1 | 秽语癖不加克制地、常常是过多地使用秽亵或色情语言,可能伴有某些心理紊乱,如精神分裂症或托莱氏综合症等 | The uncontrolled,often excessive use of obscene or scatological language that may accompany certain mental disorders ,such as schizophrenia or Tourette’s syndrome. | |
2 | 肌电描记器用于诊断神经肌肉失调的仪器,通过插入肌肉或放置在皮肤上的电极来制作骨骼肌肉电活动的声音或视觉记录 | An instrument used in the diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders that produces an audio or visual record of the electrical activity of a skeletal muscle by means of an electrode inserted into the muscle or placed on the skin. | |
3 | 肌强直一处或多处肌肉的强直性痉挛或暂时性僵硬,常以不同肌肉的紊乱为特征 | Tonic spasm or temporary rigidity of one or more muscles,often characteristic of various muscular disorders . | |
4 | 脊柱测研中心〔大口环根德公爵夫人儿童医院〕 | Centre for Spinal Disorders [Duchess of Kent Children’s Hospital at Sandy Bay] | |
5 | 甲氰咪胺一种药品C10H16N6S,其抑制胃酸的分泌,用于治疗肠胃失调(如消化性溃疡) | A drug,C10H16N6S,that inhibits acid secretion in the stomach and is used to treat gastrointestinal disorders ,such as peptic ulcers. | |
6 | 疥癣,皮癣一种皮肤病,如疥疮,其症状是特别的烦躁和发痒 | Any of various skin disorders ,such as scabies,marked by intense irritation and itching. | |
7 | 近年来,为数不断增加业余爱好者和职业运动员已在服用这些药物以促进肌肉发展和增进体力。医学研究已确定促蛋白合成类固醇对仍在发育的年轻人尤其有害,如长期服用会导致包括免疫不全、肝损伤、性器官畸形以及其它反常现象。 | Unsupervised use by athletes to build muscle and improve strength can have serious harmful effects, including coronary heart disease, sexual and reproductive disorders , immunodeficiencies, liver damage, stunted growth, aggressive behaviour, susceptibility to connective-tissue injury, and (in females)irreversible masculinization. | |
8 | 精神病理学对精神或行为方面的病症的起因、发展和症状的研究 | The study of the origin, development, and manifestations of mental or behavioral disorders . | |
9 | 精神分裂症的症状则非常多,以致精神学家无法肯定它究竟是一种单独的疾病还是多种疾病的综合。 | schizophrenia has so many symptoms that psychiatrists are not sure whether it is a single disease or a grab bag of many disorders | |
10 | 精神抑制药镇静药,特别用于治疗精神紊乱 | A tranquilizing drug,especially one used in treating mental disorders . | |
11 | 抗精神病的抵制或消除精神病症状的,如精神分裂症,偏执症和抑郁性精神错乱 | Counteracting or diminishing the symptoms of psychotic disorders ,such as schizophrenia,paranoia,and manic-depressive psychosis. | |
12 | 科学家正为寻找免疫的抗生原而进行有系统的研究工作。 | Scientists are conducting systematic research into antigens to combat immune disorders . | |
13 | 可能数年后方发生严重的全身病变,包括发热、呼吸困难、肺组织纤维化、心肌及心包膜发炎、胃肠紊乱和肾机能障碍。 | Systemic problems that may arise years later include fever, trouble in breathing, fibrous tissue in the lungs, inflammation of heart muscle or membranes, gastrointestinal disorders , and kidney malfunction. | |
14 | 可致黄疸的疾病有贫血、肺炎和肝脏异常(如感染或肝硬化)。胆红素过多通常不会造成任何伤害,但出现黄疸就说明肝功能受到严重损害。 | Causes include anemia, pneumonia, and liver disorders (e.g., infection or cirrhosis). While bilirubin excess usually does no harm, retention jaundice signals severe liver malfunction. | |
15 | 口服避孕药最严重的副作用就是可能会造成血栓疾病。 | The most serious side effect of oral contraceptives is the risk of blood-clotting disorders . | |
16 | 奎尼丁一种无色的晶体状生物碱,C20H24N2O2,类似于奎宁,用于治疗疟疾和某些心脏疾病 | A colorless crystalline alkaloid,C20H24N2O2,resembling quinine and used in treating malaria and certain heart disorders . | |
