属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-预算趣录 国会无力控制开支
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-墨西哥阶层划定 中产阶级的价值
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-削减预算 十便士的规划(1)
1 | 这种投资组合的投资战略与传统的可自行酌定委托书是一样的,并且也提供多种有效的小型投资组合。 | The portfolios follow the same investment strategy as the traditional discretionary mandates and offer an efficient diversification for smaller portfolios too. | |
2 | 政府也可能实施各种斟酌使用的转移支付方案。 | It is possible for the government to institute various discretionary programs of transfer expenditures | |
3 | 只有当作物产量提高,蒸汽动力得以开发,纺织效率提高时,现有的工作时间才能腾出来,生产和消费选择性较大的商品和服务。 | Only when crop yields increased, steam power was developed, and textile fabrication became more efficient were available work hours freed for the production and consumption of more discretionary goods and services | |
4 | 中国货币政策是规则还是相机抉择 | China’s Monetary Policy Pillar: Keynesian Discretionary or Monetarist Single Rule? | |
5 | 重犯;非习惯性累犯 | discretionary persistent-offender status | |
6 | 酌情发放给老年人的补助金. | Discretionary payments to old people | |
7 | 资本适足性管制变革对银行坏帐提列暨冲销决策之影响 | The Impact of the 1998 Changes in Bank Capital Adequacy Regulations on the Discretionary Decisions of Loan Loss Provisions and Write-offs | |
8 | 自由裁量行政行为成因及司法规制诉求探析 | The Analysis of the Cause of Discretionary Administrative Acts and the Demands of Judicial Regulations | |
9 | 自主访问控制的Petri网建模和分析 | Modeling and Verifying Discretionary Access Control by Colored Petri Net | |
10 | ||1:随着福利开支的增加,预算案中的其他开支项变得紧张起来。||2:除掉福利开支,可自由支配的开支仅有一万亿美元,约为国民生产总值的6.5%,不到政府开支总额的三分之一。||3:每年,这个问题都被反复讨论。||4:随之而来的妥协就是所谓的预算案,但预算案的实际意义是被夸大的。 | ||1:As entitlement spending has risen, it has squeezed the other bits of the budget.||2:What remains is just over 1 trillion in discretionary spending: 6.5% of GDP, or less than a third of the total spent by the federal government.||3:This is up for discussion every year.||4:The resulting compromise is known as the budget, but that gives an inflated sense of what it really is. | |
11 | ||1:业界信心普遍下降,企业人士不久也会卷入其中。||2:因为银行和金融市场限制所有贷款,只保留最安全的那部分,因而工厂也意识到不能再依赖信用额度了。||3:有消息称工厂推迟其购买,削减部分发行股票,用现钞保值。||4:由于欧元区危机加重,以及一些不确定性和不安因素,企业会越发频繁对像资本项目和广告这类选择性的花销进行削减。 | ||1:Businesses will soon be caught up in this spiral of ever-diminishing confidence.||2:Firms know that credit lines cannot be relied upon when banks and financial markets shun all but the safest investments.||3:There are already reports that firms are postponing purchases and trimming their stocks of supplies to conserve cash.||4:Cuts to discretionary spending, such as capital projects or advertising, will become more common as the euro crisis intensifies and uncertainty and anxiety increase. | |
12 | 上年末,摩根大通的递延税项资产总额为160亿美元,而美国银行为270亿美元。花旗银行的递延税项资产略高于500亿美元,毫无疑问,它是递延税项资产之王,这个酌量性会计项目的数额在该公司历史上是最高的。 | JPMorgan Chase held DTAs of $16 billion at the end of last year, while Bank of America had $27 billion-worth. The undisputed deferred-tax king, however, is Citigroup with slightly more than $50 billion-worth, the largest discretionary accounting item in the company’s history. | |
13 | 所以国家统计局集中关注17种周期性的并且在某种程度上具有任意性的花费,例如家里的房间数,或者在鸡肉上的花费,教育或者美发。 | So INEGI focused on 17 categories of spending that are recurrent and to some extent discretionary , such as the number of rooms in a home, or outlays on chicken, education or haircuts. | |
14 | 在特朗普先生就职的第一年,他提议缩减所谓的非国防开支数额,不是现行法律规定的1%,而是超过了10%。 | In his first year in office, Mr Trump is proposing to cut so-called “non-defence discretionary ” spending not by 1%, but by more than 10%, relative to current law. | |
15 | “弗里德曼不主张在货币供给中发生大规模自主变化”,斯坦福大学经济学家约翰.泰勒认为。 | "Friedman did not believe in big discretionary changes in the money supply, " says John Taylor, a Stanford University economist. | |
16 | “我的可支配收入很多都花在冷气上了,”瑞芭说。 | ’A lot of my discretionary income was . . . | |
17 | “自由市场理论最能说明消费者的肆意消费行为”,豪特说。 | "Free-market theory works great for discretionary consumer purchases, " says Hauter. | |
18 | 2007年的获利下滑仅限于消费及金融类股,但在2008年将会扩大,花旗称。 | Earnings declines that in 2007 were confined to consumer discretionary and financial shares will be broader-based in 2008, Citigroup said. | |
19 | 巴拉克·奥巴马已经提议冻结可自由支配项目(像教育和国家公园)的开支。 | Barack Obama has proposed a spending freeze on discretionary items such as education and national parks. | |
20 | 百达宣称,其全权委托客户的比例远远高于亚洲大多数私人银行5%的平均比例。 | The bank claims its percentage of discretionary clients is much higher than the 5 per cent average for most private banks in the region. | |
21 | 包括大量在你预算内可以自由决定的金钱用来花费在一些你不是非常渴望但是可以让你微笑的东西上。 | Include an amount of discretionary money into your budget to spend on things that you might not desperately need, but would make you smile. | |
22 | 包括国防费用在内的无条件花费是每年由众议院单独通过的。 | Discretionary spending, which includes defense, is approved separately by Congress annually. | |
23 | 不能自行授权委托现金。 | You can’t cash in a discretionary authorization. | |
24 | 布什总统想法其实也一样,这就是为什么他逐步地去限制每年非国土安全的可自由支配开支的增加幅度的道理。 | President Bush feels the same way, and that’s why he has steadily reduced the annual rate of growth in non-security discretionary spending. | |
25 | 出口下滑幅度高于进口,其中大部分进口产品为非自由裁量商品和石油。 | Exports slowed faster than imports, a chunk of which are non-discretionary commodities and oil. | |
26 | 除安全支出外,各种可酌情决定的计划,包括教育、能源、环境、道路、培训、科学等等,都受到了沉重打击。 | Non-security discretionary programmes, including education, energy, environment, roads, training, science and much more, have been hit hard. | |
27 | 除去纯利润,就是国防开支和非国防开支。 | Take out net interest and you are at defense and nondefense discretionary spending. | |
28 | 除去食物、住房等基本生活花销外,将约三分之一的剩余收入用于可自由支配开支的群体称为新生中产阶级。 | The new middle consists of people with about a third of their income left for discretionary spending after providing basic food and shelter. | |
29 | 处于缓冲区内的银行,在发放股息和自行决定的奖金方面将面临限制。 | Banks within the buffer zone will face restrictions on their ability to pay dividends and discretionary bonuses. | |
30 | 但是,最终董事会奖励给了他1200万美元的自由裁量奖金。 | But he ended up receiving $12m, after the board awarded him a discretionary bonus. |