属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-早期的热气球 转变的观点
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-新国会 上面施工下面堵塞
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谷歌公司 无处不在的谷歌
1 | 有些人难以鉴别蓝绿两种颜色。 | Some people find it difficult to discern blue from green. | |
2 | 在黑暗中认路 | discern the road in the dark | |
3 | 在黑暗中他只能分辨出道路. | He was just able to discern the road in the dark. | |
4 | 在黑暗中我只能依稀分辨出一座建物的轮廓来 | In the gloom I could only just discern the outline of a building | |
5 | 在黑暗中我只能依稀分辨出一座建筑物的轮廓采。 | In the gloom I could only just discern the outline of a building. | |
6 | 在黑暗中我只能依稀分辨出一座建筑物的轮廓来. | In the gloom I could only just discern the outline of a building. | |
7 | 在剪裁修改、时期选择、情节交织和另起炉灶之中,作家开始识别出起初脑中并未意识到的那些素材常常导致异乎寻常的自我发现时刻的这种有机过程是一种难以说清的迷恋。 | In the breaking and remaking, in the timing, interweaving, beginning afresh, the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously in his mind when he began. This organic process, often leading to moments of extraordinary self-discovery, is of an indescribable fascination. | |
8 | 在离开前,他们还跳了一个多小时的舞。从我的望远镜里,可以清楚地看到他们手舞足蹈的样子。 | I should have observ’d, that for an hour and more before they went off, they went to dancing, and I could easily discern their postures, and gestures, by my glasses | |
9 | 在他俩谈话的这段时间里,海丝特一直不错眼珠地盯着那老人,她惊奇地注意到,在这七年之间,他发生了多么明显的变化。 | All this while, Hester had been looking steadily at the old man, and was shocked, as well as wonder-smitten, to discern what a change had been wrought upon him within the past seven years. | |
10 | 在雾中我几乎看不出他。 | I could barely discern him in the fog. | |
11 | 在这种情形下很难断定[看出]会有什么变动。 | It is difficult to discern what changes should be made in this case. | |
12 | 在作家的思路中断重新构思的时候,在安排时间、揉和内容、重新开始的时候,逐步领悟到自己素材中的内容,而这些东 | In the breaking and remarking,in the timing,interweaving,beginning afresh,the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously in his mind when he began | |
13 | 在作家的思路中断重新构思的时候,在安排时间、揉和内容、重新开始的时候,逐步领悟到自己素材中的内容,而这些东西在他动笔时心中并不清楚。 | In the breaking and remarking, in the timing, interweaving, beginning afresh, the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously in his mind when he began | |
14 | 这时已不大容易识别出一个单独存在的立体学派。 | By this time it was less easy to discern a single cubist school | |
15 | 只是在点着蜡烛的桌子后面,她依稀地看出来有许多人的脸而已。 | On the further side of the table bearing candles she could faintly discern faces, and that was all. | |
16 | 只有在他以为人们不注意的时候,才能看出蕴藏在他心底的忧郁和懊丧的心情。 | Only when he thought himself unobserved could one discern the underlying melancholy and frustration | |
17 | ||1:霍尔姆斯先生迷上热气球始于一次乡村节日,他的狂热是本书众多有意思的地方之一。||2:书中他参考了在许多一手的热气球叙事中偏爱运用的欢乐的口吻,所以在他这篇二手的文章中也不难看出类似的欢乐。||3:在他的描述中,男人和女人醉心于穿着皮毛大衣窝在充满氢气的泡泡中,靠生冷的鸡肉和香槟来补充能量,藐看着地球上的人类,看看“他们究竟是什么”。 | ||1: Mr Holmes’s love of balloons was kindled at a village fete and his enthusiasm is one of the book’s many pleasures. ||2: He refers to the euphoric tone that features in many first-hand ballooning narratives, and it is hard not to discern something similarly joyous in this second-hand account. ||3: He describes men and women wrapped up in fur coats under their hydrogen-filled bubbles, fuelled by cold chicken and champagne and looking back to earth to see mankind “for what it really is”. | |
