1 | 强直性昏厥以缺乏对外界刺激的反应和肌肉僵硬为特征的一种状态,在此状态下,四肢保持任何一种它们所被放置的姿势。它被认为由多种身体或生理紊乱如癫痫和精神分裂症而引起,也可由催眠术导致 | A condition characterized by lack of response to external stimuli and by muscular rigidity,so that the limbs remain in whatever position they are placed.It is known to occur in a variety of physical and psychological disorders ,such as epilepsy and schizophrenia,and can be induced by hypnosis. | |
2 | 去氮松,氟烃氢化泼尼松一种合成的肾上腺皮质甾体药物,C21H27FO6,用作抗发炎药物用于过敏性和呼吸道患疾 | A synthetic glucocorticoid,C21H27FO6,used as an anti-inflammatory drug in the treatment of allergic and respiratory disorders . | |
3 | 人格违常;人品问题 | personality disorders ;a personality problem. | |
4 | 人在接触砷以后,红血球的破坏和肾脏的损伤最为明显。慢性中毒较常见的反应是逐渐无力、皮肤色素沉着、精神错乱、贫血。 | Acute exposure to the gas arsine causes destruction of red blood cells and kidney damage; chronic exposure causes weakness, skin disorders , anemia, and nervous-system disorders. | |
5 | 如果是因为激素缺少而不是肾小管对这种激素没有反应的话,可注射血管加压素的生物制剂或化学合成制剂来治疗。下视丘的病变也会造成尿崩症。 | Injections of synthetic vasopressin are effective if the hormone is lacking but not if the response is absent. Disorders of the hypothalamus are one cause of diabetes insipidus. | |
6 | 如果一组人连续几夜在眼球活动期间从睡眠中被吵醒而另一组人连续数夜在无眼球活动期间被叫醒前者开始表现出个性的某些异常,百后者显得并不受到多大的影响。 | If one group of people were disturbed from their eye-movement sleep for several nights on end, and another group were disturbed for an equal period of time but when they were not exhibiting eye-movements, the first group began to show some personality disorders while the others seemed more or less unaffected. | |
7 | 神经官能症各种精神或情绪紊乱,如臆想病或神经衰弱,并不是由明显的器官损害或改变引起。表现为无安全感、焦虑、忧郁和无理智的恐惧感等症状 | Any of various mental or emotional disorders ,such as hypochondria or neurasthenia,arising from no apparent organic lesion or change and involving symptoms such as insecurity,anxiety,depression,and irrational fears. | |
8 | 神经精神病学研究神经紊乱和精神错乱的交叉医学 | The combined medical study of neurological and psychiatric disorders . | |
9 | 失败之后,混乱接着就发生了。 | After the defeat, great disorders followed | |
10 | 食管运动失调 | motor disorders of esophagus | |
11 | 手术或药物治疗可能带来严重的副作用,但至今许多神经系统的障碍仍无有效的治疗。 | Side effects of drug or surgical therapy can be serious, and many nervous system disorders have no effective treatment. | |
12 | 岁情绪与行为障碍儿童的社会技能干预:一种基于文化背景的课程与交际的结合 | Social Skills Intervention For Students With Emotional/Behavioral Disorders Aged Six Through Twelve Years: A Combination Of A Literature-Based Curriculum And Telecommunications6-12 | |
13 | 所导致的疾病包括唐氏症候群、精神发育迟缓、心脏畸形、性发育异常、恶性肿瘤和性染色体异常(如特纳氏症候群、克兰费尔特氏症候群)。 | Resulting disorders include Down’s syndrome, mental retardation, heart malformation, abnormal sexual development, malignancies, and sex-chromosome disorders (e.g., Turner’s syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome). | |
14 | 所有发生紊乱的程度,从有缺陷的骨骼外壳到缺脑不等。 | All grades of disorders occur, ranging from defective skeletal coverings to absence of the brain | |
15 | 为了适应出入境人群不断增加,保护他们国际旅行健康, | In order to meet the needs of the increasing population entering or leaving this territory and protect them from diseases or disorders during international travel | |
