属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-年轻与焦躁 The young and the res
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-英文歌曲能够帮助学习英语
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-英文歌曲能够帮助学习英语
1 | 半乳糖血症的临床征兆的两种形式-用餐者的半乳糖激酶或者UDP-葡萄糖→葡萄糖-1-磷酸尿苷酰转移酶有着明显的不同。 | The clinical symptoms of the two forms of galactosemia-deficiency of diner galactokinase or UDP-glucose →glucose 1-phosphate uridylyl translerasc-show radically different, severity. | |
2 | 当餐厅着火时,食客们跑到了大街上。 | When the restaurant caught fire, the diner ran into the street. | |
3 | 柜台服务员,店员照看柜台的人,如小餐馆中 | A man who tends a counter,as in a diner . | |
4 | 可是,当我三年后回到里兹尔赫斯特地区时--我的销售点在那里,我决定停下来在当地路边的小餐馆喝一杯咖啡。 | But as I was in the Hazlehurst area, where my distributor was located and after being gone for three years, I decided to stop at the local diner for a cup of coffee. | |
5 | 侍者鞠躬后退,摸摸盘子看看是否够热,送上汤匙和叉子,殷勤地做着这些小事,为的是能使顾客对这里的豪华环境产生印象。在这期间,艾姆斯也微微侧着身子,向她讲述着印第安纳波利斯的事情,显得很有见识。 | As the waiter bowed and scraped about, felt the dishes to see if they were hot enough, brought spoons and forks, and did all those little attentive things calculated to impress the luxury of the situation upon the diner , Ames also leaned slightly to one side and told her of Indianapolis in an intelligent way. | |
6 | 通宵营业的饭店 | an all-night diner . | |
7 | 晚饭前去把那双手洗干净。 | Go and wash those paws before diner | |
8 | 我对餐馆的名字说了两句刻薄话,我们就走出餐馆到了街上。 | I made some sardonic comment about the name of the diner and we walked out into the streets | |
9 | 我相信今天晚餐一定是咖哩饭。 | I am sure today ’s diner is curry and rice. | |
10 | 我想请你吃晚饭。 | I’ll treat you to diner | |
11 | 我也记得看完电影后我们进去用餐的那家小餐馆的名字:它叫作“美国餐馆”。 | I remember the name of the diner we walked into when the movie ended: it was the "American diner." | |
12 | 询问就餐者对菜肴有什么要求 | Asking how a diner will like his dish serve | |
13 | 询问就餐者是否准备点菜了。 | Asking if a diner is ready to order. | |
14 | 询问就餐者想吃什么 | Asking what a diner will like to have | |
15 | 一位严厉的父母严肃的口气;宴会上简单、实用的饭菜 | The no-nonsense tones of a stern parent;plain,no-nonsense meals at a diner . | |
16 | 在一组总共59名服务员中,范·巴伦要求他们中的一半跟点餐者说“就来!”等明确的答复。 | "Among a group of 59 waitstaff, van Baaren requested that half respond to diner ’s meal orders with a positive phrase such as, “Coming up!”" | |
17 | 整夜营业的简便餐厅 | an all-night diner | |
18 | ||1:费里斯先生的散文依旧简洁明快,偶尔也会迸发出奇特的灵感(缇姆的双脚“就像两颗饱满、湿软的心脏”;一位用餐者的“野蛮行为散发的荧光”是“失眠症和暂时性的名族色彩”)。||2:他热爱自己笔下的人物,但不见得完全受感情的支配,他依旧会运用成熟作家的控制力,遗留一些未给出答案的问题。||3:他还可以清醒地聆听演讲,对真实的事物有着良好的感受力,即使是在将超现实的事情载入编年史的时候。 | ||1: Mr Ferris keeps his prose direct and uncluttered, with only occasional flourishes (Tim’s feet “were like two engorged and squishy hearts”; a diner ’s “fluorescent brutality” is “the national colour of insomnia and transience”). ||2: His fondness for his characters sometimes veers towards the sentimental. Still, he exercises a mature writer’s restraint, content to leave questions unanswered. ||3: He also has a fine ear for speech, and a good sense of what feels real, even when chronicling the surreal. | |
19 | Noemi Nito写道:我就是喜欢 "Tom’s Diner"这首歌的学生中的一员。我从“愚人花园”乐队 (Fool’s Garden)演唱的"Lemon Tree"入手开始学英语。 | Noemi Nito wrote: I’m one of those English students who love "Tom’s Diner ." I started learning English with "Lemon Tree" by Fool’s Garden. | |
20 | 歌曲能够教语言。例如由苏珊娜·薇格(Suzanne Vega)演唱的"Tom’s Diner",一位在国外教授英语的美国教师曾告诉我们,学生们都喜欢这首歌。 | Songs teach language. Consider a song like "Tom’s Diner " by Suzanne Vega. An American teaching English overseas once told us that students love it. | |
21 | Nika并不愿意,她匆忙离开了餐厅,并且叫Sara不要告诉Michael她们俩交谈过。 | As Nika hurriedly leaves the diner , she asks Sara not tell Michael they spoke. | |
22 | 布朗坐在曼哈顿西14街一家便宜的小餐馆里,搅拌着花了一块三毛五美金买的咖啡。 | Brownsits in a cheap diner on West 14th Street in Manhattan, stirring her $1. 35coffee. | |
23 | 餐馆的菜单也不再是一个固定的列表了,而只是用餐者与服务生谈判的开始。 | Restaurant menus are no longer a set list of choices but the starting point for negotiations between diner and waiter. | |
24 | 从20世纪50年代风格的餐馆沿路而下,在当地人用作的渔村码头的桥的对面,矗立着奥伊斯特河核电站(OysterCreek)。 | Down the road from the 1950s-style diner and across from the bridge that locals use as a fishing pier stands the Oyster Creek nuclear plant. | |
25 | 但依我看,最好的台词还不是上面这些,而是布福德在餐馆订餐准备带走的时候,他说 | But his best line is, in this lister’s opinion, when he orders food, definitely to go, at a diner . | |
26 | 当乔希的货车在田纳西抛锚的时候,旁边小餐馆里身着白衣的一男一女过来帮助他。 | When Josh’s van broke down in Tennessee, he was helped by a man and a woman dressed in white who were playing pinball in a diner . | |
27 | 当时,我们全部的家当加起来也不过就是一个烤肉的女厨,一个招待,一台三文治机,一台洗碗机。 | At the diner , our all-black crew consisted of a grill woman, one waitress, a sandwich maker and a dish washer. | |
28 | 对不起,我有事情所以不能陪你吃饭。 | Sorry, I have other fish to fry. So I couldn’t have diner with you. | |
29 | 对用餐者来说这必然是一整套体验——服务,装饰,氛围。 | It must be a whole experience for the diner - service, decor, ambience. | |
30 | 否则的话,作为唯一有经济学头脑的就餐者,你应该确保自己带的酒比其他人略逊一筹。 | Otherwise, as the sole economically minded diner , make sure your wine is a little less assuming than everyone else’s. |