17 | 老年疾病通长都不是起于外因的。 | Disorders of old age are generally not exogenous. | |
18 | 磷钼酸铋是一种催化剂,用于丙烯的生产过程,丙烯是生产纤维和塑料的重要原料。铋的盐类可制作治疗消化功能紊乱的镇静剂(尤其是亚水杨酸铋);铋盐也可用于治疗皮肤感染和皮肤外伤;还可用于口红、指甲油和眼影中,使产生珍珠般的品质。 | Bismuth phosphomolybdate is a catalyst in the production of acrylonitrile, an important raw material for fibres and plastics. Salts of bismuth are used in making soothing agents for digestive disorders (especially bismuth subsalicylate), in treating skin infections and injuries, and in lipstick, nail polish, and eye shadow, to which they impart a pearlescent quality. | |
19 | 另外,产生胰岛素的肿瘤、饥饿或其它代谢性疾病亦会有低血糖发生。 | It also results from insulin-producing tumours, starvation, or metabolic disorders . | |
20 | 毛线虫病,旋毛虫病由摄食生的未烹饪的肉,尤指猪肉而导致的疾病。因为生肉中有可能含有旋毛线虫,其成虫能寄居在肠中,其幼虫定居在肌肉中,能引起肠道紊乱,发热,恶心,肌肉痛和脸部浮肿 | A disease caused by eating undercooked meat,usually pork,that contains trichinae,which develop as adults in the intestines and as larvae in the muscles,causing intestinal disorders ,fever,nausea,muscular pain,and edema of the face. | |
21 | 每个星期日的烤小牛肉和面包吃起来象粘土,这也全因我的生活杂乱无章。 | Roast breast of veal every Sunday with bread stuffing like clay was due to my disorders | |
22 | 某些其他心血管病,导致右心室肥大。 | Certain other cardiovascular disorders cause right ventricular hypertrophy | |
23 | 某些西方国家对接连发生的货币与能源方面失调的反应使其老政策的幽灵复活了。 | The reactions of some western countries to successive currency and energy disorders has resurrected the spectre of their former policy | |
24 | 某些西方国家对接连发生的货币与能源方面失调的反应又使自给自足政策的幽灵复活了。 | The reactions of some Western countries to successive currency and energy disorders have resurrected the spectre of autarky | |
25 | 内耳疾病的主要症状是耳聋、眩晕和耳鸣。 | The prime symptoms of disorders of the inner ear are deafness, vertigo, and tinnitus | |
26 | 脑白质切除术一种外科手术,即切入脑部额叶切除一个或几个神经束。以前经常用于治疗精神混乱症,但现已废除 | Surgical incision into the frontal lobe of the brain to sever one or more nerve tracts,a technique formerly used to treat certain mental disorders but now rarely performed. | |
27 | 哌醋甲酯一种药,C14H19NO2,与苯丙胺有化学上的联系,用作中枢神经系统弱兴奋剂,尤其以其氢氯化物形式来治疗成人的发作性睡眠病和儿童的运动功能亢进失调 | A drug,C14H19NO2,chemically related to amphetamine,that acts as a mild stimulant of the central nervous system and is used especially in the form of its hydrochloride for the treatment of narcolepsy in adults and hyperkinetic disorders in children. | |
28 | 皮肤病是工人中常见的职业病 | Skin disorders are common occupational diseases among factory workers. | |
29 | 其障碍症状类似传统歇斯底里发作的症状,包括转化症、伪病症、解离症及人格障碍(剧化型)。 | Disorders with symptoms similar to those of traditional hysteria include conversion disorder, factitious disorder, dissociative disorder, and personality disorder (histrionic type). | |
30 | 强直性昏厥以缺乏对外界刺激的反应和肌肉僵硬为特征的一种状态,在此状态下,四肢保持任何一种它们所被放置的姿势。它被认为由多种身体或生理紊乱如癫痫和精神分裂症而引起,也可由催眠术导致 | A condition characterized by lack of response to external stimuli and by muscular rigidity,so that the limbs remain in whatever position they are placed.It is known to occur in a variety of physical and psychological disorders ,such as epilepsy and schizophrenia,and can be induced by hypnosis. |