属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-私有化 9万亿美元的大拍卖
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-无将之军 谁能堪当奥巴马领袖之重任?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国下任国防部长 量身定做
1 | 你看,这就是套筒接头与旧式接头相比的一大优点,拆下来寻找漏水处就容易得多了。 | You know that’s one big advantage of these sleeve joints over the old type.It’s much easier to dismantle them to find a leak | |
2 | 确实不能避开,需要将军事设施拆陌或者改作民用的,由省、自 1 白区、直辖市人民政府 | If it is not possible to do so and it is necessary to dismantle military installations or to convert them to civilian use, the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government | |
3 | 他们在澳大利亚墨尔本干了一整夜(直到早上7点),在那里拆卸下使用过的景片,把它们装箱运往美国,为最后一场演出作准备,然后才于当天早些时候离开那儿。 | They had left melbourne in Australia earlier that same day, having worked all the night before (until 7 o’clock in the morning)to dismantle the set there and get it ready to ship to the United States for the final performances of the tour | |
4 | 他请求美国立即提供援助,拆除这批弹头。 | He asked for immediate help from the United States to dismantle the warheads. | |
5 | 违反规划同意书的要求,严重影响防洪的,责令限期拆除; | In case where violation of requirements in the consent document for planning seriously affects flood control, the violator shall be ordered to dismantle his works within a time limit. | |
6 | 未持有经批准的环境影响报告书(表),擅自设置拆船厂进行拆船的 | Setting up any vessel dismantling plant to dismantle vessels without holding an environment affection report (form)that has been approved | |
7 | 我们必须把这机器拆散(卸)以便搬动. | We had to dismantle the machine in order to remove it. | |
8 | 我们这个效益很差的税收制度应该废除. | We should dismantle our inefficient tax system. | |
9 | 我提出:如果苏联拆除它的导弹,美国将不部署任何类似的导弹(现预定于1983年底部署)。 | I proposed that the U. S. would deploy no comparable missiles, which are scheduled for late 1983, if the Soviet Union would dismantle theirs | |
10 | 我想是有些误会,我的意思是我们应该先查阅有关资料而不是现在就把机器拆卸开来。 | I think there’s been some misunderstanding;I meant that we should look up the technical literature concerned first,not dismantle the machine now. | |
11 | 下颌骨牵张成骨中牵张器拆除时机的实验研究 | The Optimal Time Point to Dismantle the Distractor during the Mandibular Distraction Osteogenesis in Goats | |
12 | 限期拆除在非法转让的土地上新建的建筑物和其他设施,恢复土地原状, | an order shall be given to dismantle the new buildings or other facilities illegally built on the land illegally transferred for restoration of the land to the original state, | |
13 | 修完后割草机还是纹丝不动,于是,我决定把它拆开。 | The mower firmly refused to mow,so I decided to dismantle it. | |
14 | 修完后割草机还是纹丝不动。于是,我决定把它拆开。 | The mower firmly refused to mow, so I decided to dismantle it. | |
15 | 要求中国撤除对准台湾的近五百枚飞弹 | demand that China dismantle almost 500 missiles it has aimed at Taiwan | |
16 | 一个设备已被拆卸掉的工厂. | a dismantle d factory | |
17 | 依照《航标条例》第十九条的规定,责令限期拆除、重新设置、调整专用航标。 | That party shall be ordered to dismantle , set up anew, or adjust the special navigation aids within the prescribed time limit pursuant to Article 19 of the Regulation on Navigation Aids. | |
18 | 以及使用和维修手册连同竣工后永久工程图纸,这些资料须足够地详细,以使雇主能够对采用该设计的永久工程进行使用、维护、拆卸、重新装配和调整。 | and operation and maintenance manuals together with drawings of the Permanent Works as completed, in sufficient detail to enable the Employer to operate, maintain, dismantle , reassemble and adjust the permanent Works incorporating that design. | |
19 | 以使雇主能够操作、维修、拆卸、重新安装、调整和修理该部分工程。 | for the Employer to operate, maintain, dismantle , reassemble, adjust and repair this part of the Works. | |
20 | 由交通主管部门责令限期拆除,并可以处五万元以下的罚款 | shall be ordered by departments of transportation in charge to dismantle the projects within a prescribed time limit with a fine of less than RMB50,000. | |
