属类:时事政治-AS IT IS 慢速新闻杂志-菅义伟有望成为日本新任首相
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 所罗门群岛与台“断交” 韩国现非洲猪瘟疫情
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 英欧谈判"战火"升级 白俄反
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 马克龙发表致欧洲公民书 欧盟否决"逃
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-非洲禁塑令 禁止塑料袋只是一小步(1)
1 | 在独裁者的统治下,人民毫无生气。 | Under dictatorial rule, the people languished | |
2 | 这个方向和投降派的方向有多少的差别,这是在表面上还要维持抗日的局面、但又绝对不愿放弃反共和独裁的人们的方向。 | This course, which differs somewhat from that of the capitulationist clique, may be taken by those people who still want to keep up the appearance of resistance to Japan while absolutely refusing to abandon anti-communism and dictatorial rule | |
3 | 政治主张是推翻国民党独裁统治,实现中国的独立、民主与和平。 | Their political stand was to overthrow the dictatorial rule of the Kuomintang and realize independence, democracy and peace in China. | |
4 | 专政国家或政府;独裁统治下的国家或政府 | A state or government under dictatorial rule. | |
5 | 总而言之,蒋介石二十年的统治,就是卖国独裁反人民的统治。 | In a word, Chiang Kai-shek’s twenty-year rule has been traitorous, dictatorial and against the people | |
6 | 菅义伟因在每日电视新闻发布会上的冷淡言论而闻名。实际上,他有一种独断方式来完成工作。他经常利用总理办公室的权力来影响职业官员。那些反对他政策的人士都发现自己被排除在项目或职位以外。 | Suga is known for his bland comments during daily televised news conferences. In reality, he has a dictatorial approach to getting jobs done. He has often used the power of the prime minister’s office to influence career officials. Those who have opposed his policies have found themselves removed from projects or positions. | |
7 | ||1:由尼古拉斯·马杜罗领导的委内瑞拉独裁政府释放了国会议员埃德加·桑布拉诺,桑布拉诺也是反对派控制的国民大会主席胡安·瓜伊多的高级顾问。||2:瓜伊多被大会和50多个国家承认为委内瑞拉临时总统。||3:马杜罗表示,在抵制国民议会三年之后,他所在的统一社会党的55名议员将在国民议会占据席位。 | ||1:Venezuela’s dictatorial government, led by Nicolás Maduro, freed from prison Edgar Zambrano, a congressman who is a senior adviser to Juan Guaidó, the president of the opposition-controlled national assembly.||2:Mr Guaidó is recognised by the assembly and by more than 50 countries as Venezuela’s interim president.||3:Mr Maduro said that 55 lawmakers from his United Socialist Party would take their seats in the national assembly after boycotting it for three years. | |
8 | 被许多国家承认为委内瑞拉临时总统的胡安·瓜伊多(Juan Guaido)呼吁抵制12月份的立法选举,这一选举很可能被尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)的独裁政权操纵。一些著名的反对派成员可能会参加。 | Juan Guaidó, who is recognised by many countries as Venezuela’s interim president, urged a boycott of legislative elections in December, which the dictatorial regime of Nicolás Maduro is likely to rig. Some prominent opposition members may participate anyway. | |
9 | 胡安·瓜伊多(Juan Guaido)委内瑞拉临时总统的身份获得立法机构和50多个国家的认可,在运送人道主义援助以及访问拉美国家首都失败后,他返回委内瑞拉。他受到反对马杜罗独裁政权的大批民众的欢迎。 | Juan Guaidó, recognised as Venezuela’s interim president by the legislature and by more than 50 countries, returned to the country after a failed attempt to send in humanitarian aid and a tour of Latin American capitals. He was greeted by large crowds opposed to the dictatorial regime of Nicolás Maduro. | |
10 | 它之前是卢旺达,这个对卫生清洁有着专断式的追求的国家在2008年宣布塑料袋不合法。 | It follows Rwanda, a country with a dictatorial obsession with cleanliness, which outlawed them in 2008. | |
