属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-餐饮业 The restaurant business
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-匈牙利的抗议 反对欧尔班
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-打扫房间与脱欧 伦敦欧元清算(1)
1 | 他不屑计较这侮辱. | He disdain ed to notice the insult. | |
2 | 谈到交往,爱玛倒可以心安,相信他除了自夸和侮慢赫蕊埃特之外,一无所成,关于这一点,似乎水落石出。 | As to connection, there Emma was perfectly easy; persuaded that, after all his own vaunted claims and disdain of Harriet, he had done nothing. On that article, truth seemed attainable | |
3 | 伟大的人物应鄙视献媚者。 | A great man should disdain flatterers | |
4 | 伟大的人物应鄙视献媚者。 | A great man should disdain flatterers. | |
5 | 我不屑于做这些胜利的流水帐。 | I disdain to chronicle such victories | |
6 | 我当然不愿意住在这样小的单元房里。 | I would certainly disdain to live in such tiny flats. | |
7 | 我的建议人家不屑一顾. | My suggestion was received with disdain . | |
8 | 我们鄙夷势利小人。 | We disdain a man for his snobbishness. | |
9 | 有些人轻视劳动。 | Some people disdain labour. | |
10 | 有种感情常被假意看轻。 | One feeling too falsely disdain . | |
11 | 这种突如其来的庄重,有时甚至显得严厉,正象女神的鄙夷神情。 | This sudden and sometimes severely accentuated gravity resembled the disdain of a goddess | |
12 | 正直的诚实,对于真理与原则的严格的执着,以及对于恶作剧与卑鄙的轻视等美德,他一点都没有,这些都是一个人在每一举动上应当有所表现的。 | None of that upright integrity, that strict adherence to truth and principle, that disdain of trick and littleness, which a man should display in every transaction of his life | |
13 | 只因人穷就轻视他是不对的。 | It is wrong to disdain a man merely because he is poor | |
14 | 皱鼻子表示不屑 | wrinkled her nose in disdain . | |
15 | ||1:据兰德尔所说,该书的绝大部分篇章都用来描写全球20家最顶级的餐厅的经营者。(该书还附有奈杰尔·皮克所画的精美插图。)||2:如能拜访一下这些餐厅,那将会是一次愉快至极的美食体验,但很少读者能有足够的时间和金钱去实践。||3: 兰德尔这本书对许多餐厅进行了描写,从爱尔兰乡间那所哈泽尔·艾伦开的 Ballymaloe House到纽约丹尼·迈耶的Union Square Café全都在其中。 ||4:其他的一些还有加州吉尔伯特·皮尔格拉姆的Zuni,还有一家叫“圣约翰”的英国餐厅。圣约翰专门供应一些许多厨师都不愿烹饪的动物部位。 | ||1: The bulk of the book is pen portraits of the people who run the world’s 20 best restaurants, according to Mr Lander (with elegant illustrations by Nigel Peake). ||2: Though few readers will have the time and money, visiting all of these establishments would be a hugely enjoyable gastronomic education. ||3: Mr Lander’s compass stretches from Hazel Allen’s Ballymaloe House in rural Ireland to Danny Meyer’s Union Square Café in New York. ||4: Others include Gilbert Pilgram’s Zuni in California and St John—a British “nose-to-tail” restaurant that specialises in serving the animal parts that most chefs disdain . | |
16 | ||1:欧尔班早就明确表示他蔑视自由的准则。7月26号,他在罗马尼亚的伯伊莱图什纳德发表演讲时就已经表达的不能再清楚了,他认为匈牙利仍然会保持民主,但会成为一个“不自由国家”。||2:欧盟已经不愿意也不能够让欧尔班改变想法。||3:相反,入境限制表示最大的压力还是来自美国。||4:最近,美国总统奥巴马把匈牙利、埃及和阿塞拜疆列入公民社会受到威胁的国家。||5:青民盟内部对于如何机智地应对超级大国的关注日益上升。 | ||1:Mr Orban has long made clear his disdain for liberal norms, never more so than in his speech in Baile Tusnad, Romania, on July 26th when he said that Hungary would remain a democracy, but become an “illiberal state”.||2:The European Union has proved unwilling or unable to rein him in.||3:Instead, as the entry-ban row shows, the pressure is mostly coming from America.||4:President Barack Obama recently bracketed Hungary with Egypt and Azerbaijan as countries in which civil society felt intimidated.||5:Concerns are growing inside Fidesz about the wisdom of taking on the world’s superpower. | |
17 | 简而言之,普京的新世界秩序是建立在复仇主义的基础上,这一粗暴无视事实及曲解国际法的行径,意图再明显不过,即满足掌权者的需求。 | Mr Putin’s new order, in short, is built on revanchism, a reckless disdain for the truth and the twisting of the law to mean whatever suits those in power. | |
18 | 他对将军的看重正好与他对外交官的鄙视相般配——他掏空了国务院,失去了大批经验丰富的外交官。 | His love of generals is matched by a disdain for diplomats—he has gutted the State Department, losing busloads of experienced ambassadors. | |
19 | 一种选择是从伦敦搬迁,这个想法以夹杂着怀疑,不屑和恐惧的态度受到该市的欢迎。 | One option is relocation from London, an idea greeted in the City with a mixture of incredulity, disdain and fear. | |
20 | Crone对议员们特别是委员会最强硬的质询者TomWatson表示了鄙视。 | Mr Crone conveyed disdain for the MPs, particularly Tom Watson, the committee’s toughest questioner. | |
21 | JohnLewis的员工所有制和良好的服务令其不用受到公众的鄙视。 | John Lewis’s employee ownership and good service have allowed it to escape public disdain , but there are other techniques. | |
22 | 傲慢的摆出轻蔑或自满的样子的;高傲且盛 | Affecting an attitude of disdain or conceit ; haughty and supercilious. | |
23 | 不公—尤其是当他看到异类人群受到鄙夷和歧视时。 | Injustice, particularly when he sees people who are different treated with disdain and discrimination. | |
24 | 不能再对外界采取一种不屑的态度,他们必须换之以透明和真诚。 | They need to stop treating the outside world with disdain , and replace it with transparency and honesty. | |
25 | 陈丰明的迅速蹿升引起了一些竞争对手的妒忌和鄙夷。 | Mr Kith Meng’s meteoric rise has drawn a mix of envy and disdain from some rival businessmen. | |
26 | 大多数罢工司机对补助消息表示不屑,称补助金太少,根本改变不了什么。 | Most strikers reacted with disdain to news of the fare increase, saying it was too small to make a difference. | |
27 | 大家已经习惯于讲同样的笑话,出门参加同样的桥牌联赛,并轻蔑地对待华尔街的其他成员。 | It had become used to telling the same jokes, travelling to the same bridge tournaments and treating the rest of Wall Street with disdain . | |
28 | 但她平生一样品质令批评家倍感困惑,即便死后对她的蔑视也没减轻多少。 | But she had an extra quality that frustrated her critics during her lifetime and has done little to soften their disdain since her death. | |
29 | 但你穿得一身小家子气,我猜你出身贫寒,而且你的校友也不曾让你忘记这一点。 | But you wear it with such a disdain , my guess is that you did not come from money and your school friends never let you forget it. | |
30 | 但作为一名知识分子,他可能会对当选政客嗤之以鼻。 | But as an intellectual he could exhibit disdain for elected politicians. |