a working group of four federal agencies to devise guidelines for food marketed to children. |