11 | (考虑到他自己的独裁倾向,白俄罗斯领导人亚历山大•卢卡申科(AlyaksandrLukashenka)或者在接下的几年里要求类似的待遇。) | Given his own dictatorial tendencies, the Belarusian leader, Alyaksandr Lukashenka, may require similar favours in years to come. | |
12 | Condorcet的理论描述了协商决定,指出为什么民主决定往往比独裁者的决定要优越。 | Condorcet’s theory describes consensus decisions, outlining how democratic decisions tend to outperform dictatorial ones. | |
13 | 毕竟俄罗斯纵容了先前推翻独裁总统巴基耶夫的违宪举动。 | Russia, after all, had just connived in the unconstitutional overthrow of Kurmanbek Bakiyev, a dictatorial president. | |
14 | 表面上独裁的管理方式并无帮助。 | Anallegedly dictatorial management style did not help. | |
15 | 伯拉尼克想当舞台布景师,但他从未想过要对传奇式(并且独裁)的时尚界女王说不。 | Blahnik wanted to be a set designer but he never considered saying no to the legendary (and dictatorial ) fashion-ista. | |
16 | 但吉尔吉斯斯坦由于独裁和裙带关系出现的腐败而两次推翻总统。 | But Kyrgyzstanis have twice overthrown presidents seen as corrupt, nepotistic and dictatorial . | |
17 | 但她的许多同事在指责她想获取巴基耶夫独裁和他在玛纳斯的腐败交易。 | But many of her colleagues accuse America of having pandered to Mr Bakiyev’s corrupt and dictatorial whims in exchange for access to Manas. | |
18 | 但是,这样就会使巴希尔继续呆在北方,毫无顾虑地坚持着他的独裁统治。 | But that would leave Mr Bashir sitting pretty in the north, free to persist in his dictatorial ways. | |
19 | 德意志帝国国会迅速作出决定,将独裁权授予阿道夫·希特勒。 | Germany’s Parliament, the Reichstag effectively gives dictatorial powers to Adolf Hitler. | |
20 | 对我来说,最难以忘怀的经历是我在罗马尼亚独裁政权统治下的那段生活。 | The most overwhelming experience for me was living under the dictatorial regime in Romania. | |
21 | 而社会主义体制则意味着领袖人物拥有无限制的专制权力。 | A socialist system implies unlimited dictatorial powers of the chief. | |
22 | 二是中国支持建大坝,并且它是赢得选举却专政的洪森首相政权慷慨的捐助国。 | Another is that China supports dams and is a generous benefactor to the elected but dictatorial government of Hun Sen, the prime minister. | |
23 | 腐化、独裁、长期疾病缠身的几内亚总统朗桑纳•孔戴曾被问及关于他继任人选的计划。 | THE corrupt, dictatorial and long-ailing president of Guinea, Lansana Conte, was once asked about plans for his succession. | |
24 | 更多的双向沟通,激励??减慢决策?工人觉得他们的社会需求?仍有不少独裁或专得到满足制的管理风格 | communication so motivating Still quite a dictatorial Workers feel their social or autocratic style of needs are being met management | |
25 | 国家由一个独裁领导人或者单一政党治理,不允许存在有效的民众反对。 | Country is governed by a dictatorial leader or single-party hierarchy that does not allow for effective popular opposition. | |
26 | 国民党是一个专横的政权,他们部分通过与上海流氓的关系而攫取了权力。 | The KMT was a dictatorial regime that had risen to power partly through exploiting its links with Shanghai gangsters. | |
27 | 基层的雇员需要给予实实在在的执行权限,而不是独裁者的指令。 | Employees at the grassroots level need to be given true executive empowerment, rather than dictatorial directives. | |
28 | 简论先秦时期垄断型文化专制制度 | Dictatorial cultural system in ancient China--Monopoly dictatorial cultural system of pre-Qin ear | |
29 | 金大中投身政治,是因韩国首届总统李承晚(SyngmanRhee)的独裁统治而起,后者受到美国的扶植。 | Kim was inspired to take up politics by the dictatorial government of Syngman Rhee, South Korea’s first president, reared by the US. | |
30 | 决策是由理性地追求某些目标的单个独裁管理者做出的? | the decisions are made by a single dictatorial manager who rationally pursues some goal |