18 | ||1:在合作有望成功的地方,若清单不足,且出现放弃者,那么对峙的可能性将无限放大。麦凯恩先生和博纳先生顶着各自成员施加的压力,想方设法,阻止《平价医疗法案》的实施以及总统有关移民问题的执行力。他们将竭尽全力,通过给法案—总统另行签署—附上附文,达成此目标。同时,检验总统在保存这两样他认为最重要的成就时愿意付出多少。||2:下周众议院投票通过关于“基石输油管计划”(把石油从加拿大焦油砂运送到墨西哥湾岸区炼油厂的输油管)的建设,届时他们可能开始行动。白宫说,总统将会否决这项法案。输油管一事,成为解答为何对这个新国会期待越高失望越大的最佳解释。||3:“基石输油管计划”,一旦建成,可能会略微增加二氧化碳排放量,尽管其整体效果还有待考究。该计划也不会带来太多经济利润:输油管不大可能创造大量工作岗位;而且石油每桶价格在50美元,在经济上也许不太可行。||3:然而,民主党人常常却将“基石输油管计划”看成是对美国面临的环境问题的最大威胁;共和党,恰恰相反则认为这是治理任何“小病”的“一剂良药”,无论是经济低速增长还是就业问题。 | ||1:If the list of things where co-operation is possible is short and comes with many disclaimers, the opportunities for confrontation are numerous. Both Mr McConnell and Mr Boehner are under pressure from their members to find ways to hamper the implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the president’s executive action on immigration. They will try to do so by attaching riders to bills that the president would otherwise wish to sign, testing how much he is willing to lose in order to preserve two of the things that he sees as big achievements. ||2:This is likely to start in the coming week, when the Senate votes to approve the construction of Keystone XL, a pipeline that would take oil from Canada’s tar sands to refineries on the Gulf coast. The White House has said that the president will veto the bill.The pipeline is a good illustration of why hoping for too much from this Congress will bring disappointment. ||3:Keystone XL, if built, may contribute to a slight increase in CO2 emissions, though its overall impact will be hard to discern . Nor will it provide much economic benefit: the pipeline is unlikely to create a large number of jobs, and with oil at $50 a barrel it is probably not viable economically. ||4:Yet Democrats often act as if Keystone XL were the most important environmental threat facing America, whereas Republicans offer it as a fix for any number of ailments, from slow growth to unemployment. | |
19 | 保罗萨佛的识别分析—一个金融分析公司——猜想,这种程度的忠诚度意味着,即使乔布斯隐退,公司的员工们在做决定的时候依然会问自己“斯蒂夫将会如何做”。当然,提出问题比猜想正确答案要容易得多。 | Paul Saffo of Discern Analytics, a financial-analytics company, reckons that this depth of loyalty will mean that even though Mr Jobs is stepping down, the firm’s employees will continue to ask themselves “what would Steve do?” when making decisions. | |
20 | 研究公司Discern Analytics的Paul Saffo认为谷歌在通过数据挣钱上已经是熟门熟路,这些数据是在用户们搜索查询、收发邮件以及在电脑上进行其他操作时产生的。 | Paul Saffo of Discern Analytics, a research firm, argues that Google is already adept at profiting from the data people generate in the form of search queries, e-mails and other things they enter into computers. | |
21 | 越往后,神经元能识别的图像特征越复杂,最高级别神经区域可以对动物和脸等总体类别作出反应,最后将包罗万象的场景整合到一起。 | Cells in each subsequent area discern ever more complex features, with those at the top of the hierarchy responding to general categories like animals and faces, and to entire scenes comprising assorted objects. | |
22 | email客户端可以过滤机器人和垃圾邮件,而区分来自真人的私人消息和一般消息则没那么容易。 | While email clients can filter bot and spam messages, it’s more difficult to discern between personal and general messages from real people. | |
23 | Lightman博士是世界一流的诈欺侦防专家,他的小组专门研究脸部表情和不自觉的身体语言,以识别某人是否正在说谎和那人说谎的原因。 | Dr, Lightman and his team study facial expressions and involuntary body language to discern when someone is lying, and why. | |
24 | 阿苏能够指出我的很多诗歌和他所知道的法国古诗之间的相似之处。 | Ashu could discern resemblances between many of my poems and old French poems he knew. | |
25 | 标识信息处理技术在税控收款机产品可追溯管理中的研究与应用 | Studies and Application of Mark and Discern Information Technology in Traceability Management of Fiscal Cash Register | |
26 | 不管你在这之前的工作是什么,当换新的工作的时候,人们通常难以分辨新公司的议定,礼仪和文化。 | Regardless of prior work experience, people often struggle to discern protocols, etiquette and culture when they change employers. | |
27 | 大部分的问题都很容易,但是有一部分困难到能够辨别答题人的知识深度。 | Most of the questions were easy, but a few were difficult enough to discern which respondents were highly knowledgeable. | |
28 | 但戈登.摩尔已然洞悉先机。 | But Mr Moore could already discern the outlines. | |
29 | 但是,至少我在司各特太太和理想中的印度贤妻良母之间,看不出任何差别。 | But I at least was unable to discern any difference between Mrs. Scott and an ideal Indian wife. | |
30 | 当一个副总统是积极分子并故意想把总统蒙在鼓里时,人们很难知道他的野心到什么时候才会停止。 | When an activist VP deliberately keeps the president in the dark, it can be difficult to discern where the buck really stops. |