1 | 在公司日趋窘困的日子,只有他一个人毫不动遥这倒并非出于某种情感,相反的是出于一种坚定的信念。 | In the midst of the disasters that befell the house, Cocls was the only one unmoved. But this did not arise from a want of affection | |
2 | 在外国,有人更趋极端,为了逃避灾难,竟离家逃避到偏远地带去建立群居村社。 | Abroad, there are people who take extreme measures like fleeing to remote areas to set up communes to protect themselves from any disasters . | |
3 | 这些困难都是由自然灾害造成的。 | These difficulties are caused by natural disasters . | |
4 | 这些系统最初都是"脱线"的,但"在线"应用越来越多,通过迅速给操作者发出故障报警,使其成为避免造成环境和经济灾难的一个重要步骤。 | These systems originally were mainly off-line, but increasingly they’re used on-line, a major step towards avoiding environmental and economic disasters , by alerting the operator to problems rapidly. | |
5 | 这种方法对于编制中期报表和估计由于火灾或其他灾害而毁坏的商品的成本是非常有用的。 | This method is very useful in preparing interim statements and also in establishing an estimate of the cost of merchandise destroyed by fire or other disasters . | |
6 | 中国人民解放军、中国人民武装警察部队和民兵应当执行国家赋予的防震减灾任务。 | The Chinese People’s Liberation Army, the Chinese People’s Armed Police Forces and the People’s Militia shall carry out the tasks of protecting against and mitigating earthquake disasters assigned to them by the State. | |
7 | 中国是一个自然灾害频繁的国家,大的水灾、旱灾、风灾、冰雹灾等自然灾害不断,严重影响了人民生活。 | China frequently suffers the ravages of natural disasters , such as floods, droughts, windstorms and hailstorms, which have adversely affected people’s lives | |
8 | 中华人民共和国防震减灾法 | Law of the PRC on Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters | |
9 | 中美洲减少易受灾性和灾害战略框架 | Strategic Framework for the Reduction of Vulnerability and Disasters in Central America | |
10 | 重大建设工程和可能发生严重次生灾害的建设工程,必须进行地震安全性评价;并根据地震安全性评价的结果,确定抗震设防要求,进行抗震设防。 | Seismic safety shall be evaluated for major construction projects and the construction projects which may induce serious secondary disasters . The requirements for fortification against earthquakes, which shall be drawn up on the basis of the results of seismic safety evaluation, shall be fulfilled. |