16 | 唯一的出路,是不同社会制度的国家在五项原则基础上和平共处、相互合作,而不是干涉别国内政、挑起别国内乱。 | The only solution is peaceful coexistence and cooperation of all countries with different social systems on the basis of the Five Principles, not interference in other countries’ internal affairs and provoking disorders . | |
17 | 舞蹈病:特别是在臂、腿及脸部出现的无法控制的、无规律的肌肉运动为症状的各种神经系统紊乱. | Chorea:any of various disorders of the nervous system marked by uncontrollable and irregular muscle movements, especially of the arms, legs, and face. | |
18 | 先兆某种失调疾病,如癫痫病或偏头痛发病前出现的感觉,如发冷或脸色发红 | A sensation,as of a cold breeze or a bright light,that precedes the onset of certain disorders ,such as an epileptic seizure or an attack of migraine. | |
19 | 现在我们将要讨论的是一些形容人类精神失常现象的词语,这些词分别列举了心理上的怪僻、神经质、恐惧、以及轻微或严重的个性失常现象。 | Now we turn to a few of the abnormalities of the human mind, to the words that particularize mental peculiarities, neuroses, phobias, and mild or violent personality disorders | |
20 | 相反,克隆人类在理论上可以用来获取治疗象帕金森和糖尿病这样异常症状 | By contrast, human cloning could, in theory, be used to obtain tissues needed to treat disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and diabetes | |
21 | 消化科医生诊断并治疗胃、肠、肝和胰脏疾病,包括溃疡、肿瘤和发炎(结肠炎和回肠炎)等疾病,以及直肠疾病。 | Gastroenterologists diagnose and treat disorders of the stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas, including ulcers, tumours, inflammatory diseases (including ulcerative colitis and ileitis), and rectal disorders. | |
22 | 心肺复苏术对遭电击者来说是第一时间最佳的急救方法。大多数触电的人会完全恢复,如果有后遗症,多半是白内障、心绞痛或神经系统疾病。 | Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the best first aid. Though most survivors recover completely, aftereffects may include cataract, angina pectoris, or nervous-system disorders . | |
23 | 心血管病人造成左心室郁血。 | The cardiovascular disorders interfere with the emptying of the left ventricle | |
24 | 新生儿得到染色体疾病的比率是0.5%;现在有许多染色体疾病可在胎儿出生前透过羊膜穿刺术检查出来。 | Chromosomal disorders occur in 0.5% of births; many can now be diagnosed before birth by amniocentesis. | |
25 | 新生儿的护理;新生儿疾病 | neonatal care;neonatal disorders . | |
26 | 酗酒总是和饮食紊乱相伴出现。 | Alcohol abuse and eating disorders often go together. | |
27 | 血友病遗传性血凝病中的任何一种,由于某个凝血因子的功能丧失或紊乱而造成血液不能正常地凝结成块。作为与X染色体相关联的隐性性状,血友病几乎全都出现在男性患者身上 | Any of several hereditary blood-coagulation disorders in which the blood fails to clot normally because of a deficiency or an abnormality of one of the clotting factors.Hemophilia,a recessive trait associated with the X-chromosome,is manifested almost exclusively in males. | |
28 | 研究人员推测在过去的日子里,人们被缚在火刑柱上当作女巫烧死,因为他们毫无节制地使用渎神的语言(杰伊·西韦克)。 | Researchers have speculated that in years past people with [ certain neurological disorders ] were burned at the stake as witches for their unbridled use of blasphemous language(Jay Siwek. | |
29 | 抑郁性疾患包括一组具有心情忧郁这一共同症状的若干情况。 | depressive disorders are a heterogeneous group of conditions that share the common symptom of dysphoric mood | |
30 | 营养障碍任一种机能紊乱,尤指肌肉营养障碍引起的肌肉衰弱和萎缩 | Any of several disorders ,especially muscular dystrophy,in which the muscles weaken and atrophy. |