21 | 有第一款第二项所列行为的,还应当责令其限期恢复原状或者赔偿损失;对逾期不恢复原状的,应当强制拆除或者清除、所需费用由违法行为人承担。 | Those who have the conduct listed in item 2 of Clause 1, shall be further ordered to make restoration or compensate the losses within a time limit; for those who do not make the restoration after the time limit, a forcible execution will be carried out on the dismantle or cleaning up at the expense of the person(s)with illegal conduct. | |
22 | 有关地方人民政府应当支持铁路建设,协助铁路运输企业做好铁路建设征用土地工作和拆迁安置工作。 | The relevant local people’s government shall support railway construction and assist the railway transport enterprise to carry out land requisition for railway construction, to dismantle or move any structures or inhabitants thereon and make due arrangements for them. | |
23 | 有走私嫌疑的,并应当开拆可能藏匿走私货物、物品的部位,搬移货物、物料 | where smuggling is suspected, such person shall also open or dismantle the part of the means of transport which may conceal smuggled goods and articles or remove the goods and materials. | |
24 | 逾期不拆除的,由交通主管部门拆除,有关费用由建筑者、构筑者承担。 | shall be ordered by departments of transportation in charge to dismantle the projects within a prescribed time limit with a fine of less than RMB50,000. | |
25 | --在外界指导下,对安全部队和警察队伍进行彻底改革,使之能够执行消灭恐怖组织的任务。 | --Undertake an externally supervised overhaul of security and police forces that can dismantle terrorist groups | |
26 | 这是个好机会,一下子就把全国的非法组织取缔了,这实在是好事情。 | This is a fine opportunity to dismantle all the illegal organizations in China,it is really a good thing. | |
27 | ||1:政府会在不同的时期因为不同的原因而进行私有化。||2:玛格丽特·撒切尔在上世纪80年代的英国推行私有化,是因为那时正是工会势力的强盛时期,她想借此压制工会;后来,东欧国家也实施了私有化,那是因为他们想摆脱计划经济。||3:而如今,让富国变卖家底,是因为他们的债务水平正处于和平年代的最高峰,实行私有化有助于他们筹措资金。 | ||1:Politicians push privatisation at different times for different reasons.||2:In Britain in the 1980s, Margaret Thatcher used it to curb the power of the unions. Eastern European countries employed it later to dismantle command economies.||3:Today, with public indebtedness at its highest peacetime level in advanced economies, the main rationale is to raise cash. | |
28 | ||1:总统奥巴马与民主党的关系日益复杂。||2:在他被事件冲击的悲惨的2014过去后,共和党成功地把中期选举办成了对他能力的公民投票,推动一些保守州内民主党人对他的否定(这不过是徒劳,因为多数民主党人已经失去了席位)。||3:此后,奥巴马蔑视关于他即将下台的预言。||4:他利用自己的行政权力保护了数百万移民免受驱逐,并废除了对古巴明显无效的禁运政策。||5:他勾勒出未来的政策趋势,从新环境保护规定到全球贸易协定,这些政策有可能成为他史册留名的资本。||6:共和党人试图阻止他的多项计划。||7:全球大事件继续威胁着他。||8:但奥巴马正在自己的权限范围内,力定大局。 | ||1:President Obama’s relations with the Democratic Party are increasingly complicated.||2:After a wretched 2014, during which he seemed buffeted by events, Republicans successfully made the mid-term elections a referendum on his competence, prompting Democrats in some conservative states to try to disown him (in vain—most such Democrats lost anyway).||3:Since then, Mr Obama has defied predictions of his imminent irrelevance.||4:He has used his executive powers to shield millions of migrants from deportation, and started to dismantle the (remarkably ineffective) embargo against Cuba.||5:He has sketched out future policies that may define his legacy, from new rules to protect the environment to global trade pacts.||6:Republicans will try to thwart many of his plans.||7:Global events continue to menace him.||8:But as much as his office permits, Mr Obama is setting the agenda. | |
29 | 卡特先生曾在比尔·克林顿第一任期内负责庞大的核武器库,移除属前苏联时期的逾8000件核武器。他还协助与东欧国家建立安全关系,进而为其进入北大西洋公约组织(NATO)而铺平道路。 | ||In Bill Clinton’s first administration, Mr Carter was in charge of America’s vast nuclear arsenal and led the effort to dismantle and remove more than 8,000 nuclear weapons from states that had been part of the old Soviet Union.|| He also helped build security relationships with countries in eastern Europe that paved the way for them to join NATO. | |
30 | 例如伦敦商学院的加里·哈默尔和斯坦福大学商学院的杰弗里·普费弗,称赞公司消除等级和鼓励试验。 | For example Gary Hamel, of London Business School, and Jeffrey Pfeffer, of Stanford Business School, praise companies that dismantle hierarchies and encourage experimentation. |