属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-美国宇航局企图以太阳能推动新一代飞船
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-财政部分裂 要钱还是要命?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-优生学 保护野生动物要坚守立"场"
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-三维压制 第三世界的发展空间
1 | 这些未来的电影制片人认为一个真正的性格导演既要创作也要导演他的电影。 | These future film-makers believed that true auteur both writes and directs his films | |
2 | 中央银行统一管制外汇和金银,并且协调、指导、监督和检查各个专业银行及其他金融机构的业务活动 | The central bank exercises unified control over the nation’s foreign exchange and gold and silver, coordinates, directs , supervises and inspects the business activities of the various specialized banks and other financial institutions | |
3 | 主要的两大类软件分别为系统软件和应用软件,系统软件控制计算机的内部功能,应用软件则指示计算机执行处理具体问题的命令。 | Two main types of software are system software, which controls a computer’s internal functioning, and application software, which directs the computer to execute commands that solve practical problems. | |
4 | 转录核糖核酸信号在蛋白质化合中引导一个正在生成的多肽氨基酸序列的过程 | The process by which messenger RNA directs the amino acid sequence of a growing polypeptide during protein synthesis. | |
5 | 最高人民检察院是国家最高检察机关,领导地方各级人民检察院和专门检察院的工作。 | The Supreme People′s Procuratorate is the highest procuratorial organ of the state. It directs the work of the local people′s procuratorates at the various levels and that of the special people′s procuratorates. | |
6 | ||1:保罗·洛萨诺领导了麻省理工学院的空间推进实验室。||2:他对《麻省理工学院技术评论》表示,他认为灵神星任务可以帮助开辟一条新的太阳能太空探索之路。||3:这项技术可以执行时间更长、成本更低的任务。||4:洛萨诺表示:“它实际上开辟了以我们以前从未见过的方式探索和商业化太空的可能性。” | ||1:Paulo Lozano directs the space propulsion laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).||2:He told MIT Technology Review that he thinks Psyche can help create a path to new solar-powered space exploration.||3:The technology could permit longer and less costly missions.||4:"It actually opens up the possibility to explore and to commercialize space in a way that we haven’t seen before," Lozano said. | |
7 | ||1:但是9月4日出版的报告《英国财政部的破坏》指出白厅兴风作浪的时日无多了。||2:报告的两位作者有非常确切的报告素材。||3:他们分别是斯蒂安·韦斯特莱克和贾尔斯·韦尔克斯,前者在国家科学、技术和艺术基金会指导政治,因为这个基金会是由财政部严肃对待的慈善项目。||4:后者曾担任商务部长维斯·凯博的顾问。 | ||1:Yet a report published on September 4th, “The Destruction of HM Treasury”, says Whitehall’s leviathan should count its days.||2:The two authors know their stuff.||3:Stian Westlake directs policy at the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts, a charity taken seriously by Treasury types.||4:Giles Wilkes was an adviser to Vince Cable, the business secretary. | |
8 | 埃斯特班·巴杨管理潘瑟拉在南美洲北部的运营,他选择了圣马尔蒂内若斯牛,它是克里奥罗牛的一支鲜为人知的亚种,而克里奥罗牛是西班牙斗牛的后代。 | Esteban Payán, who directs Panthera’s operations in northern South America, chose San Martineros, a little-known subspecies of Criollo cattle descended from Spanish fighting bulls. | |
9 | 此外,CSIRO农业和全变变化项目负责人迈克尔·巴塔利亚 | Furthermore, according to Michael Battaglia, who directs CSIRO’s agriculture and global change programme, | |
10 | 电脑控制着挤压机里的一切运作—即先熔化塑料,再挤压成细细的液体状,当需要时就可以喷射出来进行压制。 | This directs the movement of an extruder that melts flakes of plastic into a thin stream which can be squirted out as required. | |
11 | 10岁的童子军阿伯蒂尔·萨拉姆·伯纳维身穿交警制服,在班加西指挥交通。 | Boy scout Abdil-Salam Al-Birnawe, 10, wears a traffic police uniform, as he directs traffic in Benghazi. | |
12 | Lomborg主管哥本哈根共识中心,是《多疑的环境保护论者》和《冷却》的作者。 | Lomborg directs the Copenhagen Consensus Center and is the author of The Skeptical Environmentalist and Cool It. | |
13 | SigridIvo是一位艺术历史家,也是博物馆创始人的女儿。她领导的基金会拥有这些收藏品,并经营该博物馆。 | Sigrid Ivo, an art historian and daughter of the museum’s founders, directs the foundation that now owns the collection and runs the museum. | |
14 | StevenCowley领导英国最顶尖的核聚变研究中心。 | Steven Cowley directs the UK’s leading fusion research center. | |
15 | WebSphereCloudBurst转入虚拟系统页面,可以在那里监视系统的部署状态。 | WebSphere CloudBurst directs you to the virtual systems page where you can monitor the deployment status of your system. | |
16 | 阿里对我们并非不友好,但他老是喜欢谈论我们的丈夫。 | Ali is not unfriendly, but he directs all conversation to our husbands. | |
17 | 安装完CD上的一切内容后,开始指南将引导您安装第一张CD上的服务程序包。 | After you’ve installed everything off the CDs, the getting started guide directs you to install service packs off the first CD. | |
18 | 本文作者是澳大利亚悉尼罗维国际政策学院(LowyInstituteforInternationalPolicy)国际问题项目主任。 | The writer directs the global issues programme at the Lowy Institute in Sydney. | |
19 | 毕肖尔说:“我们非常认真细致。”他以前是软件工程师,现在负责指挥这一项目。 | "We’re very careful and meticulous, " says Beshore, a former software engineer who directs the survey. | |
20 | 不过,当朴槿惠坐下时,她要求侍者拉下百叶窗,挡住光线。 | But, as she sits down, Park directs the waiter to pull the blinds to shut out the light. | |
21 | 参数可强制该实用工具将帐户信息写入到配置文件中。 | Directs the utility to write the account information to the configuration file. | |
22 | 此转换将计算表达式,并且根据结果将数据行定向到指定输出。 | The transformation evaluates expressions, and based on the results, directs the data row to the specified output. | |
23 | 大学理念是指那些反映大学本质和规律,并能对大学的发展起指向和引导作用的观念。 | The university idea is the one that reflects the nature and law of university and directs the development of university. | |
24 | 戴维•贝克沃思(DAVIDBECKWORTH)把我们引向宏观经济顾问公司对美国产出的估计,同时发表这个令人不安的图表: | DAVID BECKWORTH directs us to the latest Macroeconomic Advisers estimates of American output, and he publishes this disturbing chart: | |
25 | 但真菌指引蚂蚁咬树叶的时刻却在一定程度上至少取决于环境条件,休斯补充道。 | But the moment the fungus directs an ant tobite a leaf is at least partly dependent on environmental conditions, Hughesadded. | |
26 | 但遵循一个目标行动却也暗示着某种意志对这个目标的指引。 | But to be guided by a purpose or a goal implies some mind that directs or intends that purpose. | |
27 | 当你调试后的”信任度表“指引你远离那些熟悉的消极规律进入到新的行为中,你也许会面临某些艰难抉择。 | You may face some tough choices as your debugged trust-o-meter directs you away from familiar negative patterns and into new behaviors. | |
28 | 第4层地址将通信转发到正确的目的网络 | Layer 4 directs communication to the proper destination network | |
29 | 第八十八条总理领导国务院的工作。 | Article 88 The Premier directs the work of the State Council. | |
30 | 第一学期:本课程指导学生完成中等教育成就方案。 | First semester: The course directs studentsto the Junior Achievement program. |